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Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

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wow everything sounds terrific. I too noticed my knee arthritic pain gone almost immediately! That is encouraging isn't it? I am sure Dr. Melmed was thrilled with the free press! You are so lucky to have gotten a wonderful surgeon, I wish I could have had the same experience. But they say you get what you pay for..and i only paid $500 dollars for my explant. Did you have saline implants or silicone?

Take care and happy healing!


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This is just an awesome, wonderful, inspirational post! You go, girl! Woo Hoo!

I am so happy your are implant free, and that you had such a good explant experience. God was surely with you all the way, and will continue to be.

I am very excited about the MTV segment...can't wait to see it, and you!

Let us know when you find out more about airing dates....

By the way, I've done chelation therapy too. Is your chelating agent EDTA? (Sounds like it..with the IV drip). I did DMSA chelation therapy, mainly to reduce my heavy metal load (which included mercury.) Pills were used instead, which I took for 30 days. There was definitely proof that it worked in the blood test results!



----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:18 PM

Subject: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

Hi everyone!I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for wonderful doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my breast implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a brilliant and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't nauseated and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe how well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and be filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it made all the difference!I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is NOTHING compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!! I was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my hips (my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but as soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in my hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis pains, but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I do understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but it sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I never expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There is soooooo much hope for us all!Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well as throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous opportunity to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If one person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my experience, will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that negative things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of six girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have seen my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn, and KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you the most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who understood, cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the symptoms everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did. I cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,Kacey (kaceyalong@...)P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the blood under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have silicone poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean out the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting my health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've ever been. P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your encouragement and support :)

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Hi Kacey...

Congratulations. Sounds like you are doing great. I really would like to find out when MTV plans on airing your story. Please let everyone in the group know. God Bless and hope your recovery is quick... S

----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:18 PM

Subject: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

Hi everyone!I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for wonderful doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my breast implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a brilliant and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't nauseated and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe how well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and be filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it made all the difference!I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is NOTHING compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!! I was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my hips (my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but as soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in my hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis pains, but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I do understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but it sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I never expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There is soooooo much hope for us all!Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well as throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous opportunity to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If one person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my experience, will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that negative things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of six girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have seen my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn, and KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you the most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who understood, cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the symptoms everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did. I cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,Kacey (kaceyalong@...)P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the blood under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have silicone poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean out the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting my health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've ever been. P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your encouragement and support :)

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Kacey, you are awesome ! I am so happy everything went well for you, keep up the good recovery and work! Love

Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:18 PM

Subject: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

Hi everyone!I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for wonderful doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my breast implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a brilliant and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't nauseated and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe how well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and be filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it made all the difference!I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is NOTHING compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!! I was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my hips (my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but as soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in my hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis pains, but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I do understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but it sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I never expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There is soooooo much hope for us all!Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well as throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous opportunity to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If one person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my experience, will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that negative things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of six girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have seen my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn, and KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you the most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who understood, cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the symptoms everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did. I cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,Kacey (kaceyalong@...)P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the blood under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have silicone poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean out the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting my health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've ever been. P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your encouragement and support :)

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Kim how are you healing? Didn't you just have yours out? and Kacey did you get yours out today. god Bless YOu Both. Kim write me, I've been concerned for you. Talk to you soon. Love, khadijashams@... wrote:

Kacey, wow everything sounds terrific. I too noticed my knee arthritic pain gone almost immediately! That is encouraging isn't it? I am sure Dr. Melmed was thrilled with the free press! You are so lucky to have gotten a wonderful surgeon, I wish I could have had the same experience. But they say you get what you pay for..and i only paid $500 dollars for my explant. Did you have saline implants or silicone?Take care and happy healing!~kim

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YEAH KACEY!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! Keep me updated on your progress!!!


From: " kaceybu02 " <kaceyalong@...>


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 02:18:22 -0000

Subject: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for wonderful

doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my breast

implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a brilliant

and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best

Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an

almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't nauseated

and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe how

well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and be

filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it made

all the difference!

I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is NOTHING

compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!! I

was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my hips

(my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a

shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but as

soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in my

hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my

chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis pains,

but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I do

understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but it

sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I never

expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There is

soooooo much hope for us all!

Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well as

throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are

wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous opportunity

to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If one

person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have

accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my experience,

will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that negative

things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of six

girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have seen

my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn, and

KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....

I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you the

most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who understood,

cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the symptoms

everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did. I

cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,

Kacey (kaceyalong@...)

