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Re: Date Scheduled

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Congratulations on your date. If you get really nervous call and ask Patty to have Dr. Darrow call you and speak to him about your worries , whether its reassurance on how you will look or any fears of anesthesia, etc.. I did that more than once and he had a lot of patience and answered all my crazy questions.


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Hi everyone,

I finally scheduled my explant surgery for Friday November 21st. I am sooo nervous. It will be weird not to have this shelf on my chest anymore after five years. If I hadn't found this group about a month and a half ago, I know I wouldn't have had the courage to go through with this.


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That’s awesome liz! Good luck, and get ready to be a new you! I love myself this way! And feel so much better now

----- Original Message -----

From: me lee

Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 12:58 PM

Subject: Re: Date Scheduled

Hi everyone,

I finally scheduled my explant surgery for Friday November 21st. I am sooo nervous. It will be weird not to have this shelf on my chest anymore after five years. If I hadn't found this group about a month and a half ago, I know I wouldn't have had the courage to go through with this.


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  • 2 years later...

Hi a, I haven't had time to post much but I just want to let you

know that you are in good hands with Dr. Kolb. I am 3 months post op

and feeling so much better. I on the other hand was not as sick as

you were so I was able to get the lift done at the same time. Things

are looking amazing as well. Dr. Kolb is not only a skilled surgeon

but a very spiritual women as well. She will take care of you. I

will keep you in my prayers and keep us updated on things. What a

relief it must have been to finally speak to a doctor who could

understand what you are going thru and to give you some answers as

well! Take care and try not to stress yourself out to much before

surgery!!! It will all be over with very soon.

Lots of Love



> Hey all.

> Rogene, I will keep in in my prayers also.


> I seem to be getting weaker and with more Fatigue and anxiety


> past few months. And since my Dr. Kolb appointment Fri I'm like an

> emotional rollercoaster. The drive was just 2 hours, but due to


> downpour it took us 3-1/2 with slower traffic and wrecks. Then she

> was running late my 4 pm appt. turned into 7 pm seeing her (she

> finished 10 pm). They over scheduled her and she was so kind to


> and see me instead of re-scheduling. And the staff were so

> thoughtful and kind. They had us (my husband and I) to go eat and

> come back. I felt like I was imposing being there. I felt bad for

> them not me.


> Dr. Kolb is not like other Drs. I've been to, and I have jumped

> around for the last 19 yrs. trying to find answers to my illnesses

> as they unfolded. She knows her stuff. All the run around, and


> diagnoisis I've had all these years was like I finally

> could 'EXHALE'. Not just did she validate my conditions.

> She took 7 vials blood. EKG. And a nerve visual test. She got to


> what I go through every night. I can't walk for the pain/numbness


> my feet, my legs are so heavy-weak with pain I can't lift my feet


> walk, My arms are so Fatigued and weak I can't push up/out of a

> chair. And as far as steps at home, my husband has to help me


> I have to go upstairs to the bathroom or go to bed. By 7 pm like

> clock work my body shuts down. She said I'm bad. My Adrenal,

> Thyroid, Endrocrine, etc. has a deficiency. She got together the

> Silicone Immune Protocol to start immediately and I have to go to

> Emory next week to get ultrasound and her office for more blood

> work. I had abormal mass of Lymph nodes upper breast in 2000, a

> Oncologist Surgeon did a neddle aspiration biopsy and it was


> Each yr since I have the mammograms done and he would say its


> I thought they wee gone or something. I took those records and


> said that those are still there and she need a ultrasound to make

> sure how many comes out. And also commented, " Why would they do a

> needle biopsy with implants? There's probably holes there. "


> My explant, Jan. 31, Hoor-ray! I am scared to death, due to my

> Severe Chemical Sensitivity and my weight. She said anaphylaxis


> very common with someone as sick as me and as far as my weight, it

> wouldn't be a problem like I felt. She said getting these out and

> my system detoxed and flushed and when my everything functioning I

> should start dropping the weight.(I hope) I have trouble


> And my neck is also swollen. This is due to implants too. I


> the uplift done at that time and she said no,

> my body was too sick to handle it right now. I could come back


> I got better and do it. You know at this point I just want to

> survive. After suffering so long some things as that just don't

> matter anymore.


