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Oh the joys of teenhood. Our daughter would always lie to us, the first time two weeks grounded. second time two months, third time Three months!!! That included, no phone, no TV unless we were watching the news, no friends over, no playing, just sitting in the living room where I could always see her till bedtime, always having to go where ever we went !!! She was miserable ! And that was the idea !!! Didn't catch her in anymore lies till she was out of school. :o(

Yea, every other weekend just goes by way too fast :o( I Love them So much!!!!

{{{ Stay Well Hugs }}}



Helen, hey there, how are you guys doing?? Sounds as if you guys had a grand old time this past weekend. So,you live in Ohio?? I thought Calif for some reason. LOL> I bet is does get cold and rainy up there.

Everyone is fine here. Amber's mouth is about to get it, just seems, that it is so smart and lazy, they say this is normal teenage stuff, but man, I am about ready to bring out the soap.

Well, I best get a move on , keep in touch. Marsha


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Hey There, Helen, How are you?? And your family?? So, your girls are coming this weekend?? Great!!! Any big plans?? Or just hang out together!!

We all are doing fine here, April has completed her Biaxin, and am I glad!!!

It is turned cool here at nights and gets in the low 80's during the afternoon. What a nice change. It sounds very cold up there where you guys are.

I have to work the weekend. Boy, the week goes by fast!! Have a great weekend. Marsha

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No big plans!!! Just going to enjoy them as much as possible. We do get to see them for a couple of hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays now :o) and talk to them on the phone on Wednesdays and the Fridays we don't have them :o). Court ordered! He was not too pleased, but they are suffering bad from all this and their lawyer said they needed to see us more often :o) So this will go on now till trial. It will be hard to leave them each night, and we still get our every other weekend! The first thing they told us when they got in the car to night was PLEASE don't take us back there!!! :o( Found out the baby had strep from two weks ago when she was here and he finally took her in on that following Tuesday...I called him and he said she was fine. We found out different from other sources...She finished her antibiotic yesterday he said.

You still are having a heat wave compared to us!!! Have as good of a weekend as you can! Enjoy your girls!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



Hey There, Helen, How are you?? And your family?? So, your girls are coming this weekend?? Great!!! Any big plans?? Or just hang out together!!

We all are doing fine here, April has completed her Biaxin, and am I glad!!!

It is turned cool here at nights and gets in the low 80's during the afternoon. What a nice change. It sounds very cold up there where you guys are.

I have to work the weekend. Boy, the week goes by fast!! Have a great weekend. Marsha

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Helen, hope you guys are having a great weekend. Wow, so you are getting the girls more days now?? This is great. Hope the baby is getting over her throat infection.

Yep, it is still warm here, but it feels nice to us. LOL> Yep I have to work the weekend, heading in that direction as I type. What a pain in the butt.

Have a great weekend. Marsha

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Yes we are having a ball and just absorbing each other up!!! We do get to see them more. Hope it helps... Have Fun at work! This weekend is Beautiful! {{{ Many hugs }}}



Helen, hope you guys are having a great weekend.  Wow, so you are getting the girls more days now?? This is great. Hope the baby is getting over her throat infection.

Yep, it is still warm here, but it feels nice to us. LOL> Yep I have to work the weekend, heading in that direction as I type. What a pain in the butt.

Have a great weekend. Marsha

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Helen, great to hear from you. So glad you guys are having a great weekend!!! All are well here. Spent the day sleeping, so I can stay awake at night. Uggg.

The girls are off tomorow, will go eat lunch with my bst friend and do a little shopping. Amber just brought me a baquet of fresh cut roses out of my yard, she must want something.LOL> That girl she has an eye for flower arrangements. Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Now Mom, maybe she was just giving them to you cause she Loves you so much! :o) That was such a sweet thing to do!!! Hubby bave me roses for our anniversary too! They smell so pretty! Maybe she will grow up to be a florist? Glad all are well...

{{{ Rose Hugs }}}



Helen, great to hear from you. So glad you guys are having a great weekend!!! All are well here. Spent the day sleeping, so I can stay awake at night. Uggg.

