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Re: joint pain,please reply :)

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Hi le,

Well, welcome to our little "club" of women harmed by implants. Actually, we are not a little club at all...there are hundreds of thousands of women like us who have paid a very dear price for having those time bombs in our chests. And for most of us, that price was too high--giving up our previous excellent health.

Your symptoms are classic. Your story mirrors hundreds that I have personally read, and I can honestly say that based on your post, my only advice would be to seek proper removal of the implants as soon as you can. Your health will not improve while you allow the implants to continue to exact their toll on your body. Your immune system is struggling, and it will continue to fight against the implants and against you, and the end result is that you may end up with a full blown autoimmune disease. I hope you can understand that I am not trying to scare you, but only to tell the truth as I have seen it happen over and over again, to women with silicone gel implants and saline implants. The outcome is the same for both because both contain silicone. (Saline implants have a silicone outer shell, and sometimes it is textured, which is even more problematic.) As much as we would all like to believe that implants are safe (I wanted to believe this so much!), the controversy that has existed about implants is there for a reason....because women ARE getting sick, as you yourself have found out.

I'm really, really sorry to hear that you've struggled with this as a newlywed. Wow, that is so hard! Did you have your implants while dating your husband? I hope he will be understanding as you go through this period of change...I know how hard of a decision this is, and of course, it is yours alone. But I can only say that getting my implants out is what made my life turn back around. I had my implants for only 8 months when I got sick, and I made the decision to get them out within a month, so my story probably is similar to yours in many ways. I just really didn't want to get stuck on a medical merry go round, and I saw it coming and got off as fast as I could. But I was blessed with finding a group of women like this, and was able to find a doctor to take them out correctly....that is the key to getting health back. The implant has to be removed, but it is imperative that the scar tissue be removed as well (a procedure called a total capsulectomy). The danger of not having a total capsulectomy done is that whatever gunk is left in your body as residual silicone, bacterial colonies, fungus, and other leftover debris will continue to elicit an immune response in the long run. That means that your healing may not be complete, and may even eventually flare up again as the capsule evolves and grows and changes.

It takes time to heal from implant illness. I am sure you will hear from a number of other ladies here who are still traveling that journey of healing. It took about 4 good years of a lifestyle change with detoxing and diet alterations for my health to totally turn around and I could function normally again. However, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease in the summer of 2002....my lasting gift from my 9 month experience with breast implants.

Joint pain is one of the most common symptoms. I think you have a good chance of getting rid of it all--I have none at all. I had some, a little at one point, but fasting takes it away in only a day or two, and that was one of my keys to getting better!

I hope this helps you. I know you are in a tough spot. I didn't want to remove my implants either, I was still having my honeymoon with them! I was just getting used to them and looking forward to a lifetime with them. It was a jolt to my life to have to think otherwise, and I cried for days.

But, I knew what I had to do. And I did it, and have not regretted it ever.

Please take a look around our website--there's many stories in the files section from other women. I think you will see you are definitely not alone.

Take care,


----- Original Message -----

From: mdickey77

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 10:18 PM

Subject: joint pain,please reply :)

hi everyone, my name is rachelle,i just turned 25 and got implants a little over a year ago. i have been experiencing a lot of mysterious illnesses lately and have been in and out of doctor offices and emergency rooms for months. i have REALLY bad joint pain, especially in my wrists,fingers and elbows, i just had an enlarged lymph node surgically removed this past wednesday from my left underarm and i cannot even count the number of tests doctor's have run and how much blood that has been drawn from my body to see what's wrong with me:( Most the tests come out negetive, i've had two chest x-rays and two chest cat scans, but i guess what i have learned is that those type of tests cannot detect implant problems.I've seen several specialist, but not really getting anywhere with them. I went to my plastic surgon and spoke with him, but of course he's not going to say," oh, yeah the implants i put in your body are causing all your problems". I really don't want to believe my problems are related to my implants,maybe i'm selfish, i really like them. i just want the pain to go away. I just got married in august and i have spent my newlywed months having my new husband take care of me. If anyone has advise i would love to hear from you. i know my family and husband are really worried about me because i have always been a very heathly person and now i'm the complete opposite.

