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Helen....why did you see the cardiologist??? How did it go???/


> Will do! I'm on pins and needles. I just hope and Pray we have a


> for once!!! They told me he was the best in our area for electrcal


> in children. Hope he has a caring heart also! Thanks!!

> Love

> Helen


> Helen, so tomorrow is the Cardio visit. Good luck and let me know

how you

> come out there. Marsha



> <center>></center>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tell April she DID do a Great job on the story!!! It's wonderful that children have the opportunity to go to such a camp to have fun. They learn so much and they can also share their knowledge :o)

Tell her she's a cutie pie also :o)

Saedi keeps getting inner ear infections. This time she is on -Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Hydrocortisone Otic Suspension USP 10mL-- A long name :o) Has never been on this one. She said they hurt like a knife last night and started to cry. Today it didn't hurt as bad :o)

Dr's have to remember Children have feelings too!!! I just love the docs that talk to you about the child, as though the child doesn't even exist in the room to ya :o(

Hope Amber is feeling better by now!!! All that will be heading our way soon enough :o(

Thanks for sending the article. I enjoyed it!

{{{ Happy Hugs }}}


Good Morning Everyone, and Helen, I will attach the article that April had submitted to the paper. She seems to be a big hit at school, her teachers have told her how good it was and what a nice pic she took.

I hate this time of year, too. And in the previous years, April would pick up every blasted cold there was, and it would trigger her asthma, where she was on nebulizier treatments and Prelone or days. But, now since the Pedi Pulmo, has sarted treatment on her reflux, she is much better, I am really curious on how well she will do this year, he predicts that with the reflux treated, with Prevacid, it will make her asthma less severe, and she has yucky sinuses, it took five weeks on antibiotics to clear them last year, so we have to be very careful with that too, watch for headaches, stuffy, colds.

How is Saedi feeling this morning? What kind of drops is she on? Is it like outer ear or inner ear infections?

Amber is not feeling well this AM, throat infection, but she does not want to see the Dr. She is 15 yr. She is to the point where she thinks all Dr.'s suck, excuse the expression, but April has been blown off by so many Dr.'s , never listening to her or me, and especially with the last Pedi we saw, he turned into such a jerk and the kids literally hate him. This concerns me that the girls do not trust Dr.'s, these Dr.'s need to be careful with dealing with kids, because like we all know, this is the framework  of years to come.

You guys have a great day. Marsha

I may never see tomorrow;        there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday            belong to history!!!      

          {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Marsha, Thanks for all the posts you have sent. It is very hard with out the girls. But I am so looking forward to seeing them Fri. Will be glad when this whole mess is over with!

How are you and the girls doing???

{{{ Many Hugs }}}


Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Helen, we all are doing great here in Texas, only thing it has been raining non stop for four days, I think we are about at 12 inches of rain. The girls get out early today because of flooding, I cannot wait until I get them home with me, just too much water. Have a great weekend. Marsha

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I always feel better when the girls are home then when they are at school, with all that goes on now a days. Sounds like you are about ready to swim away!!!! That would really scare me! Give them girls hugs and tell them you are glad they are home safe for me too!!!!

{{{ Water Fin Hugs }}}



Helen, we all are doing great here in Texas, only thing it has been raining non stop for four days, I think we are about at 12 inches of rain. The girls get out early today because of flooding, I cannot wait until I get them home with me, just too much water. Have a great weekend. Marsha

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Helen, Good Morning!! I hope you are having a grand and glorious time with the girls. I am sorry that they have such a jerk as a daddy. He needs to be horse whipped. But, try to remember , the good always wins over the bad. It has finally stopped raining and the sun is out this morning. But, look out heat and humidity. How is your mom in law doing??? Marsha

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We had a blast !!! We were at the fair for 7 hours !!! Grpa and I and Unkie were exhausted!!! But the girls had so much fun! They seemed to never run out of energy! Grpa and I slept for the first time all night last night. We got 6 hours of sleep!!!!! We all ate good today! Everything fine until bedtime and Saedi asked when did they have to go back to their Dad's house and I said tomorrow night and all started crying :o( They were begging me to tell Daddy to leave them here, and I can't tell them anything about what is going on about the court hearings, but they already have their Dad's views on it and that was breaking the court order!!! So I can't even tell them we are fighting for them in the courts like he did, as I won't go against the court order papers. I did tell them that "Grma and Grpa were doing everything we could to get them home." I hope that wasn't telling them about anything we weren't suppose to say, cause we didn't say anything about court or lawyers like that. But they needed to be reassured about us wanting them home.

