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Re: WikiAnswers - How can you increase your chances passing ETG urine a

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Unfortunately for us, it is this type of person, and those that take that advice

seriously who make the boards believe that all of us are cheat and liars. I get

so mad when I see this kind of thing, as I'm sure all of you do. We followed all

the " rules " and worked a good program yet continue to suffer consequences we do

not deserve. All because of this bogus test...or should I say " do to " this

test.. please if you're going to express your ignorant opinion at least try to

sound intelligent by using correct English.

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: lizzianthus007@...

> who is this boob ???_WikiAnswers - How can you increase your chances passing

> ETG urine alcohol test_



> lcohol_test)



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> How can you increase your chances passing ETG urine alcohol test?

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> Answer

> Hello!

> ETG tests the metabolites left in your body after they process alchohol.

> Thus, its a great choice for testing airline pilots and medical workers who

> shouldn't be drinking at all. Typical alchohol tests can see about 2 days max


> your past (depending on how much you drink and how fast it burns off). ETG can

> test about 3-5 days into your past, and does not burn off or dillute as

> easily.

> From the medical journals I've read there are a couple of important things to

> remember:

> First, the 5 day is an extreme upper limit. So if this is your 5th day and

> you're a 200 pound male, don't worry about it.

> Second, copious amounts of water DO seem to have an effect in dilluting the

> etg.

> Do to this tests extreme sensitivity, I'd suggest you always allow 3 days for

> drinking (which shouldn't be too hard since you're usually given a free 24

> hours notice anyways). Also remember that like anything else in your body


> does go away slowly over time and if you're not getting hammered then even a

> positive result might not spell doom.

> False positives are common, since many medicines and hand sanitizers can set

> this stuff off. Just try to follow the normal alchohol rule (1 hour per

> drink) and take that times two and plus that free day you're usually given.

> So if you plan on having 12 drinks, give it 2 days before a call is likely

> and drink ALOT of water on that final free-day. If a small amount of ETG shows

> up they'll more than likely just seek a second tests, stay clean for this

> second test and you'll be fine.

> Remember, prosecuting someone is expensive. They WANT you to be clean. So at

> least give them reasonable doubt.

> Hope this helps!

> _Alcohol Tests

> Urine & blood tests only show short term abuse. Hair tells 6 months.

> www.consumergenetics.com/HairTest

> _


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who is this boob ???WikiAnswers - How can you increase your chances passing ETG urine alcohol test

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How can you increase your chances passing ETG urine alcohol test?

In: Laboratory Testing, Technology



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Hello! ETG tests the metabolites left in your body after they process alchohol. Thus, its a great choice for testing airline pilots and medical workers who shouldn't be drinking at all. Typical alchohol tests can see about 2 days max in your past (depending on how much you drink and how fast it burns off). ETG can test about 3-5 days into your past, and does not burn off or dillute as easily. From the medical journals I've read there are a couple of important things to remember: First, the 5 day is an extreme upper limit. So if this is your 5th day and you're a 200 pound male, don't worry about it. Second, copious amounts of water DO seem to have an effect in dilluting the etg. Do to this tests extreme sensitivity, I'd suggest you always allow 3 days for drinking (which shouldn't be too hard since you're usually given a free 24 hours notice anyways). Also remember that like anything else in your body this does go away slowly over time and if you're not getting hammered then even a positive result might not spell doom. False positives are common, since many medicines and hand sanitizers can set this stuff off. Just try to follow the normal alchohol rule (1 hour per drink) and take that times two and plus that free day you're usually given. So if you plan on having 12 drinks, give it 2 days before a call is likely and drink ALOT of water on that final free-day. If a small amount of ETG shows up they'll more than likely just seek a second tests, stay clean for this second test and you'll be fine. Remember, prosecuting someone is expensive. They WANT you to be clean. So at least give them reasonable doubt. Hope this helps!

Alcohol TestsUrine & blood tests only show short term abuse. Hair tells 6 months.www.consumergenetics.com/HairTestDrug Testing FresnoRandum Drug Testing Pool $55.00 1-800 542-2225 Dot ,Non -Dot ,Questwww.truckerdrugtesting.comDrug TestingFind all about Drug Testing right here.infocentaur.net/drugtesting

First answer by ID2179793474. Last edit by Fallendownangelica. Contributor trust: 1 [recommend contributor]. Question popularity: 18 [recommend question]

Research your answer:

Can you answer other questions about laboratory tests ?

How long tobacco saliva testing? What for normaxin rt tablete is used for? What does borderline low T4 and normal TSH mean? What are normal blood values?

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