The girls are off tomorow, will go eat lunch with my bst friend and do a little shopping.  Amber just brought me a baquet of fresh cut roses out of my yard, she must want something.LOL> That girl she has an eye for flower arrangements. Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Helen, hey there. The weathe sounds great where you guys are. Nice and cold, already. It is still nice here, but no where near as cold. The girls are all well here, they were out of school today, met my best friend for lunch, then we went shopping. My roses are still blooming,and they smell so good. Amber wants to be designer for clothes, when she grows up. I am tired, worked the weekend and fixing to hit the sack. Take it easy, Marsha. Oh, one thing, I just switched back to HEB pharmacy, I had it with this Mickey Mouse place in our town, well, I got the amunt that meds cost before co pay, and I almost died, Prevacid is 110. for 30 days, Advair is like 120,for a month. Thankd God for insurance. Marsha

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Hope you had a wonderful time out today!!! Its nice to get out... Haven't done that in a while, but will here soon...Hubby's Parents gave us a prepaid restaurant thingie for Loma 's here...It is a Mexican Restaurant and it has the Best Food I have ever eaten!!! I haven't been there in over 10 years!!! She knew we liked it, as to why they gave us that...Since we don't have the girls this coming weekend and can't call them, I think we will go then as I hope they are home soon after that!!!

Prescription prices are terrible!!! We have a co-pay on ours, (Thank Goodness) as I have sixteen medications I take everyday!!! There is no way we could afford them with out insurance...More than half of them cost Over $100.00 ...Our son is on S.S.D. and he has to pay his own prescritions, (which I think is ludicrous) as if you are disabled and only getting such a small amount of social security you then have to get a prescription that costs him $138.00 last year for a two week supply!!! That is so terrible!!! Something has to be done for all that are on SSD and Seniors and such, cause that is disgraceful to our people in MY opinion!!!!

Smell them Roses good as winter will be here all too soon!!!

Have a Pleasent Day!!!

{{{ Perfect Hugs }}}



Helen, hey there. The weathe sounds great where you guys are. Nice and cold, already. It is still nice here, but no where near as cold. The girls are all well here, they were out of school today, met my best friend for lunch, then we went shopping. My roses are still blooming,and they smell so good. Amber wants to be designer for clothes, when she grows up. I am tired, worked the weekend and fixing to hit the sack. Take it easy, Marsha. Oh, one thing, I just switched back to HEB pharmacy, I had it with this Mickey Mouse place in our town, well, I got the amunt that meds cost before co pay, and I almost died, Prevacid is 110. for 30 days, Advair is like 120,for a month. Thankd God for insurance. Marsha

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Hi, Helen,, How are you and the family?? We all are fine, another pretty day. The girls are back at school. And me, the same old SAHM things.LOL. We had a great time yesterday and as always the Mexican food was great!!!

Even with copay on the girls, I still pay about $120. for meds. April is on 6 and Amber is on four, the advair is combined.

Talk to you soon, Marsha

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We're doing. Will be glad when this nightmare is over with...Glad you had a Good time this last weekend...We are paying only $2.00 a prescription right now, beginning the first of the year we were informed that our co-pay will go to $5.00 a script. That still isn't bad. We might be going out to eat this weekend to Loma 's. Will see how we are feeling. Our appetites haven't been up to par lately. I have lost a total of 40 pounds now. Hubby 27.

Have a Good week, enjoy the little ones!!!

{{{ Autumn Hugs }}}


Hi, Helen,, How are you and the family?? We all are fine, another pretty day. The girls are back at school. And me, the same old SAHM things.LOL. We had a great time yesterday and as always the Mexican food was great!!!

Even with copay on the girls, I still pay about $120. for meds. April is on 6 and Amber is on four, the advair is combined.

Talk to you soon, Marsha



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Helen, hope you guys get to go eat out this weekend, may take your mind off all the mess, if it is just for a little while.

I need to loose alot of weight, at least I have started exercising three days a week. I am an emotional eater. Eat for any occassion. The more stress, the more I eat.

I will give April her message from you when she gets home and then we will get Amber to fix it for her. LOL>

The girls will be home soon, so I best get a move on, talk to you soon. Marsha

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[[[ HAPPY HUGS ]]]



Helen, hope you guys get to go eat out this weekend, may take your mind off all the mess, if it is just for a little while.

I need to loose alot of weight, at least I have started exercising three days a week. I am an emotional eater. Eat for any occassion. The more stress, the more I eat.

