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When undergoing a deimplant procedure because of non-specific

connective tissue inflammation, is it necessary to undergo a

Capsulectomy of the scare tissue that formed as a result of the

implant? I understood that oftentimes the toxins are stored in the

scare tissue but cannot confirm this scientific literature.

My wife's doctor has recommened that she leave in the capsule scare

tissue in the event she decides to re-implant at a later date. I, of

course, want nothing to do with implants--regardless of whether the

implants are the cause of her idiopathic disease--however this is not

my decision.

Some guidance on this issue would be appreciated.


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Contamination of the space between the capsule and the implants by micro- organisms, silicone oils, degradation products and gel impurities constitutes a major problem which potentates the risk of implants. Such problems include inflammation, infection, deposition of mineral debris, as well as certain autoimmune phenomena. These problems can be present when implants are in situ (in the body) and are often attributable to the implant. The logical expectation is that, upon removal of the implants, adverse effects will cease. This is an unjustifiably optimistic view. It is well documented from case histories that removal and or replacement of implants without exhaustive debridement of the prosthetic site leads to failure and post surgical complications. Plastic surgery procedure lead to favor speed and immediate cosmetic results. For these reasons, leaving or "reusing" tissue from an existing capsule may seem more "gratifying". However, adverse effects resulting from the practice are widespread but have not been well documented. Typically, patients who require removal of faulty implants and undergo immediate re- implantation in the same prosthetic site habitually relapse with the same problem which motivated the previous surgery; the most common example is exchange of implants and/or sectorizing or bisecting the capsule without removing it completely. Such patients rarely achieve a significant capsular correction and habitually return for more similar surgery. A more illustrative situation is that where patients do not receive replacement implants. They form the basis of knowledge for evaluating the risks that arise from remaining capsules. An example is described in a paper published in 1993 (Copeland, M., Kessel, A., Spiera, H., Hermann, G., Bleiweiss, I. J.; Systemic Inflammatory Disorder Related To Fibrous Breast Capsules After Silicone Implant Removal; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: 92 (6), 1179-1181, 1993): reported problems derived primarily from immune phenomena and inflammatory syndromes with pain, swelling, serologic abnormalities and alarming radiologic presentation. Numerous similar cases have been noted amongst implant patients but have not been the object of publications. Some are cited in FDA Reaction Reports. Others appear in the US Pharmacopoeia Reporting Programs. A residual capsule is not a stable entity. It may collapse upon completion of surgery and remain asymptomatic for some time, however, it will fill with extracellular fluid and remain as a fluid-filled space with added blood and prosthetic debris. As the wall matures and the breast remodels to accommodate the loss of the prostheses, the capsular tissue shrinks. Water as well as electrolytes are expelled gradually from the pocket or else the mixture is concentrated from leakage of water from the semi-permeable capsular membrane wall. In most cases, calcium salts precipitate during that stage and may render the capsule visible as a radiodense and speckled zone in radiographic projections. Prosthetic debris is also radiodense and may be imaged to further complicate the presentation. The average size of the residual capsules after 6-12 months is in the 2-7 cm range: most are compact, comparatively small and dense. Surgical removal should present no difficulty for most patients if adequate radiographic information is available. Later stages of maturation include the thickening of the capsule wall, sometimes reaching 0.5-1cm. Compression of the debris into a cluster of nodules which actually become calcifies follows for some patients. A few mimic malignancies. Others appear as small "prostheses" during mammographic studies. They are alarming to oncologists and are habitually signaled for further studies or biopsies by oncologic radiologists. In light of the present knowledge and considering the probable content of the residual closed capsules, an open or needle biopsy is not advisable. The risks of releasing significant amounts of hazardous contamination and possibly spreading infective entities outweighs the advantage of the diagnostic. At any rate, such a capsule requires removal for mitigation of symptoms and a more direct surgical approach appears more economical and less risky. In summary, a capsule with a dense fibro-collagenous wall behaves as a bioreactor. Worse yet, it is fitted with a semi-permeable wall that may periodically open to release its content to the breast. The probability of finding the space colonized with atypical microorganisms is elevated and the control of infective processes by classic pharmacologic approaches is difficult if not impossible. Such closed capsular spaces may be comparable to "artificial organs" of unpredictable functions. Their behavior will depend on the content and the age of the structure, its maturity and the history of the patient. There is a high probability that these capsules will continue to evolve for many years, adding more layers of fibro-collagenous tissue and possibly granulomatous material. If bacterial entities are present within the capsule space, they can culminate in large breast abscesses with will resist conservative treatments. Even with less active capsules containing mostly oily and calcitic debris, the thickening of the wall leads eventually to solid "tumor-like structures" and are, by themselves, alarming on auscultation and self examination. At best, such structures are unique environments for protein denaturation and aberrant biochemical reactions with unknown long term consequences. Pierre Blais, PhDInnoval, 496 Westminster Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KeA 2V1613.728-8688, Fax: 613.728-0687

Pierre Blais, PhD received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in physical- organic polymer chemistry from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and a Postdoctorate Fellowship in biomaterials engineering at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1976 he became one of the first scientists to join the medical devices and radiological health program of the Department of Health and Welfare in Canada. He left the department in 1989 as Senior Scientific Advisor and formed Innoval Consultants, a firm engaged in the design, testing and failure analysis of high risk medical systems. He has authored over 250 publications on medical materials and their interactions with living tissues.