> I'm looking forward to sharing the progress as it unfolds. I

> appreciate the support, knowledge and great ideas that I've


> learned being a part of this group. Oh yeah I think Patty was

> talking about coffee enema? I'm wanting more details. I've heard a

> bit about it before. She has it on her detox and flush protocol

> also.

> Thanks all for lending an ear.

> a


> (If I can without offending or stepping out of boundry I would


> to share) My prayer: " Lord, Thank You for this group, please give

> all and whomever reads our forum strength to face each Challenging

> day with Enlightment, Knowledge, and Encouragement to gain Healing

> through You " . Amen.


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a, I have to say your message made my eyes well up with tears -

you are one strong woman. You are in great hands with Dr. Kolb, and

I have noticed that she definitely goes above and beyond what a

regular doctor would do. She called me on a Saturday when I was

looking for a doctor, and had I scheduled my surgery with her, she

was going to come in on a Sunday to do the consult and the

bloodwork. Only reason I didn't go with her was because it involved

a plane flight and I'm not the best flyer in the world, but I chose

a doctor on this site who also believes implants make us sick. I'm

still struggling with my health but I am thankful I got mine out

after having them for 6 months. Last night my husband and I went to

a party, and I danced and had a great time, and I was amazed that I

had no symptoms last night. Laughter must be the best medicine. I

hope that in time your health will improve, and one day you can

dance at parties as well.

I wish you the


> Hey all.

> Rogene, I will keep in in my prayers also.


> I seem to be getting weaker and with more Fatigue and anxiety


> past few months. And since my Dr. Kolb appointment Fri I'm like an

> emotional rollercoaster. The drive was just 2 hours, but due to


> downpour it took us 3-1/2 with slower traffic and wrecks. Then she

> was running late my 4 pm appt. turned into 7 pm seeing her (she

> finished 10 pm). They over scheduled her and she was so kind to


> and see me instead of re-scheduling. And the staff were so

> thoughtful and kind. They had us (my husband and I) to go eat and

> come back. I felt like I was imposing being there. I felt bad for

> them not me.


> Dr. Kolb is not like other Drs. I've been to, and I have jumped

> around for the last 19 yrs. trying to find answers to my illnesses

> as they unfolded. She knows her stuff. All the run around, and


> diagnoisis I've had all these years was like I finally

> could 'EXHALE'. Not just did she validate my conditions.

> She took 7 vials blood. EKG. And a nerve visual test. She got to


> what I go through every night. I can't walk for the pain/numbness


> my feet, my legs are so heavy-weak with pain I can't lift my feet


> walk, My arms are so Fatigued and weak I can't push up/out of a

> chair. And as far as steps at home, my husband has to help me


> I have to go upstairs to the bathroom or go to bed. By 7 pm like

> clock work my body shuts down. She said I'm bad. My Adrenal,

> Thyroid, Endrocrine, etc. has a deficiency. She got together the

> Silicone Immune Protocol to start immediately and I have to go to

> Emory next week to get ultrasound and her office for more blood

> work. I had abormal mass of Lymph nodes upper breast in 2000, a

> Oncologist Surgeon did a neddle aspiration biopsy and it was


> Each yr since I have the mammograms done and he would say its


> I thought they wee gone or something. I took those records and


> said that those are still there and she need a ultrasound to make

> sure how many comes out. And also commented, " Why would they do a

> needle biopsy with implants? There's probably holes there. "


> My explant, Jan. 31, Hoor-ray! I am scared to death, due to my

> Severe Chemical Sensitivity and my weight. She said anaphylaxis


> very common with someone as sick as me and as far as my weight, it

> wouldn't be a problem like I felt. She said getting these out and

> my system detoxed and flushed and when my everything functioning I

> should start dropping the weight.(I hope) I have trouble


> And my neck is also swollen. This is due to implants too. I


> the uplift done at that time and she said no,

> my body was too sick to handle it right now. I could come back


> I got better and do it. You know at this point I just want to

> survive. After suffering so long some things as that just don't

> matter anymore.


