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i made it through my explant today. I have to say it was a horrible

experience i was so frightened but the doctor was wonderful. i had a

bad experience awaking from anesthesia i had extreme nauseau and

vomiting even though i had zofran. i will post tomorrow thanks for

the prayers


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Dear Barb:

I haven't had surgury yet but am in the process of talking to the ps. He

mentioned to me that I might have a problem with the anesthesia

like it was already expected. Maybe the hormone upset is the problem.

Hope that you feel much better soon.

DebbyeBARBY4271@... wrote:

deb,yes i had general anesthesia and they gave me zofran for naseau but it didnt work, when i had the implants put in 8 yrs ago i had general too and i had the vomiting then also and i heard that when people have breast surgery they can get sick to their stomach due to hormonal thing. what did they give u for it?barbara

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  • 4 years later...
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MGMPrincess ~

Right now, just rest alot, drink alot of water, be sure

you eat nutricious foods, pray, and rest some more.

Your body just had alot of surgery and anesthesia

and all, give it some time to do some healing before

you start anything else.

You will go through alot of emotions, that is part of it

all. You will heal, but it will take some time. You just

did a huge part of it, so, now rest and let your body

do its thing. When your body gets stronger and all

you can start the detoxing process. Right now tho,

your body needs to realize what just happened, and

that the huge toxic load is now gone ! ! ! and heal from

the surgery.

God Bless YOU ! ! ! and congratulations ! ! ! !

this is wonderful news !

Hugs N Prayers ~ DedeNeed a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car listings at AOL Autos.

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Congratulations on your explant. I am sure that your body is

thanking you for releasing it from that burden of fighting implants.

Please remember that this is a difficult journey that we have all

been on. The emotions can be a roller coaster sometimes. I hated

losing my implants, but through time I realized how horrible they

really are, and how my body and health is worth so much more than

those silly things.

Physically it may take you quite a long time to feel better. It took

me 4 years to get my health back, after having implants for only 9

months. You are going to have to gird yourself up to be patient for

healing to happen.

Let me say that again. Please gird yourself up to be very patient

with yourself as you heal. Healing from explant is not like pulling

a bad tooth. You will not heal overnight. You will have many ups

and downs. You will have flares and exacerbations. These will

decrease over time. The good days and bad days will start to

reverse, to where you have more good days than bad days. Right now

they are probably all bad days. This will turn around in time and

with detoxing.

Stay positive. Don't question your decision to move forward with

health. The implants were not helping you get better. Remember

that. If your goal is healing, then the implants had to go.

Keep focused on the end goal and don't look back. The past is gone.

The future remains hopeful!


--- In , " melisagayl " <mgmprincess1@...>



> I went out of state to have my surgey

> with a doctor on the recommended list.

> I got home late last nite and I'm having

> a LOT of mixed emotions. Physically

> I don't feel any better than before

> surgery.


> What if I went through all of this and my

> health dosen't improve?


> What should I be doing to detox and heal right now?


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