----- Original Message -----

From: trekrone

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 5:36 AM

Subject: Capsulectomy

When undergoing a deimplant procedure because of non-specific connective tissue inflammation, is it necessary to undergo a Capsulectomy of the scare tissue that formed as a result of the implant? I understood that oftentimes the toxins are stored in the scare tissue but cannot confirm this scientific literature.My wife's doctor has recommened that she leave in the capsule scare tissue in the event she decides to re-implant at a later date. I, of course, want nothing to do with implants--regardless of whether the implants are the cause of her idiopathic disease--however this is not my decision.Some guidance on this issue would be appreciated.Thanks,

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, I am 28 and became very ill from my almost 9 yr old saline breast implants. I was explanted one year ago. My explant surgery took over 6 and a half hours to remove the capsule and the implants, much longer than expected. Both were large, ran down my rib cages, and harboring dangerous infections, toxins and degraded silicone particles. If I didn’t get them out, I know I would have gotten more ill. Totally discussing . Patty is totally right on on this one, you must have the capsules removed for a proper explant. I traveled 15 hours by car to go to a proper explanting doctor that removed them properly and also make my breasts look the best they possibly could. I am glad I did it, they will after all be with me the rest of my life, and are actually pretty nice looking. Please be sure to have capsule removed! That is a life saver, and the most important aspect of silicone disease. If you don't, your wife will be left with remnants of the implants, silicone and all, continuously aggravating the body to self attack, and possible dangerous infections as well. If you saw my capsules, you would agree. I cant believe I survived with those things in me. Its really is unbelievable.

----- Original Message -----

From: trekrone

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:36 AM

Subject: Capsulectomy

When undergoing a deimplant procedure because of non-specific connective tissue inflammation, is it necessary to undergo a Capsulectomy of the scare tissue that formed as a result of the implant? I understood that oftentimes the toxins are stored in the scare tissue but cannot confirm this scientific literature.My wife's doctor has recommened that she leave in the capsule scare tissue in the event she decides to re-implant at a later date. I, of course, want nothing to do with implants--regardless of whether the implants are the cause of her idiopathic disease--however this is not my decision.Some guidance on this issue would be appreciated.Thanks,

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  • 1 year later...

, I don’t want to overwhelm you with the gluten thing, so dont mind he messages. Some of us "old timers' are discussing it again! Your our newbie and I don’t want to overwhelm you. I waited two years as I had a lot of issues. A lot of issues. I also had those toxic things for almost 10 years, so a year to me for healing, was squat.

I only said two years, if you had, say an auto immune disease, (as I do and some other issues I have had to address) as a pregnancy so soon after explant, may make you much sicker, having a lowered immunity and sadly, the premise of holding onto that baby full term would be low.

If you aren't ill and feel pretty good, I would recommend some working out to stir some of the toxins up, taking hot detox baths, and some sweating to get it out. Taking a good multi vitamin, some omegas (flax or fish) a good liver support formula and eating tons of preferably , organic fruit and veggies everyday, while cutting back on sugar. All these things, strengthen your immunity and help to flush out some of the toxins left behind from the implants. Then Id wait , how about your 6 months. Or Could you do a year? remember , too many stresses and surgeries, trigger auto immune disease (esp after pregnacy- all women are at the highest time risk at this fragile time ) and perhaps an extra 6 months may cut those risks down lower and get you stronger. A sick mommy wont be any good!

Then, have some blood work done up before you start. Metabolic panel. Just to make sure everything, seems like where it should be. Does that help?