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I am 28 yrs old, and have alot in common with you. I am also a newlywed, and have been married three years, and it was shortly after our blissfull honeymoon, and birth of our son Tyler 10 months alter, when I got really ill.

I sound alot like you, and always healthy my whole life. I worked out, modeled, and really got them due to insecurity reasonings, being so skinny, I was also small chested. My boyfriend at the time, who was a body builder, and living in that world, placed alot of pressure on an immature 19 yr old. I was surrounded with perfect, glossy implanted women, So I got smooth saline implants with questions still lingereing. I researched the library, I asked my doctor, I did all I could do in 1994. But still, in the depths of me, I must have known it wasnt right. I even cancelled surgery 3 times. But I got them. I went from a 34b to a 34D, not too large, and actualy many people, even family members did not know I ever had them, or still dont.

I wont lie, I lived normal for about 5 years, looking back now I had typical symptoms cropping up, loss of vision, from 20/20 very quickly, to blurry sight. No one in my family wears glassses, Headaches, weight gain, digestive problems, and these terrible neck pains.But these came on slowly and spaced over several years, and although chronic, I would have never attributed all the small symptoms to my breast implants. So I went on. Off the college, off to meeting my new husband, starting my life as an adult.

Then after a perfect pregnancy- I gained 15 pounds, worked out every day, and had this beautiful baby in my arms, with Joe crying by my side. Could it get any better? No, it was about to get very bad. I got ill, very ill.

Couldnt breast feed, and over the course of that 1st year- I had all these weird symptoms, joint pain, terrible in my hands, fingers and feet, neck pain was worse, muscle twiching all over my body, slow metabolism, hair loss, my skin was so pale, I was fatigued, tired, depressed, couldnt remeber things, blurred memory, water retention, viral and yeast infections. Then I had Bells palsy, whre its like a stroke on one side of your face, my neuro said she doesnt usually see this, unless you are older or have a supressed system in girls my age. Like aids! That was so scary, I still cant even go there. For 2 months, I walked around with this sloppy, crooked face, couldnt drink without dripping fliud all over my face. So sad. Even my smile was crooked. Later, at the age of 26, I was dfiagonsed with Rheumaotid Arthrits, and Hashimtos thyroid disease (As you will find out, thyroid disease is very common in almost all implanted women) 2 auto immnue illnesses that DO NOT RUN IN MY FAMILY AND IN A VERY YOUNG GIRL THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SICK!

I was also tested for MS twice. Hello?

I had it, I went through hell for 4 months to get it covered with ins, drove 15 hours to go to my explanting doc, and got them out. Surgery was a mess, a 2 to 4 hour averaged surgery took over almost 7 , my capsules were badly infected, and took hours to get (scrape)them out. I needed a lift, but let me tell you something. I woke up for the 1st time on 5 years without a stiff neck.I felt relived. I felt like I had a new start. My bloodwork showed my auto immnue illness of my thyroid went down by the thousands, and is now numbers away from being in remission. I had over 12,000 antibodies attacking my thyroid, now I have 30. If I go under 2, my disease will be gone. Doctors told me those numbers would never change. They have, I am feeling better, and my bloodwork proves that! Most doctors believe me now, and are in shock.