> I'm looking forward to sharing the progress as it unfolds. I

> appreciate the support, knowledge and great ideas that I've


> learned being a part of this group. Oh yeah I think Patty was

> talking about coffee enema? I'm wanting more details. I've heard a

> bit about it before. She has it on her detox and flush protocol

> also.

> Thanks all for lending an ear.

> a


> (If I can without offending or stepping out of boundry I would


> to share) My prayer: " Lord, Thank You for this group, please give

> all and whomever reads our forum strength to face each Challenging

> day with Enlightment, Knowledge, and Encouragement to gain Healing

> through You " . Amen.


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I am so glad that you were able to make your appointment. And that

you felt good about your visit with Dr. Kolb. It sounds like she is

trying to do a thorough job of determining what your problems are.

You don't have long to wait now to get those implants out! Does she

want you to start the immune protocol now? Did she give you any

idea of what to start with? The directions for the coffee enema are

in our files section under the heading of healing therapies.

Because you are so sick I wonder if you should do a coffee enema

with the supervision of a health practitioner. Also, I would make

sure to juice first. Juicing is very good for you and keeps your

minerals from being depleted when done in conjunction with coffee

enemas. I am so glad that you are going to be able to get the

explant. It sounds like you are finally on your way to getting

better! Thanks for sharing your prayer. May God bless you and give

you peace as you prepare for your explant. Four years ago I was

sick and didn't know what was wrong either. I prayed and prayed for

God to show me what was wrong. I believe He led me to this site and

I got explanted and have been on a path of healing ever since. God


Love, Kathy

-- In , " bluejaybliss "

<bluejaybliss@y...> wrote:


> Hey all.

> Rogene, I will keep in in my prayers also.


> I seem to be getting weaker and with more Fatigue and anxiety


> past few months. And since my Dr. Kolb appointment Fri I'm like an

> emotional rollercoaster. The drive was just 2 hours, but due to


> downpour it took us 3-1/2 with slower traffic and wrecks. Then she

> was running late my 4 pm appt. turned into 7 pm seeing her (she

> finished 10 pm). They over scheduled her and she was so kind to


> and see me instead of re-scheduling. And the staff were so

> thoughtful and kind. They had us (my husband and I) to go eat and

> come back. I felt like I was imposing being there. I felt bad for

> them not me.


> Dr. Kolb is not like other Drs. I've been to, and I have jumped

> around for the last 19 yrs. trying to find answers to my illnesses

> as they unfolded. She knows her stuff. All the run around, and


> diagnoisis I've had all these years was like I finally

> could 'EXHALE'. Not just did she validate my conditions.

> She took 7 vials blood. EKG. And a nerve visual test. She got to


> what I go through every night. I can't walk for the pain/numbness


> my feet, my legs are so heavy-weak with pain I can't lift my feet


> walk, My arms are so Fatigued and weak I can't push up/out of a

> chair. And as far as steps at home, my husband has to help me


> I have to go upstairs to the bathroom or go to bed. By 7 pm like

> clock work my body shuts down. She said I'm bad. My Adrenal,

> Thyroid, Endrocrine, etc. has a deficiency. She got together the

> Silicone Immune Protocol to start immediately and I have to go to

> Emory next week to get ultrasound and her office for more blood

> work. I had abormal mass of Lymph nodes upper breast in 2000, a

> Oncologist Surgeon did a neddle aspiration biopsy and it was


> Each yr since I have the mammograms done and he would say its


> I thought they wee gone or something. I took those records and


> said that those are still there and she need a ultrasound to make

> sure how many comes out. And also commented, " Why would they do a

> needle biopsy with implants? There's probably holes there. "


> My explant, Jan. 31, Hoor-ray! I am scared to death, due to my

> Severe Chemical Sensitivity and my weight. She said anaphylaxis


> very common with someone as sick as me and as far as my weight, it

> wouldn't be a problem like I felt. She said getting these out and

> my system detoxed and flushed and when my everything functioning I

> should start dropping the weight.(I hope) I have trouble


> And my neck is also swollen. This is due to implants too. I


> the uplift done at that time and she said no,

> my body was too sick to handle it right now. I could come back


> I got better and do it. You know at this point I just want to

> survive. After suffering so long some things as that just don't

> matter anymore.