I will give April her message from you when she gets home and then we will get Amber to fix it for her. LOL>

The girls will be home soon, so I best get a move on, talk to you soon. Marsha



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Helen, hey there. April is sitting here and wants me to tell you that is a cool place and her sister is going to help her sit it up so she can start using it on her letters. Too many to choice from. She also wants me to tell you that she is turning 9 years old tomorow and she will be havng a pizza hut party.

We all are doing fine, the weather has cooled down some, feels good out, but no where near as cold as you guys.LOL. I worked last night, one night is not too bad, not like two nights.

Hope you have a great weekend and Tuesday will be here soon, to see your girls. Marsha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Marsha it wasn't really anything bad, it was just small comments that start

to grate after a while.

Like I have a disabled badge for Freya for the car, and the number of people

that have asked me why I am parking in a disabled bay . I't mostly older

people, that have a badge due to old age. I try to keep calm while i tell

them my girl will be disabled all her life , not just for a few years like

many of them.

Freya is also in nappies because she has no bladder control, people ask why

a 3 1/2 is still in a nappy.

And she wears support boots, on holiday to greece this year we over heared

people saying that it was horrible of us to put a child in boots in such hot


As for as other kids they have been fine (so far) Freya just says ' i'v

got poorly legs!' and they take that. They do look a bit when she is in her

wheel chair, and most want to get in for a ride!

Right, sorry rant over !!


Re: TM , MS

Clare, Hi. Well, April has ptosis, where one of her eyelids is droopy, Bill

Clinton has this plus other noted figures, but for some reason, especially

when April was a lot younger folks and even kids, when she was in private

school used to stare at her and ask what is wrong with your eye, you sleepy

or something and even in Kinder two little boys called her a pirate, and

needless to say nothing was done to the boys but it broke April's heart. I

just try to instill to April that she is beautiful just as she is, and to

stand up to the rude people, to come back at them with a snappy comment. For

my self, I would tell them yep she is sleepy, what's the big deal, and as

for as the stares, I used to ask them if they needed something. Things are

no wheres as bad any more, she is in a public school now and stuff like that

is not condoned at our school.

What kind of problems are you having??? It does hurt when folks and other

kids can be so cruel. A good book to read is The Ugly Duckling. It brings

the message home. Marsha

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have a migrain and feel achy all over :o( Ringworm is doing better with the cream... It's COLD

here !!!!! Pretty, but COLD !!!!!

I would have taken the 4 o'clock one and been a few min's. late...

Sorry she is still ill :o( Maybe the kitty is the culprit :o( That would be a shame :o(

Blow off steam anytime :o) I have big shoulders and listen pretty good at times :o)

We get to see them Tuesday night for three hours then again on Thursday, then bring them home on Friday night for our weekend :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

Let us know how it turns out for the girls tomorrow !!!

{{{ Worrying Hugs }}}


Good Morning, Helen,, How are you doing today?? How are the ringworms doing??

Another pretty day here in Texas.

Amber is still sick, I called the Dr.'s office while ago, and they cannot get her in, for a walk in has to be there at 4 PM, impossiable, girls do not get out of school until 3:45, and takes 20 min to drive over there, I sort of fussesd and asked how they could fill up in ten minutes. This is going to piss Amber off, she already hates Dr.'s now and convienced they all suck, after what all they have been through and she told me if they would not get her in today, she would medicate herself with Biaxin that I have left over, they got smart with me and said why is she in school if she is sick, man, those reseptionists suck at that clinic, screw their rules. So, now I cannot get her in until tomorow, and that is for 3:45 and I told her we will be late, because Amber was not going to leave school early. Oh well, I am just blowing off steam, sorry.

Hope you had a nice weekend, when do you get the girls again?? Marsha

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Good Morning Helen, How are you feeling today?? So, you get the girls today?? Hope you have a nice visit and I also hope they are feeling better.

It remains pretty here, cool nights, then warms up, makes it hard to dress the girls, especially April, she gets hot in pants up in the day.

Amber saw the Dr. yesterday, I pulled her a few minutes early, she has URI, put her on ZPack, the Dr. doubts that it is from the kitty. She said it would be more sneeze, clear watery nose, more wheeze, she had low grade fever, too,,,, so I feel it came from April and so does the Dr. Man, it would stink if it were from the kitten, talk about the crying.LOL.

