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Re: your questions about implants

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Dear Debbye,

Thanks for your support, yes my PS says the same thing that because only one year he thinks I have not build up scar tissue. I hope and pray he is right, he is even not going to put drains is it ok? Yes I live in Toronto and luckily because the same surgeon is performing this procedure it is covered, I do not have to pay for anything including anesthesia, and he will send me home two hours after the surgery. Appreciate any advise on post op. where do you live and did you have to pay for the removal? Deborah Levy <deborahlevy1@...> wrote:

Dear Mimi:If you have only had your implants for a little over a year Idoubt that your have built up much scar tissue (capsule). Theimplanting surgeon should be able to remove your implants withno problem. I have had mine for many years so when I have mineremoved it is very important that the capsule be removed too. Did you say you live in Canada?Debbye

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Scar tissue is very unpredictable. Some women can have implants for years and have very thin capsules, some women can have implants for a short period of time and have thick ones. I had my implants for only 9 months, and I definitely had scar tissue to be removed, as the documentation indicated that I had "hard, tender capsules", and the pathology report indicates a thickness of .1 cm. I know of a member of this group who had implants for only a brief period of 4 months, and had scar tissue to be removed in a separate surgery from explant, as she was not getting better. Dr. Feng removed those scar capsules, and they were described as being disgusting remnants in her body. This, after only 4 months.

Each person is individual and unique, and the development of scar tissue is determined by the immune response, not necessarily by the length of time of implantation, so please don't be make the mistake of assuming that your scar capsule may not be an issue if you have not had implants for very long. It very well can be.


----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah Levy

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:40 AM

Subject: your questions about implants

Dear Mimi:If you have only had your implants for a little over a year Idoubt that your have built up much scar tissue (capsule). Theimplanting surgeon should be able to remove your implants withno problem. I have had mine for many years so when I have mineremoved it is very important that the capsule be removed too. Did you say you live in Canada?Debbye

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Just be careful to have the right procedure performed...you could have scar tissue, and for the best chance of healing, it needs to come out. You may be able to experience improvements with just the implants removed, and if this is all you can do, I wish you the best, I really do. Just please keep in mind the need for complete detoxing, and in the long term, you may need further surgery for complete removal of scar tissue, as they may continue to elicit a response. Have you taken the study on retained scar capsules to him? How about having Dr. Pierre Blais discuss with him the need for scar capsule removal? It isn't too late to try to get some experts behind you before you do the surgery. Give Dr. Blais a call--he is a fellow Canadian!


----- Original Message -----

From: Mimi Merchant

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:35 AM

Subject: Re: your questions about implants

Dear Debbye,

Thanks for your support, yes my PS says the same thing that because only one year he thinks I have not build up scar tissue. I hope and pray he is right, he is even not going to put drains is it ok? Yes I live in Toronto and luckily because the same surgeon is performing this procedure it is covered, I do not have to pay for anything including anesthesia, and he will send me home two hours after the surgery. Appreciate any advise on post op. where do you live and did you have to pay for the removal?

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This is great news, I am really very happy for you! You will be in the best hands with Dr. Feng--you are doing the right thing. Be safe as you travel....is someone driving you, or going with you?

I can understand your nervousness, but wow, Mimi, you are being explanted by the best, so have confidence! It will all turn out well for you, I am sure. Be patient with your healing, it will take some time, so don't stress about that. Just know that you are on your way to healing and better health soon. Let us know how things went when you get back and are up to writing.

I'll keep you in my prayers....


----- Original Message -----

From: Mimi Merchant

Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 7:07 PM

Subject: Re: your questions about implants

Dear friends,I have decided to have my explant by Dr Feng and amdriving to Ohio tomorrow morning from Toronto, willreturn on monday evening please please pray for me, Iam so nervous. thank you all for your kindness andappreciate your help and support... I did not want totrust my PS as he does not believe in removing thecapsules, and as Rogene and Patty said I had to makethis investment on my health so I may have some hopeof getting better. will post you in detail about myexplant and my health after that, hope I am rid of myhealth issues... all the best to all of you, bye fornow..mimi

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Dear mimi

Good luck and I will be praying for you. You are in good hands with

Dr. Feng. She is a true professional. I will be thinking of you

during your surgery and recovery. God's blessings, kathy

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