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Re: Cost of explant

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Hi Liz,

That is so good your moms boyfriend negotiated the price for you, I didn't even think that was possible, how did he do it? I dont even know how much Dr. Darrow charged for mine since it was covered by my insurance. I thought I would miss having boobs since I wanted them since I was 16 but I haven't missed them for one-second, the only thing I miss is my health which will hopefully return. My husband said he didn't even like my fake boobs, I couldn't stand for them to be touched, they felt so fake. The only good thing was I looked better in clothes but with all the new bra fillers the same look can be achieved. Thank God you are healthy and you are very intelligent to get them out now. I wish I knew implants could make people sick before I got them 8 yrs ago. I am sure your boyfriend will still love you the same. Don't be nervous you are making the right decision. Let me know when you get your surgery date.


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Hi Liz,

I feel a little stronger than I did right after the surgery, I had such a worsening of symptoms. I have to go back to see Dr darrow on the 28th for a follow-up. Let me know when your explant date is.Good luck


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I was self pay also - I am in Tampa and paid a total of approx $2000. I also

got a pretty good deal as my doc knew I was sick and had to pay myself so he cut

me a break. Not that you would want to travel down here, but he was a wonderful

doc and did a great job. (removed capsules and implants completely) I would be

happy to help you out in any way I can if you wanted to - Heck, after 4 breast

operations myself I would be almost considered an expert at helping with

recovery! Also - don't give up on your insurance. Mine also turned it down at

first. I insisted on keeping my implants (VERY IMPORTANT!!) and sent them off

to have them analyzed and after they turned up proven to BOTH be leaking as well

as severely contaminated with mold, etc., I appealed and won. I actually

received my refund check from my surgeon in the mail yesterday and am awaiting a

refund from the hospital as well. I know how you feel about your boyfriend - I

was 25 when implanted (1996) and shortly thereafter started dating my husband. I

knew him prior and he tried to talk me out of it back then but I wouldn't

listen. I am sure he liked the way that they looked but is much happier with

the " natural " me. He never cared for the way they felt and unfortunately, I was

one of the many unlucky ones that became extremely sick from the nasty things

which has seriously affected our family. We have a two year old son now and it

is very difficult to find the energy for him which puts an extra burden on my

husband. I will never forgive myself for the stupid mistake that I made that

has hurt everything I have and that will continue to rob me of my hopes and

dreams for the rest of my life. I wanted a big family, a nice home - I wanted

to be an active mom all of which has stolen from me due to the financial and

health burdens this has put on me and my loved ones. Don't wait any longer than

you have to - you do not want to be in my shoes at 32. You have made the right

choice - never doubt that. If I can help, please let me know

love, shari

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Hi Barbara,

Are you starting to feel better? I know it is a slow process, but I'm sure you will in time.

My mom's boyfriend didn't tell me exactly what he said to negotiate the price and I was at work when I found out so I didn't want to talk too loudly in my cube. That is great that your husband prefers the natural you. Last night my boyfriend told me me supports my decision 100%. He met me about a year after I got my implants, so he has no idea what to expect, although he acts like it doesn't really matter. I'm not even sure what to expect myself, but if I have the old me back I will be thankful for that.

Just think, you will never have to go through breast surgery again. I was always wondering what it was going to be like when my implants suddenly leaked and I was walking around with deflated breasts. Or when I was going to get CC and my boobs would be hard. I felt like it was just a matter of time before that happened and I was going to be putting way to much money and effort into fake boobs. Not to mention the other more serious health hazzards. I didn't know implants could make you sick when I got them either.

Well hang in there, and keep in touch. I'm going to Dr. Darrow's office today during my lunch break. Hope everything goes smoothly . . .

LizBARBY4271@... wrote:

Hi Liz,That is so good your moms boyfriend negotiated the price for you, I didn't even think that was possible, how did he do it? I dont even know how much Dr. Darrow charged for mine since it was covered by my insurance. I thought I would miss having boobs since I wanted them since I was 16 but I haven't missed them for one-second, the only thing I miss is my health which will hopefully return. My husband said he didn't even like my fake boobs, I couldn't stand for them to be touched, they felt so fake. The only good thing was I looked better in clothes but with all the new bra fillers the same look can be achieved. Thank God you are healthy and you are very intelligent to get them out now. I wish I knew implants could make people sick before I got them 8 yrs ago. I am sure your

boyfriend will still love you the same. Don't be nervous you are making the right decision. Let me know when you get your surgery date.Barbara

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Lydia,

Thank you for your reply.