Talk toy ou later. marsha

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I'm Glad it's not the Kitty too !!! That would be a heart breaker :o(

I'm peachy kean :o) (That's what I say to people when I hurt like sin...)

It's a shame that Amber is sick also :o( Looks like you will have your hands full this winter also :o( Take care !!!

{{{ Kitty Hugs }}}


Good Morning Helen, How are you feeling today?? So, you get the girls today?? Hope you have a nice visit and I also hope they are feeling better.

It remains pretty here, cool nights, then warms up, makes it hard to dress the girls, especially April, she gets hot in pants up in the day.

Amber saw the Dr. yesterday, I pulled her a few minutes early, she has URI, put her on ZPack, the Dr. doubts that it is from the kitty. She said it would be more sneeze, clear watery nose, more wheeze, she had low grade fever, too,,,, so I feel it came from April and so does the Dr. Man, it would stink if it were from the kitten, talk about the crying.LOL.

Talk toy ou later. marsha

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Good Morning, Helen, How are you feeling this morning?? Hope you are less peachey kean.

Things are rocking and rollig here,this morning. Yep, winter is by for the worst time of year for the girls. If the moms would not send thier sick kids to school it would make thigs alot easier for my two.

Well, talk to you later, have a great day. Did you have fun with the girls last night??? Marsha

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:o) Still a Lot Peachy Kean !!! :o(

I know what ya mean about sending sick children to school !!! That's why the girls catch everything !!! But then their father is doing that right now, so, I will shut up :o(

Always have fun with my girls when we are together... We can set and stare at each other and we would have had a good time :o) They just want to be with us the same way we want to be with them :o) We all miss each other so much, they don't understand why their dad is so mean by taking them away, and neither do We :o(

Get them there gals well !!! The Holidays are a comin' !!!

{{{ Texas Hugs from an Ohioian }}}


Good Morning, Helen, How are you feeling this morning?? Hope you are less peachey kean.

Things are rocking and rollig here,this morning. Yep, winter is by for the worst time of year for the girls. If the moms would not send thier sick kids to school it would make thigs alot easier for my two.

Well, talk to you later, have a great day. Did you have fun with the girls last night??? Marsha

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Good Morning, Helen, How are you feeling this morning?? Any less Peachy Kean?? Get any sleep lastnight?

Gosh, the litle girls are still sick?? Man, I cannot believe he des not take them in to see the Dr. What is he waiting on. I am surprised that the school does not step in or the school nurse.

We all are fine here. The weather is going to change tonite, temps are to drop some, but nothing like up there.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?? Mom is cooking and I am expected to bring a few things, most likely, the usual, at least I know it will turn out.LOL.

Talk to you soon, Marsha

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Good Morning, Jessi, How are you??? Did you get through to your GI Dr.? How is school going?? How is Nana??

We all are fine here. Both girls are feeling well. April has three more weeks of PT after this fri. She is growing wearey of it, though. She hates to sit on the side lines, while every one else gets to play.

The kitten is growing fast. He is really very spoiled. April says he is fixing to expire, get it?? Spoiled.LOL.

We have not taken any pics yet. Girls are slipping.

I eat lunch with April today, Thanksgiving meal, seems a little early,,, guess not, though, just two weeks from now. Or less.

Have a good one,,,Marsha

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Helen, I just knew something was wrong, because I had not heard too much from you. You best get yourslf checked out at the dr. And get some antibiotic, this has gone on way too long. After a week, you know it needs attention, you need to take care of yourself, ok?? I do care. Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Hi Marsha, I still have my sinus cold and still peachy kean...I've had very little sleep lately :o( Yes, girls are still ill... Some people have no feelings for others, even those that they are suppose to love :o(

I have no idea about Thanksgiving yet :o( Glad you are going to be with your Family... That is always nice to do...

Hope you are all well...

{{{ Warm Hugs }}}


Good Morning, Helen, How are you feeling this morning?? Any less Peachy Kean?? Get any sleep lastnight?

Gosh, the litle girls are still sick?? Man, I cannot believe he des not take them in to see the Dr. What is he waiting on. I am surprised that the school does not step in or the school nurse.

We all are fine here. The weather is going to change tonite, temps are to drop some, but nothing like up there.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?? Mom is cooking and I am expected to bring a few things, most likely, the usual, at least I know it will turn out.LOL.

Talk to you soon, Marsha

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