You see the infected implants on top of a pregnancy was too much for my system to handle. They were affecting my confused immnue sytem, stimulating it to attack my organs, to be aggressive and overactive. Getting them out, has calmed my immunity, and has given me a fresh new start at health. I followed then ,and still do the silicone protocol diet and supplements to help eliminate and rid the body of toxins by supporting and strengthening the immnue system, got rid of all sugars and refned starches. It has been a long healing journey for me this last year, since explant, but let me tell you a worthwhile one. It has been a process. I needed to deal with the after effects they left behind, after explant. Inbalanced hormones, (I'm on progesterone) dangerous infections, (Mycoplasma) and detoxing as I have high platinun, and tin levels, as well as silicone. But I feel GREAT! I feel like I can think clearer, my joint pain is almost gone, no more headaches, no more neck pain, no more depression, no more viral problems, no more hair loss, no more foggy thinking normal. And my breasts are cute!I dont look bad at all, I am so happy to sleep on my stomach again, and have natural soft breasts agin. My hubby likes them better too!

Everyone told me I was nuts. But you know what? I thought it was nuts that I was so young with so many illnesses, and went with that gut feeling. Now no one is saying I am crazy now, because they see the truth in my recovery!There is no denying fact and proof. Another thing, Pray. Ask God for his guidance. I know it was Him, who told me to get them out. And it was. I am so glad I did.Good luck , I hope my story has helped you. I was there in your shoes, and know how you must be feeling. Think long and hard about having them removed, it is your only chance to get better, no matter what anyone tells you. Love,

>From: "*~Patty~*"

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: joint pain,please reply :) >Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 06:25:19 -0700 > >Hi le, >Well, welcome to our little "club" of women harmed by implants. Actually, we are not a little club at all...there are hundreds of thousands of women like us who have paid a very dear price for having those time bombs in our chests. And for most of us, that price was too high--giving up our previous excellent health. > >Your symptoms are classic. Your story mirrors hundreds that I have personally read, and I can honestly say that based on your post, my only advice would be to seek proper removal of the implants as soon as you can. Your health will not improve while you allow the implants to continue to exact their toll on your body. Your immune system is struggling, and it will continue to fight against the implants and against you, and the end result is that you may end up with a full blown autoimmune disease. I hope you can understand that I am not trying to scare you, but only to tell the truth as I have seen it happen over and over again, to women with silicone gel implants and saline implants. The outcome is the same for both because both contain silicone. (Saline implants have a silicone outer shell, and sometimes it is textured, which is even more problematic.) As much as we would all like to believe that implants are safe (I wanted to believe this so much!), the controversy that has existed about implants is there for a reason....because women ARE getting sick, as you yourself have found out. > >I'm really, really sorry to hear that you've struggled with this as a newlywed. Wow, that is so hard! Did you have your implants while dating your husband? I hope he will be understanding as you go through this period of change...I know how hard of a decision this is, and of course, it is yours alone. But I can only say that getting my implants out is what made my life turn back around. I had my implants for only 8 months when I got sick, and I made the decision to get them out within a month, so my story probably is similar to yours in many ways. I just really didn't want to get stuck on a medical merry go round, and I saw it coming and got off as fast as I could. But I was blessed with finding a group of women like this, and was able to find a doctor to take them out correctly....that is the key to getting health back. The implant has to be removed, but it is imperative that the scar tissue be removed as well (a procedure called a total capsulectomy). The danger of not having a total capsulectomy done is that whatever gunk is left in your body as residual silicone, bacterial colonies, fungus, and other leftover debris will continue to elicit an immune response in the long run. That means that your healing may not be complete, and may even eventually flare up again as the capsule evolves and grows and changes. > >It takes time to heal from implant illness. I am sure you will hear from a number of other ladies here who are still traveling that journey of healing. It took about 4 good years of a lifestyle change with detoxing and diet alterations for my health to totally turn around and I could function normally again. However, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease in the summer of 2002....my lasting gift from my 9 month experience with breast implants. > >Joint pain is one of the most common symptoms. I think you have a good chance of getting rid of it all--I have none at all. I had some, a little at one point, but fasting takes it away in only a day or two, and that was one of my keys to getting better! > >I hope this helps you. I know you are in a tough spot. I didn't want to remove my implants either, I was still having my honeymoon with them! I was just getting used to them and looking forward to a lifetime with them. It was a jolt to my life to have to think otherwise, and I cried for days. >But, I knew what I had to do. And I did it, and have not regretted it ever. > >Please take a look around our website--there's many stories in the files section from other women. I think you will see you are definitely not alone. >Take care, >Patty > ----- Original Message ----- > From: mdickey77 > > Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 10:18 PM > Subject: joint pain,please reply :) > > > hi everyone, > my name is rachelle,i just turned 25 and got implants a little > over a year ago. i have been experiencing a lot of mysterious > illnesses lately and have been in and out of doctor offices and > emergency rooms for months. i have REALLY bad joint pain, especially > in my wrists,fingers and elbows, i just had an enlarged lymph node > surgically removed this past wednesday from my left underarm and i > cannot even count the number of tests doctor's have run and how much > blood that has been drawn from my body to see what's wrong with me:( > Most the tests come out negetive, i've had two chest x-rays and two > chest cat scans, but i guess what i have learned is that those type > of tests cannot detect implant problems.I've seen several > specialist, but not really getting anywhere with them. I went to my > plastic surgon and spoke with him, but of course he's not going to > say," oh, yeah the implants i put in your body are causing all your > problems". I really don't want to believe my problems are related to > my implants,maybe i'm selfish, i really like them. i just want the > pain to go away. I just got married in august and i have spent my > newlywed months having my new husband take care of me. If anyone has > advise i would love to hear from you. i know my family and husband > are really worried about me because i have always been a very > heathly person and now i'm the complete opposite. > Send and receive larger attachments with Hotmail Extra Storage.