Glad the sun is finally shining for you! It was beautiful here all day also! How are the girls??? Looks like Saedi is starting on an ear infection :o( Her lump is swollen and she has fluid in her ear :o( I hope and Pray he gets her to the Dr. before it gets too bad!!!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



Helen, Good Morning!! I hope you are having a grand and glorious time with the girls. I am sorry that they have such a jerk as a daddy. He needs to be horse whipped. But, try to remember , the good always wins over the bad. It has  finally stopped raining and the sun is out this morning. But, look out heat and humidity. How is your mom in law doing??? Marsha

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Helen, hey there!! I am so very happy that you guys are having a geat weekend. My heart has to break for you that you wil habe to take them back to their daddy. No matter how hard it is, you must go by the books, that way the courts will have nothing bad to hold against you.

We all are fine here, the sun is out, no more rain, at least for today. The girls are well. Only April was sneezing quite a bit earlier, so I went to investigate, and guess what I found in her closet?? Her leather sandles, covered in mildew, she washed them last week and they failed to dry, so, now in the trash they go, unless I can kill the mildew with chlorax then the shoes will stink, oh well.

I am working nights this weekend, so I spent the whole day sleeping. UGGG.

You take care. Marsha

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Yes, we had a glorious weekend. All the horror they kept telling us about what their dad is telling them was terrible. They kept Begging us not to take them back, and I told them Grma had no choice. And they'd cry. The littlest one would not stop crying when we had to leave. It took me three times to give her lovins and reassure her that we would be back in 11 days to get them again. She was devastated. I put her down again and she stood there crying while we were backing out. Neither one of them went over to her and gave her comfort, I wanted to jump out of the car so much and run to her and give her the lovins she so much wanted and needed and I couldn't. We got to the corner out of the houses sight and parked the van, as by that time we couldn't see to drive either, we were both crying like babies ourselves.

This is so ludicrous. They couldn't stop talking all weekend of the He** they have been going through and all the lieing he is telling his own daughters!!! Its so unreal !!!! When they weren't occupied with something to do they would start crying, cause they wanted to stay home here.

I'm sorry to hear that April is sneezing so much. Mold will do that!

Sorry you are on night shift. Thanks for caring.




Helen, hey there!! I am so very happy that you guys are having a great weekend. My heart has to break for you that you wil habe to take them back to their daddy. No matter how hard it is, you must go by the books, that way the courts will have nothing bad to hold against you.

We all are fine here, the sun is out, no more rain, at least for today. The girls are well. Only April was sneezing quite a bit earlier, so I went to investigate, and guess what I found in her closet?? Her leather sandles, covered in  mildew, she washed them last week and they failed to dry, so, now in the trash they go, unless I can kill the mildew with chlorax then the shoes will stink, oh well.

I am working nights this weekend, so I spent the whole day sleeping. UGGG.

You take care. Marsha 

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Helen, how are you doing this morning?? How is your mom in law doing??

I am so glad you guys had a great weekend, just sorry it went too fast. It just breaks my heart that you guys have to go through something like this. Just stay very busy and 11 days will be here before you know it.

April is sick, she started flaring last night, so back on the Albuterol, I sent a note to her teacher this AM. I cannot help it, I worry about her when she is sick and at school. They see their Pedi Pulmo tomorrow, and perfect timing. This is coming up on April's worst time of year. She always seems to catch all the URI's. Her Pedi Pulmo says her asthma should be less severe now that we have the reflux under control, but, there is half of me, kind of learey. We have lived with this stuff for so long, it is hard to believe it will be better this time of year.

I am fine, joined a step aerobics class yesterday at my church, and it is a blast. I missed the step last night and fell, I looked ike a beached whale trying to get up.LOL. I am feeling pretty good this AM concedering, the fall. I really am trying to get back in shape, I have put on ALOT of weight in the last few years, I have let my self go to the dogs. I am one of these stressful eaters, as you would call them.