P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the blood

under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have silicone

poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean out

the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting my

health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've ever


P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your

encouragement and support :)

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Hi Kim,

I had saline breast implants. They were in for two years before I

got them explanted. I cannot believe I am virtually pain-free!!! I

was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and every joint in my body

hurt very badly...but as soon as I woke up after my explant surgery,

I was smiling ear-to-ear and arthritis pain free!!!! And as of

today....still no arthritis pain...and this hasn't happened since my

diagnosis in Dec. 2002!!!! It's my miracle.

Thanks for your support! Take care,


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I'm not sure if my doc is a EDTA? I'm not quite sure what that

means. All I know is that Dr. Gonine (he's in Rowlett, Texas) is a

wonderful, caring doctor with a wonderful staff! I'm very excited to

start my healing therapies! And by the way, I woke up arthritis pain-

free today as well! Absolutely no hint of my old pains....NOT ONE!

What a miracle! I gave Dr. Melmed a huge hug today and thanked him

for curing me and saving my life! This has been such an emotional

time. I will definitely keep everyone posted as to when MTV is going

to air my breast explant segement. Right now they are thinking about

February or March of 2004. MTV is coming back to do a follow-up in

about a week. They'll be filming me all day, interviewing my seven

siblings, and going with me to my chelation appointment! They are

just as excited as I am about everything! They filmed my entire

surgery and were filming when I woke up smiling! It was so neat to

have them SEE my transition to health....afterall, seeing is


Thanks for everything,


> Kacey,

> This is just an awesome, wonderful, inspirational post! You go,

girl! Woo Hoo!

> I am so happy your are implant free, and that you had such a good

explant experience. God was surely with you all the way, and will

continue to be.


> I am very excited about the MTV segment...can't wait to see it, and


> Let us know when you find out more about airing dates....


> By the way, I've done chelation therapy too. Is your chelating

agent EDTA? (Sounds like it..with the IV drip). I did DMSA

chelation therapy, mainly to reduce my heavy metal load (which

included mercury.) Pills were used instead, which I took for 30

days. There was definitely proof that it worked in the blood test


> Hugs,

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: kaceybu02


> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:18 PM

> Subject: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!



> Hi everyone!


> I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for


> doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my


> implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a


> and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best

> Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an

> almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't


> and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe


> well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and


> filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it


> all the difference!


> I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is


> compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!!


> was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my


> (my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a

> shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but


> soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in


> hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of


> chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis


> but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I


> understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but


> sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I


> expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There


> soooooo much hope for us all!


> Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well


> throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are

> wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous


> to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If


> person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have

> accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my


> will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that


> things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of


> girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have


> my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn,


> KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....


> I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you


> most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who


> cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the


> everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did.


> cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.


> Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,


> Kacey (kaceyalong@h...)



> P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the


> under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have


> poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean


> the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting


> health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've


> been.


> P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your

> encouragement and support :)

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Hi ,

I got my saline breast implants removed yesterday, (Wednesday, Sept.

17)! I am doing better than I ever could have imagined!

Explantation is nothing like breast augmentation....it's so much less

painful! :)

Take care,


> Kacey,


> wow everything sounds terrific. I too noticed my knee arthritic

pain gone almost immediately! That is encouraging isn't it? I am

sure Dr. Melmed was thrilled with the free press! You are so lucky

to have gotten a wonderful surgeon, I wish I could have had the same

experience. But they say you get what you pay for..and i only paid

$500 dollars for my explant. Did you have saline implants or



> Take care and happy healing!

> ~kim


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Actually, EDTA stands for ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid, which is

the chelation substance that grabs onto heavy metals and escorts them

out of the body. There are several different kinds of chelating

agents, with EDTA being the one used most often in IV drips that take

several hours. The agent that is used depends on what metals you are

trying to clear, as certain agents have an affinity for certain

metals. I myself have used DMSA (dimercapto-succinic acid), which

was in pill form and is recommended for removal of mercury, and DMPS

(Dimercapto-propanesulfonate), which was an injection done for my 24

hour challenge to pull metals out and see what was being dumped. DMPS

is one that has been under more scrunity, as it has been implicated

in the worsening of some people's condition, so I would be very, very

careful when dealing with DMPS. My goal at the time was to find out

if I had platinum, but the particular test that my naturopathic

doctor ordered tested for everything but platinum! I was found to

have higher than allowed levels of mercury and arsenic, while testing

low in essential elements like zinc, selenium, manganese, and

copper. That really surprised me, as I was on antioxidants,

including selenium for 2 years before I even got implants.