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You should send your story to those FDA people Rogene listed! Have you already? I think they need to hear from each and every one of us about our stories from SALINE implants that they are convinced are so "safe"!

If anyone is interested in sending emails to these people about how sick we got, Rogene, can you list those addresses again?


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:33 AM

Subject: Re: joint pain,please reply :)


I am 28 yrs old, and have alot in common with you. I am also a newlywed, and have been married three years, and it was shortly after our blissfull honeymoon, and birth of our son Tyler 10 months alter, when I got really ill.

I sound alot like you, and always healthy my whole life. I worked out, modeled, and really got them due to insecurity reasonings, being so skinny, I was also small chested. My boyfriend at the time, who was a body builder, and living in that world, placed alot of pressure on an immature 19 yr old. I was surrounded with perfect, glossy implanted women, So I got smooth saline implants with questions still lingereing. I researched the library, I asked my doctor, I did all I could do in 1994. But still, in the depths of me, I must have known it wasnt right. I even cancelled surgery 3 times. But I got them. I went from a 34b to a 34D, not too large, and actualy many people, even family members did not know I ever had them, or still dont.

I wont lie, I lived normal for about 5 years, looking back now I had typical symptoms cropping up, loss of vision, from 20/20 very quickly, to blurry sight. No one in my family wears glassses, Headaches, weight gain, digestive problems, and these terrible neck pains.But these came on slowly and spaced over several years, and although chronic, I would have never attributed all the small symptoms to my breast implants. So I went on. Off the college, off to meeting my new husband, starting my life as an adult.

Then after a perfect pregnancy- I gained 15 pounds, worked out every day, and had this beautiful baby in my arms, with Joe crying by my side. Could it get any better? No, it was about to get very bad. I got ill, very ill.

Couldnt breast feed, and over the course of that 1st year- I had all these weird symptoms, joint pain, terrible in my hands, fingers and feet, neck pain was worse, muscle twiching all over my body, slow metabolism, hair loss, my skin was so pale, I was fatigued, tired, depressed, couldnt remeber things, blurred memory, water retention, viral and yeast infections. Then I had Bells palsy, whre its like a stroke on one side of your face, my neuro said she doesnt usually see this, unless you are older or have a supressed system in girls my age. Like aids! That was so scary, I still cant even go there. For 2 months, I walked around with this sloppy, crooked face, couldnt drink without dripping fliud all over my face. So sad. Even my smile was crooked. Later, at the age of 26, I was dfiagonsed with Rheumaotid Arthrits, and Hashimtos thyroid disease (As you will find out, thyroid disease is very common in almost all implanted women) 2 auto immnue illnesses that DO NOT RUN IN MY FAMILY AND IN A VERY YOUNG GIRL THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SICK!