You guys have great day, and welcome to all the new folks that have joined. I am more of a lurker. But, I do read all the posts, just want you guys to know that. Marsha

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I'm alright. I miss the girls terribly :o( Virginia is not doing well.

They post sponed the cath till Wens. morning, she is so weak right now. We have to be at the hospital by 7am.

Sorry to hear April is sick again. Yes you have the right to worry about your girls when they are in school! I do too!!!

I am unable to do any of the exercises, but I have lost 37 pounds now since Feb. I just eat less.

Take care my Friend and Thank-You for caring!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



Helen, how are you doing this morning?? How is your mom in law doing??

I am so glad you guys had a great weekend, just sorry it went too fast. It just breaks my heart that you guys have to go through something like this. Just stay very busy and 11 days will be here before you know it.

April is sick, she started flaring last night, so back on the Albuterol, I sent a note to her teacher this AM. I cannot help it, I worry about her when she is sick and at school. They see their Pedi Pulmo tomorrow, and perfect timing. This is coming up on April's worst time of year. She always seems to catch all the URI's. Her Pedi Pulmo says her asthma should be less severe now that we have the reflux under control, but, there is half of me, kind of learey. We have lived with this stuff for so long, it is hard to believe it will be better this time of year.

I am fine, joined a step aerobics class yesterday at my church, and it is a blast. I missed the step last night and fell, I looked ike a beached whale trying to get up.LOL. I am feeling pretty good this AM concedering, the fall. I really am trying to get back in shape, I have put on ALOT of weight in the last few years, I have let my self go to the dogs. I am one of these stressful eaters, as you would call them.

You guys have  great day, and welcome to all the new folks that have joined. I am more of a lurker. But, I do read all the posts, just want you guys to know that. Marsha

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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All Little Girls need Smiles on their Faces :o) Let us know how it goes for them!!! Worrying in Ohio :o) Hope Mom's feeling better also :o)

{{{ Special Hugs }}}




Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Hi Marsha, How are you all doing today??? Are the girls doing better now??? How's Mom coping??? Heard yur getting rain there in Texas again. We had one heck of a lot of rain here yesterday. But we really needed it. We are 3-4 inches behind.

{{{ Special Hugs }}}


Please Remember my Girls in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Helen, Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you, if only for one day.

We all are doing fine here. Both the girls are well, April took her last dose of Prelone yesterday morning, now she is tryiny to give her Biaxin away.LOL. Like 15 dys left.LOL. No more rain since the weekend, I believe we had over 18 inches total and talk about the mesquitoes!!! Hoping you a quick week until you see your girls. Marsha

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Glad April is doing better. Saedi and Bre are always ready to give their Biaxin away also :o) It does taste nasty :ol> Glad your rain has let up.

Yes I can't wait to see the girls this weekend !!! I miss them so much.

Hope you start feeling better soon too !!! They need their Mom on her feet !!! Mommy's are not allowed to get ill !!!

{{{ Healthy Hugs }}}



Helen, Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you, if only for one day.

We all are doing fine here. Both the girls are well, April took her last dose of Prelone yesterday morning, now she is tryiny to give her Biaxin away.LOL. Like  15 dys left.LOL. No more rain since the weekend, I believe we had over 18 inches total and talk about the mesquitoes!!! Hoping you a quick week until you see your girls. Marsha

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Good Morning, Helen, I am feeling much better, really do not know what was wrong, it was short lived, good thing. Both girls are well. Amber is like all aborbed in the terriosists attacks and April just wants to get away from it,, plus she found out yesterday that one of the third grade teachers has cancer and she has lost all her hair, so like April said last night, she has two prayers to send up to God. What our children must indure. We just have to love them and reassure them. Hope this weeks passess quickly for you, till you get the girls back. Marsha

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Glad you are doing better. Glad the Girls are doing better. Yes, I can't wait to see the girls Fri..

It is a tragedy what has happen. The Children must all be wondering what is wrong with the adults in this word :o( They need to be reassured that All these things happening are only done by just a handful of bad people. Their little minds have to be working overtime :o( Give them Hugs for me and let them know that things will get better.