Chelation therapy is quite interesting, and has quite a long history

of use in this country, but has been controversial, of course, since

it falls into alternative medicine. I have no fear of it, myself,

and as I said, my blood test results improved greatly after doing

this therapy!

It sounds like you have a great doctor! I'm so happy for you! One

thing that I hope he has addressed is the need for additional mineral

supplements after your chelation treatments...you might want to ask

him about this if he has not already addressed it. It is my

understanding that chelation also removes beneficial minerals along

with the harmful ones, so it is a good idea to be taking a multi-

mineral supplement that provides essential minerals after your

treatment. How many times will you be doing the drips?

I've talked to men and women who were doing the EDTA drips while I

was doing my vitamin C drips, and they all were ecstatic about how

much better they felt on chelation therapy. Every single one of them

improved in huge ways.

Wishing you all the best!


> > Kacey,

> > This is just an awesome, wonderful, inspirational post! You go,

> girl! Woo Hoo!

> > I am so happy your are implant free, and that you had such a good

> explant experience. God was surely with you all the way, and will

> continue to be.

> >

> > I am very excited about the MTV segment...can't wait to see it,


> you!

> > Let us know when you find out more about airing dates....

> >

> > By the way, I've done chelation therapy too. Is your chelating

> agent EDTA? (Sounds like it..with the IV drip). I did DMSA

> chelation therapy, mainly to reduce my heavy metal load (which

> included mercury.) Pills were used instead, which I took for 30

> days. There was definitely proof that it worked in the blood test

> results!

> > Hugs,

> > Patty


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COngrats on your explant girl, and also I think it is SO TOTALLY

AWESOME that you did the MTV piece. I was worried that no one was

going to do it and that we would not be represented on that show so I

am glad to hear that someone(you) did have the guts to follow through

on it. I think some were just intimidated by it. I was told I am too

old ha ha I am only 39 but I guess the MTV crowd is a bit younger

than me. I do watch allot of MTV though, I mean I love music and

videos and I like to be up to date on the music scene, I love new

bands and music and just knowing what is happening in that scene so I

really look forward to seeing your story being told.I also feel that

it keeps me young, keeps my mind young!I have watched quite a few of

the true life series and think it is a well done show, that is why I

was def interested in doing it if they would have had me. Anyhow it

is all good because your story will be a representation of all of our

stories! IT IS SOMETHING THAT NEEDS TO BE TOLD, imparticularly to the

younger generation that are out there thinking this kind of surgery

is simply another beauty regimen that is acceptable and safe.

Congrats again and keep us posted when you get a definite date on the

airing of this show.


In , " kaceybu02 " <kaceyalong@h...>


> Hi everyone!


> I just wanted to drop you a quick line saying thank GOD for


> doctors and medical personnnell! Today, at 1:00pm, I had my breast

> implants surgically removed (explanted). Dr. Melmed is a brilliant

> and extremely likeable Plastic Surgeon, and Dr. Horak is the best

> Anesthesiologist anyone could ever ask for! Dr. Horak gave me an

> almost painless IV, and when I awoke from surgery, I wasn't


> and began happily chatting away very quickly! I cannot believe how

> well I am doing....and I wanted everyone in the group to know and


> filled with hope! Thanks for all of your prayers, as I know it


> all the difference!


> I feel good. There's pain in my chest, of course, but it is


> compared to the pain of breast augmentation surgery! NOTHING!!! I

> was having trouble walking into the building for surgery, as my


> (my rheumatoid arthritis was really acting up) began giving me a

> shooting pain. I know I'm under some heavy mediations now, but as

> soon as I got out of the hopsital bed, I noticed that the pain in


> hips were gone! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of


> chest...literally. I keep looking for my rheumatoid arthritis


> but after my explant surgery (and for today), I can't find it. I


> understand that this could be a result of my surgery meds...but it

> sure gives me hope. At least I'm not lying in bed crying! I never

> expected my breast explant surgery to go this well...EVER! There


> soooooo much hope for us all!


> Also, the past two days MTV has been filming me at home, as well as

> throughout the surgery process (including the OR). They are

> wonderful, wonderful people and I am getting a tremendous


> to share information and hopefully save some people's lives! If


> person decides not to get breast implants, just one, I'll have

> accomplished everything, and my pain and suffering, my experience,

> will have been worth it. I always say that it's better that


> things happen to me, then to someone else. At least I know of six

> girls who will not be getting breast implants because they have


> my experience with them; Kandace, , , Kara, Kamryn, and

> KaLynn, my six younger sisters are saved. So, six down....