I was also tested for MS twice. Hello?

I had it, I went through hell for 4 months to get it covered with ins, drove 15 hours to go to my explanting doc, and got them out. Surgery was a mess, a 2 to 4 hour averaged surgery took over almost 7 , my capsules were badly infected, and took hours to get (scrape)them out. I needed a lift, but let me tell you something. I woke up for the 1st time on 5 years without a stiff neck.I felt relived. I felt like I had a new start. My bloodwork showed my auto immnue illness of my thyroid went down by the thousands, and is now numbers away from being in remission. I had over 12,000 antibodies attacking my thyroid, now I have 30. If I go under 2, my disease will be gone. Doctors told me those numbers would never change. They have, I am feeling better, and my bloodwork proves that! Most doctors believe me now, and are in shock.

You see the infected implants on top of a pregnancy was too much for my system to handle. They were affecting my confused immnue sytem, stimulating it to attack my organs, to be aggressive and overactive. Getting them out, has calmed my immunity, and has given me a fresh new start at health. I followed then ,and still do the silicone protocol diet and supplements to help eliminate and rid the body of toxins by supporting and strengthening the immnue system, got rid of all sugars and refned starches. It has been a long healing journey for me this last year, since explant, but let me tell you a worthwhile one. It has been a process. I needed to deal with the after effects they left behind, after explant. Inbalanced hormones, (I'm on progesterone) dangerous infections, (Mycoplasma) and detoxing as I have high platinun, and tin levels, as well as silicone. But I feel GREAT! I feel like I can think clearer, my joint pain is almost gone, no more headaches, no more neck pain, no more depression, no more viral problems, no more hair loss, no more foggy thinking normal. And my breasts are cute!I dont look bad at all, I am so happy to sleep on my stomach again, and have natural soft breasts agin. My hubby likes them better too!

Everyone told me I was nuts. But you know what? I thought it was nuts that I was so young with so many illnesses, and went with that gut feeling. Now no one is saying I am crazy now, because they see the truth in my recovery!There is no denying fact and proof. Another thing, Pray. Ask God for his guidance. I know it was Him, who told me to get them out. And it was. I am so glad I did.Good luck , I hope my story has helped you. I was there in your shoes, and know how you must be feeling. Think long and hard about having them removed, it is your only chance to get better, no matter what anyone tells you. Love,

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Found them!

If you have input to give to the FDA, please write:Bernato, Laurie DEB@... Weinstein, Les S LSW@... Brady, MWB@... Leonard, NML@... , Samie Niver SXN@...

To send to all together: DEB@...,LSW@...,NML@...,SXN@...

Thanks Rogene for compiling these important email addresses.

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:38 AM

Subject: Re: joint pain,please reply :)


You should send your story to those FDA people Rogene listed! Have you already? I think they need to hear from each and every one of us about our stories from SALINE implants that they are convinced are so "safe"!

If anyone is interested in sending emails to these people about how sick we got, Rogene, can you list those addresses again?