> I'm looking forward to sharing the progress as it unfolds. I

> appreciate the support, knowledge and great ideas that I've


> learned being a part of this group. Oh yeah I think Patty was

> talking about coffee enema? I'm wanting more details. I've heard a

> bit about it before. She has it on her detox and flush protocol

> also.

> Thanks all for lending an ear.

> a


> (If I can without offending or stepping out of boundry I would


> to share) My prayer: " Lord, Thank You for this group, please give

> all and whomever reads our forum strength to face each Challenging

> day with Enlightment, Knowledge, and Encouragement to gain Healing

> through You " . Amen.


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Thank you a for your prayer. It almost brought me tears, which

are hard for me to make anymore.

Just like you I am so ready for my health to get better. I am happy

to hear you have the care and support of Dr. Kolb. I will be

praying for you everyday and also anyone else here like us..awaiting



> Hey all.

> Rogene, I will keep in in my prayers also.


> I seem to be getting weaker and with more Fatigue and anxiety


> past few months. And since my Dr. Kolb appointment Fri I'm like an

> emotional rollercoaster. The drive was just 2 hours, but due to


> downpour it took us 3-1/2 with slower traffic and wrecks. Then she

> was running late my 4 pm appt. turned into 7 pm seeing her (she

> finished 10 pm). They over scheduled her and she was so kind to


> and see me instead of re-scheduling. And the staff were so

> thoughtful and kind. They had us (my husband and I) to go eat and

> come back. I felt like I was imposing being there. I felt bad for

> them not me.


> Dr. Kolb is not like other Drs. I've been to, and I have jumped

> around for the last 19 yrs. trying to find answers to my illnesses

> as they unfolded. She knows her stuff. All the run around, and


> diagnoisis I've had all these years was like I finally

> could 'EXHALE'. Not just did she validate my conditions.

> She took 7 vials blood. EKG. And a nerve visual test. She got to


> what I go through every night. I can't walk for the pain/numbness


> my feet, my legs are so heavy-weak with pain I can't lift my feet


> walk, My arms are so Fatigued and weak I can't push up/out of a

> chair. And as far as steps at home, my husband has to help me


> I have to go upstairs to the bathroom or go to bed. By 7 pm like

> clock work my body shuts down. She said I'm bad. My Adrenal,

> Thyroid, Endrocrine, etc. has a deficiency. She got together the

> Silicone Immune Protocol to start immediately and I have to go to

> Emory next week to get ultrasound and her office for more blood

> work. I had abormal mass of Lymph nodes upper breast in 2000, a

> Oncologist Surgeon did a neddle aspiration biopsy and it was


> Each yr since I have the mammograms done and he would say its


> I thought they wee gone or something. I took those records and


> said that those are still there and she need a ultrasound to make

> sure how many comes out. And also commented, " Why would they do a

> needle biopsy with implants? There's probably holes there. "


> My explant, Jan. 31, Hoor-ray! I am scared to death, due to my

> Severe Chemical Sensitivity and my weight. She said anaphylaxis


> very common with someone as sick as me and as far as my weight, it

> wouldn't be a problem like I felt. She said getting these out and

> my system detoxed and flushed and when my everything functioning I

> should start dropping the weight.(I hope) I have trouble


> And my neck is also swollen. This is due to implants too. I


> the uplift done at that time and she said no,

> my body was too sick to handle it right now. I could come back


> I got better and do it. You know at this point I just want to

> survive. After suffering so long some things as that just don't

> matter anymore.


> I'm looking forward to sharing the progress as it unfolds. I

> appreciate the support, knowledge and great ideas that I've


> learned being a part of this group. Oh yeah I think Patty was

> talking about coffee enema? I'm wanting more details. I've heard a

> bit about it before. She has it on her detox and flush protocol

> also.

> Thanks all for lending an ear.

> a


> (If I can without offending or stepping out of boundry I would


> to share) My prayer: " Lord, Thank You for this group, please give

> all and whomever reads our forum strength to face each Challenging

> day with Enlightment, Knowledge, and Encouragement to gain Healing

> through You " . Amen.


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