Silicone gel or saline, they are both in silicone shells of which, over time rub off and get into your body, and the salines have different metals that really ARE HARMFUL and make women ill, as well as all types of issues with infections. Both highly dangerous. Love, Re: Re: Capsulectomy> > > > ,> Many women have babies after implants, they just wait a year or so to be > sure that nothing from the implants can affect the new life.> > I would recommend a very good detox before becoming pregnant, and a > complete checkup with thyroid checks.> > Lynda> > > At 10:33 PM 12/5/2004, you wrote:> > >Rogene> >I am not that old, i just want another baby. I have been wanting> >another one for a while and was just waiting to get the implants out.> >What would be the reason to wait? Am I toxic even though I do not> >feel sick? Is it because of my weight or my thyroid? I am only about> >140 pounds not big, just not my normal size.> >I think I will get a full examination and see what my Dr says.> >I really want a baby.> >Isn't there someone else here having a baby? I wish she would write> >to me.> >I will wait and see if she does.> >I am so jealous, but happy for her.> >I want a baby before my daughter is too much older,as it is they will> >have so many years between them I want at least one more before i> >turn 38 and maybe 2 more before 40. I love being a mom and having> >kids has always been my dream. Implants was such a stupid impulsive> >thing on my part. I could kick myself when I think about how dumb I> >was to get them. I am never impulsive but I just did this one stupid> >thing.> >Thank you> >your very kind.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >In <mailto: >, Rogene S <saxony01@y<mailto:saxony01@y>...> wrote:> > > ,> > >> > > It's wonderful to hear you doctor removed the entire> > > capsule . . . He probably didn't remove it en bloc,> > > but if you are beginning to feel more energetic now,> > > you should continue to feel better.> > >> > > IMHO, the women to be concerned about are those whose> > > symptoms start, or get worse after getting their> > > implants removed. There's no set time for feeling> > > better . . . One just wants to see progression, even> > > if there are a few steps backwards from time to time.> > >> > > Unless your biological clock is running out, I'd> > > suggest giving yourself a little extra time before> > > trying to get pregnant. The capsule is an indication> > > that your body was fighting a foreign object. . > > > Which means your immune system was very active. . . If> > > you'll give it a while to settle down, it couldn't> > > hurt, and may make things easier.> > >> > > Hugs and prayers,> > >> > > Rogene> >> >> >> >> >> >

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You and your baby could be just fine if you got

pregnant soon. However, as precious as a child is, I

know you want to know you're in tip-top condition

before having another child. Right now, you're dealing

with fatigue. . . (Unless are already pregnant - that

could make you feel fatigued too!)

Please do get checked out before getting pregnant. . .

In particular, ask that the doctor check you for

platinum and tin toxicity. Platinum can cause long

term health problems for a fetus. . .

The issue of what's happening to the children born to

women with implants is what has kept me involved in

the breast implant issue since getting my implants

removed 11 years ago. That's when I attended my first

implant support meeting and saw several young mothers

realise, for the first time, that the rare illnesses

suffered by their children, were shared by the

children of other implanted women. The shock, guilt

and horror was too much! Why the government allows

these toxic bags to be on the market without

adequately checking ont the effects on children, is

beyond comprehension!

My suggestion is that you give yourself enough time to

regain your strength. Know that you are in top

condition. Then, you will know that you are giving

your child every chance for a healthy life too!

Hugs and prayers,


--- jamiescryin75 <jamiescryin75@...> wrote:


> Rogene

> I am not that old, i just want another baby. I have

> been wanting

> another one for a while and was just waiting to get

> the implants out.

> What would be the reason to wait? Am I toxic even

> though I do not

> feel sick? Is it because of my weight or my thyroid?

> I am only about

> 140 pounds not big, just not my normal size.

> I think I will get a full examination and see what

> my Dr says.

> I really want a baby.

> Isn't there someone else here having a baby? I wish

> she would write

> to me.

> I will wait and see if she does.

> I am so jealous, but happy for her.

> I want a baby before my daughter is too much

> older,as it is they will

> have so many years between them I want at least one

> more before i

> turn 38 and maybe 2 more before 40. I love being a

> mom and having

> kids has always been my dream. Implants was such a

> stupid impulsive

> thing on my part. I could kick myself when I think

> about how dumb I

> was to get them. I am never impulsive but I just

> did this one stupid

> thing.

> Thank you

> your very kind.












> In , Rogene S

> <saxony01@y...> wrote:

> > ,

> >

> > It's wonderful to hear you doctor removed the

> entire

> > capsule . . . He probably didn't remove it en

> bloc,

> > but if you are beginning to feel more energetic

> now,

> > you should continue to feel better.

> >

> > IMHO, the women to be concerned about are those

> whose

> > symptoms start, or get worse after getting their

> > implants removed. There's no set time for feeling

> > better . . . One just wants to see progression,

> even

> > if there are a few steps backwards from time to

> time.

> >

> > Unless your biological clock is running out, I'd

> > suggest giving yourself a little extra time before

> > trying to get pregnant. The capsule is an

> indication

> > that your body was fighting a foreign object. . .

> > Which means your immune system was very active. .

> . If

> > you'll give it a while to settle down, it couldn't

> > hurt, and may make things easier.

> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene





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