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in just a year, all this already, I have news for you, its the implants, you can get much worse, even develop lupus at the rate you're not adjusting to them. the ps are all liars, get them out asap and you may have a hope of a normal future, if you don't you will have less and less chance of full recovery. see if ps who put them in will take them out for part of fee. Look stick around here long enougha nd you'll learn, i've got lots of joint pain, we all have symptoms. the ones who get them out soon do well, some are irrepably damaged but living as best they can following strick diets. get rid of the boobs, your normmal breasts will be fine, their more nice natural anyway, you don't have to feel werd, and you'll live a ripe old age healthy and active with your husband, otherwise you will age prematurely and maybe end up bed ridden, in and out of doctors who can't find answers and nothings provable, your out of health and the quality with your new

husband will suffer. Family may not believe you then you'll get its you're fault anyway, you won't be able to work, chronic fatigue, pain, irritable bowel, you name it tons of symptoms but not enough to get you disability, but you'll be disabled... so have i said enough. and by the way i'm a survivor, i use to be a landscaper, teacher with a masters degree, now i have trouble with concentration, overcame severe depression and am walking again, trying to loose tons of weight I gained. I have fibromyalgia, and sounds like you're headed in the same direction. get them out before its too late. Fibromyalgia is dabilitating joint pain. I'm actually surprised yours happened so fast and so young. God Bless you child, we're here for you. scedule a consult to have them out. talk to your husband, he'll support you i'm sure. hugs, michellemdickey77 <mdickey77@...> wrote:

hi everyone, my name is rachelle,i just turned 25 and got implants a little over a year ago. i have been experiencing a lot of mysterious illnesses lately and have been in and out of doctor offices and emergency rooms for months. i have REALLY bad joint pain, especially in my wrists,fingers and elbows, i just had an enlarged lymph node surgically removed this past wednesday from my left underarm and i cannot even count the number of tests doctor's have run and how much blood that has been drawn from my body to see what's wrong with me:( Most the tests come out negetive, i've had two chest x-rays and two chest cat scans, but i guess what i have learned is that those type of tests cannot detect implant problems.I've seen several specialist, but not really getting anywhere with them. I went to my plastic surgon and spoke with

him, but of course he's not going to say," oh, yeah the implants i put in your body are causing all your problems". I really don't want to believe my problems are related to my implants,maybe i'm selfish, i really like them. i just want the pain to go away. I just got married in august and i have spent my newlywed months having my new husband take care of me. If anyone has advise i would love to hear from you. i know my family and husband are really worried about me because i have always been a very heathly person and now i'm the complete opposite.

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So Sorry

Sweetie you are not alone. I too experienced the worse joint pains, it only gets worse. It started in my fingers, wrists. arms, legs, back. The bad neck and upperback and shoulder pains. It felt like a constant furnace in my head, neck shoulders. My energy diminished. I was complete bed rest, I did not want to get dressed,make-up,or be around anyone.

I had my implants removed in Sept of 2003, The joint pain is gone...The other symptoms are easier to deal with, it takes time.

I am 44 years old and was first implanted in 1989, second set in 2001, I was sick from 1994 ish, in and out of the Hospital several times. Please, do not ruin one more day of your life.

If you want to write me, if you would like more info. or just vent.....I'll be available...

Hope to hear from you

Kay Varnimdickey77 <mdickey77@...> wrote:

hi everyone, my name is rachelle,i just turned 25 and got implants a little over a year ago. i have been experiencing a lot of mysterious illnesses lately and have been in and out of doctor offices and emergency rooms for months. i have REALLY bad joint pain, especially in my wrists,fingers and elbows, i just had an enlarged lymph node surgically removed this past wednesday from my left underarm and i cannot even count the number of tests doctor's have run and how much blood that has been drawn from my body to see what's wrong with me:( Most the tests come out negetive, i've had two chest x-rays and two chest cat scans, but i guess what i have learned is that those type of tests cannot detect implant problems.I've seen several specialist, but not really getting anywhere with them. I went to my plastic surgon and spoke with

him, but of course he's not going to say," oh, yeah the implants i put in your body are causing all your problems". I really don't want to believe my problems are related to my implants,maybe i'm selfish, i really like them. i just want the pain to go away. I just got married in august and i have spent my newlywed months having my new husband take care of me. If anyone has advise i would love to hear from you. i know my family and husband are really worried about me because i have always been a very heathly person and now i'm the complete opposite.

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