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My Anger Not Withheld

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Dear Ladies

I felt that it was important for me to express my anger with this

group. I also felt that it was a safe place to do so. Most of you

that have read my e-mails know that I am a positive and determined

woman. This doe's not make me an angry woman, and I appreciate the

kind concern of those that feel that Anger can harm me, I felt that

anger not set free amongst a safe enviroment would be anger withheld.

This I do know to be harmful to the physical,Spiritual,Emotional body.

My faith in God is forever with me, I gave my soul to God many moons

ago, It no longer belongs to me. My flesh is of this world and is

able to be corrupted by this world.

I do not have a fox hole religion, I am not a member of a

church,organization,etc. I spent most of my life in the Church,before

I actually realized what God is all about. My faith is in tact. I

believe in Truth,Love,Heart. I believe that there is a season for all

expressions, and a time to do it in. I felt that the time was quite


I believe that God turned this one over to me to get up and stand for

what I believe in, to fight for our lives, I go to prayer, He tells

me Why do you keep asking the same questions? Did'nt you have faith

the first time you asked?

I do not have a need to quote scripture, I have a need to help in

anyway that I can to stop this terror. If that means there will be

times of Courage,Faith,Tears,Anger, I would like to feel that I can

share with the group. If this is going to be a problem then I will

not burden the group. I do feel so alone at times and when I wrote

that e-mail, that was the extent of my ANGER. I am in need of a place

to share emotions with this Poison, I am not getting better,Coughing

up alot of blood, My Marraige is over,No medical insurance,no atorney.

three different cases with the Sheriff's,. People that come into my

establishment don't see my pain. The one's that do,I don't express my

anger or feelings of defeat. I express things on this site that I

normally would keep inside.

I appreciate so much the encouraging e-mails, I will write to each

one of you individually.

My husband kept my computer,I use the one in my office,I lost alot of

my information on my other e-mail address. I also had alot of work

that I was doing sending letters etc...I at no time said that I was a

quitter,Just expressing my ANGER.

Kay L Varni

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