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Re: Re: shari's story

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I am so gald you have got your surgery scheduled - I will be praying for you,

also. It is so hard living in this nightmare -it almost seems like if we had

cancer or something it would be better understood. It is difficult as nobody in

our families really get it. Even my husband, who had been very supportive,

doesn't " get it " . He thinks that since now they are out that I should be back

to normal but these things will take time. I need to find a way to detox and am

working on it but it is hard with a full time job and a two year old. some days

are better than others and I definately see an improvement since the explant but

he doesn't understand why I am always tired and feel bad. it doesn't help that

we have our house for sale and are constantly showing it so I am constantly

cleaning and picking up after my son. I think I need a 6 month vacation to rest

but of course that won't happen unless I win the lotto!

It is so nuice having found you guys to talk to - people that have been there

that don't think it is all in my head. Which doc are you going to for explant?

Mine was really great but I really wanted to see Dr Feng but I could not afford

the trip as my insurance wouldn't cover the operation much less the travel. I

live in Tampa.

Good luck - I will be praying for you - if you ever need to talk or have explant

questions please feel free to ask!!


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sounds expensive... are there any methods that you know of to help w/ detoxing

that I can get through a healthfood store or online? I don't have a lot of

extra money right now - the explant took almost all of our savings. Any ideas

would be great

thanks and hope you are feeling better soon!!

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I found fasting to be extremely effective for toxin removal, as well as the coffee enema. And the good news is that fasting is cheap--actually, it saves you money! No food! LOL.

I have done numerous fasts in the 5 years since explant, and I really do think it was one of my number one cleansing therapies that helped. It was the first thing my naturopathic doctor in Tucson wanted me to do. He had also suggested the coffee enema, but I was slow...it took me a couple years to really take hold of that one, but he was right. There are fasting articles posted in the files section. Hope that helps.


----- Original Message -----

From: halvey70@...

Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:42 AM

Subject: Re: Re: shari's story

sounds expensive... are there any methods that you know of to help w/ detoxing that I can get through a healthfood store or online? I don't have a lot of extra money right now - the explant took almost all of our savings. Any ideas would be greatthanks and hope you are feeling better soon!!

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