This is actually my second set, both sets are/were silicone.

I did the drainage tubes, and already know the routine.

But... the first set of silicone, were 20 years old..

The cost to have them removed the first time with insurance was near $20,000.00 so about $n2,000.00 out of my pocket.

I live in the Sacramento California area.

Please, anyone who was pleased with their doctor in this area, please let me know...

Thanks to all of you!

Re: How Much $ is Explant & Does Ins. Cover Any?

Hi Kittie,Where are you? That makes a difference on the cost. In Denver with Dr. Huang it is about $5000 for everything, in Cleveland with Dr. Feng, it is between $6500 and $7000, and I am unsure about Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, but probably close to that. You can call and check. Insurance sometimes covers if you can get two doctors to put in writing that it is a medical necessity to remove the implants because: and here they put the reasons for a medical necessity, hardness (Baker 3 or 4 contracture), rupture, pain, etc. The doctors I have mentioned are pretty good about writing letters, and if you have a family doctor or another doctor who would write one, there is a possibility that insurance will cover it. Often insurance has a clause that says they will not cover any problems from cosmetic surgery. If you had breasts removed for medical reasons, then insurance pretty much has to cover this surgery.I am sure there are many women on this format who can give you more info.LyndaAt 06:51 PM 4/17/2006, you wrote:>Hi Everyone....>I think I am more scared of getting mine removed than when they went in.>I am just much older and rounder, and think it is time to get them out.>Can anyone tell me how much an average cost it, and does ins. cover>any of it?>>Thank you,>Kittie>>>>>>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given >by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or >licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.>>"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians >mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own >decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a >better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, >Chemistry; 1963, Peace)>>See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:><http://.shutterfly.com/action/>http://.shutterfly.com/action/>>

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Ok, in San Diego, Dr. Gilbert Lee is one that will remove them properly.


At 09:11 PM 4/17/2006, you wrote:

>Hi Lydia,

>Thank you for your reply.

>This is actually my second set, both sets are/were silicone.

>I did the drainage tubes, and already know the routine.

>But... the first set of silicone, were 20 years old..

>The cost to have them removed the first time with insurance was near

>$20,000.00 so about $n2,000.00 out of my pocket.


>I live in the Sacramento California area.

>Please, anyone who was pleased with their doctor in this area,

>please let me know...

>Thanks to all of you!

> Re: How Much $ is Explant & Does Ins. Cover Any?


>Hi Kittie,


>Where are you? That makes a difference on the cost. In Denver with

>Dr. Huang it is about $5000 for everything, in Cleveland with Dr.

>Feng, it is between $6500 and $7000, and I am unsure about Dr. Kolb

>in Atlanta, but probably close to that. You can call and

>check. Insurance sometimes covers if you can get two doctors to put

>in writing that it is a medical necessity to remove the implants

>because: and here they put the reasons for a medical necessity,

>hardness (Baker 3 or 4 contracture), rupture, pain, etc. The doctors

>I have mentioned are pretty good about writing letters, and if you

>have a family doctor or another doctor who would write one, there is

>a possibility that insurance will cover it. Often insurance has a

>clause that says they will not cover any problems from cosmetic

>surgery. If you had breasts removed for medical reasons, then

>insurance pretty much has to cover this surgery.


>I am sure there are many women on this format who can give you more info.




>At 06:51 PM 4/17/2006, you wrote:

> >Hi Everyone....

> >I think I am more scared of getting mine removed than when they went in.

> >I am just much older and rounder, and think it is time to get them out.

> >Can anyone tell me how much an average cost it, and does ins. cover

> >any of it?

> >

> >Thank you,

> >Kittie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

> >by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

> >licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

> >mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

> >decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

> >better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

> >Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> >See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> ><<http://.shutterfly.com/action/>http://.

> shutterfly.com/action/>http://.shutterfly.com/action/

> >

> >

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