> I cannot thank you all enough for being here when I needed you the

> most! When I stumbled upon this site, I found people who


> cared, and were knowledgeable. I was devistated that the symptoms

> everyone here was experiencing matched mine as well as they did. I

> cried, I felt betrayed, but then I found my hope.


> Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,


> Kacey (kaceyalong@h...)



> P.S. My Microscopy (they pricked my finger and looked at the blood

> under a micropscope and on a screen) showed that I DO have silicone

> poisoning. I started chelation (a 3 hr. IV treatment to clean out

> the toxins in my body in about a week). I'm on my way to getting


> health back, and I'm just as determined and motivated as I've ever

> been.


> P.P.S. HI COLLEEN! Happy healing and thanks for all of your

> encouragement and support :)

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Just to update you on this topic, as I have been the only other one asked if I am going to do the show on this site, and seeing I was really the only other "one" that MTV really wanted- I felt your post saying in a round the bout way about "others: not doing the show, or not having the guts, meant me. So I thought I would fill you in. Its not that I didnt have the guts to go through with it. Its much more than that, or going on tv for our cause.

One- its MTV, no matter what anyone tells me, its not NBC, or CBS with a reputable character. Many of there shows are questionable/discusting to me, really. And to be honest , a lot of the 1st show re: breast implants I was not that thrilled with.I mean the explant story was good (quite short) but about the girls getting them- I think some of it was tacky.

Two: I was currenlty being tested for MS; a scary topic for me, esp around the one year anniversary of my explant, which was really depressing to me. I was literally having problems walking. Which I never had before. When they called me for an interview, I was fine with that, but they were literally pushing to come out on in a few days for a 3 day shoot, on labor day week .Which was ridiculous.I had family coming over, many of them that still do not know I ever had them, and I wasn't about to have them over filming that, or coming last minute and having to cancel my plans. Or having them film my MRI. No thank you. I didn't like being pushed into a decision re:my life without the chance to think about it. This will effect my life for a long time. I need to be ready to do this, and have already had a very stressful,busy life this last year, with illnesses, explant, building a house, and moving in one year alone. Its not that I don't have the guts to do it, I think that what they were asking was a little much, a little sudden.So did alot of other people I talked to.

I was interested, and wanted time to think and pray more, and had alot going on. Hello, problems walking. So when Mia understood iwouldnt be doing it that week, she left me a long message asking if I would be interested in doing the filming in about 2 or 3 weeks when they were out again, and to think about it. I called her back, and told her I would definitly do that.

To let you know, I have emailed them back last night, and told them its a go if they still want me. So it wasnt that I didnt have the guts, its that I needed time to think about broadcasting the most humiliating, horrific and experience to unbeknowst family, friend, and neighbors. I am opening up a can of worms, one that needs to be- but I needed to know I had the strength to talk about this now openly, all the time (you have no clue how big my family is, try 20 Aunts and Uncles to start with) And to be ready. I am also active inthe communtiy, and on the village board as well. So this will impact alot in my life.

There are also issues of husbands and parents, and their feeling in all of this. They will also deal with the after efects of this, not just myself. I have a very quiet Christian family, that may be embarrasted by all of this, whether or not its right, they shouldnt have to deal with that, I should. It isnt all about me, there are many more that will be involved in this breast implant mess. So there realy are alot of issues, over guts on making this decision.

And seeing that I had fair time to think about it, I have decided to do it. Its too important to so may others, to pass up We'll see-

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FYI...I've been talking to MTV too...Colleen

From: " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@...>


Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 18:38:59 +0000

Subject: Re: Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!


Just to update you on this topic, as I have been the only other one asked if I am going to do the show on this site, and seeing I was really the only other " one " that MTV really wanted- I felt your post saying in a round the bout way about " others: not doing the show, or not having the guts, meant me. So I thought I would fill you in. Its not that I didnt have the guts to go through with it. Its much more than that, or going on tv for our cause.

One- its MTV, no matter what anyone tells me, its not NBC, or CBS with a reputable character. Many of there shows are questionable/discusting to me, really. And to be honest , a lot of the 1st show re: breast implants I was not that thrilled with.I mean the explant story was good (quite short) but about the girls getting them- I think some of it was tacky.