{{{ Blessed Hugs }}}



Good Morning, Helen, I am feeling much better, really do not know what was wrong, it was short lived, good thing. Both girls are well. Amber is like all aborbed in the terriosists attacks and April just wants to get away from it,, plus she found out yesterday that one of the third grade teachers has cancer and she has lost all her hair, so like April said last night, she has two prayers to send up to God.  What our children must indure. We just have to love them and reassure them. Hope this weeks passess quickly for you, till you get the girls back. Marsha

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Helen, how are things going there?? Things are going fine here. The girls are in school. Me, have alot of things to do here, but I seem to not be able to tear my self away from the TV. At times, I just wish they would go back to regular TV, they say we must try to get back to normal, but it is so hard to, when all we see and hear is of this terriable things. So, dreadful to think that so many people have lost their lives. Marsha

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Things here are fine. We get the girls at 3:30 tomorrow as their lawyer is coming out at 4 to talk to them here. We talked to her wens. and she is very nice. She didn't want to scare them so she will see them here. She does not like what their father has done to them either. So she wants to expedite this case as soon as possible.

Yes, the tragic of the last few days is devastating. It is just so unbelievable :o( Turn on a tape ( I was going to say records, but that would give away my age :o) instead of the TV. I hope your girls are taking it alright. I hope mine are too!

{{{ Many Special Hugs }}}



Helen, how are things going there?? Things are going fine here. The girls are in school. Me, have alot of things to do here, but I seem to not be able to tear my self away from the TV. At times, I just wish they would go back to regular TV, they say we must try to get back to normal, but it is so hard to, when all we see and hear is of this terriable things. So, dreadful to think that so many people have lost their lives. Marsha

A ONLINE 6.0\IDB\spool.ind

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Good Morning, Helen, How are things in your part of the US? So, you get your girls this weekend. I wish you all a very happy, save weekend, hope it does not go by tooquickly for you.

The girls are well, in school April gets out early today for good behavior, at 2:50 PM.

You take it easy, Marsha

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Good Morning, Helen, How are things going there?? Did you have a great weekend with your girls??

We all are fine here, everyone is well, as we speak.LOL. We very seldom get snow here in Texas, we are lucky if it gets cold enough to freeze. Last year when we went to Colorado we got into fresh snow and the cold and it was great and the girls had a blast. Do you get snow there??

Well, best get a move on, have a great day. Marsha

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Our weekend together was wonderful !!! Glad everyone is well at the moment, knock on some wood! Yes we do get snow here. We had 8 inches last year in one day. For us that is heavy. We get to below zero at times. That is too cold for me Brrrrrr !!! You have a good day.

{{{{{ Special Hugs }}}}}



Good Morning, Helen, How are things going there?? Did you have a great weekend with your girls??

We all are fine here, everyone is well, as we speak.LOL. We very seldom get snow here in Texas, we are lucky if it gets cold enough to freeze. Last year when we went to Colorado we got into fresh snow and the cold and it was great and the girls had a blast. Do you get snow there??

Well, best get a move on, have a great day. Marsha

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Helen, Good Morning, How are things in your part of the USA?? Everyone remains fine here. You lucky dog, that you get snow. Where do you live, again?? So glad you had a grea weekend< with your girls. Have a great day. Marsha

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It's all right around here. We have had rain all day. We can use it so no complaints. But now it is windy out and getting colder. I Love snow for Christmas !!! Then it can go away till the next year :o)

Yes, we took them to the park for them to ride there bikes and we baked cookies. Just like normal days!!!

I live up by Lake Erie in the country from Toledo, Ohio. It gets pretty cold here at times. The cold and I don't really get along well. But the girls love to make snowmen(girls) :o) Are you able to swim year round where you live??? Try and keep them girls healthy!!!

{{{{{ Special Hugs }}}}}



Helen, Good Morning, How are things in your part of the USA?? Everyone remains fine here. You lucky dog, that you get snow. Where do you live, again?? So glad you had a grea weekend< with your girls. Have a great day. Marsha

A ONLINE 6.0\IDB\spool.ind

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