Two: I was currenlty being tested for MS; a scary topic for me, esp around the one year anniversary of my explant, which was really depressing to me. I was literally having problems walking. Which I never had before. When they called me for an interview, I was fine with that, but they were literally pushing to come out on in a few days for a 3 day shoot, on labor day week .Which was ridiculous.I had family coming over, many of them that still do not know I ever had them, and I wasn't about to have them over filming that, or coming last minute and having to cancel my plans. Or having them film my MRI. No thank you. I didn't like being pushed into a decision re:my life without the chance to think about it. This will effect my life for a long time. I need to be ready to do this, and have already had a very stressful,busy life this last year, with illnesses, explant, building a house, and moving in one year alone. Its not that I don't have the guts to do it, I think that what they were asking was a little much, a little sudden.So did alot of other people I talked to.

I was interested, and wanted time to think and pray more, and had alot going on. Hello, problems walking. So when Mia understood iwouldnt be doing it that week, she left me a long message asking if I would be interested in doing the filming in about 2 or 3 weeks when they were out again, and to think about it. I called her back, and told her I would definitly do that.

To let you know, I have emailed them back last night, and told them its a go if they still want me. So it wasnt that I didnt have the guts, its that I needed time to think about broadcasting the most humiliating, horrific and experience to unbeknowst family, friend, and neighbors. I am opening up a can of worms, one that needs to be- but I needed to know I had the strength to talk about this now openly, all the time (you have no clue how big my family is, try 20 Aunts and Uncles to start with) And to be ready. I am also active inthe communtiy, and on the village board as well. So this will impact alot in my life.

There are also issues of husbands and parents, and their feeling in all of this. They will also deal with the after efects of this, not just myself. I have a very quiet Christian family, that may be embarrasted by all of this, whether or not its right, they shouldnt have to deal with that, I should. It isnt all about me, there are many more that will be involved in this breast implant mess. So there realy are alot of issues, over guts on making this decision.

And seeing that I had fair time to think about it, I have decided to do it. Its too important to so may others, to pass up We'll see-

Compare Cable, DSL or Satellite plans: As low as $29.95. <http://g.msn.com/8HMBENUS/2737??PS=>

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I also sent them contact info for a girl in Connecticut that I know....Thank you to all of you who volunteered. I hold you all in high esteem!

----- Original Message -----

From: Colleen

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 2:10 PM

Subject: Re: Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!!

FYI...I've been talking to MTV too...Colleen

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Colleen, thats great.

>From: Colleen

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!! >Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 16:10:49 -0500 > >FYI...I've been talking to MTV too...Colleen > >From: "JOSEPH PALANCA"

>Reply- >Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 18:38:59 +0000 > >Subject: Re: Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's surgery!!! > > >, > >Just to update you on this topic, as I have been the only other one asked if >I am going to do the show on this site, and seeing I was really the only >other "one" that MTV really wanted- I felt your post saying in a round the >bout way about "others: not doing the show, or not having the guts, meant >me. So I thought I would fill you in. Its not that I didnt have the guts to >go through with it. Its much more than that, or going on tv for our cause. > >One- its MTV, no matter what anyone tells me, its not NBC, or CBS with a >reputable character. Many of there shows are questionable/discusting to me, >really. And to be honest , a lot of the 1st show re: breast implants I was >not that thrilled with.I mean the explant story was good (quite short) but >about the girls getting them- I think some of it was tacky. > > Two: I was currenlty being tested for MS; a scary topic for me, esp around >the one year anniversary of my explant, which was really depressing to me. I >was literally having problems walking. Which I never had before. When they >called me for an interview, I was fine with that, but they were literally >pushing to come out on in a few days for a 3 day shoot, on labor day week >.Which was ridiculous.I had family coming over, many of them that still do >not know I ever had them, and I wasn't about to have them over filming that, >or coming last minute and having to cancel my plans. Or having them film my >MRI. No thank you. I didn't like being pushed into a decision re:my life >without the chance to think about it. This will effect my life for a long >time. I need to be ready to do this, and have already had a very >stressful,busy life this last year, with illnesses, explant, building a >house, and moving in one year alone. Its not that I don't have the guts to >do it, I think that what they were asking was a little much, a little >sudden.So did alot of other people I talked to. > >I was interested, and wanted time to think and pray more, and had alot >going on. Hello, problems walking. So when Mia understood iwouldnt be doing >it that week, she left me a long message asking if I would be interested in >doing the filming in about 2 or 3 weeks when they were out again, and to >think about it. I called her back, and told her I would definitly do that. > >To let you know, I have emailed them back last night, and told them its a go >if they still want me. So it wasnt that I didnt have the guts, its that I >needed time to think about broadcasting the most humiliating, horrific and >experience to unbeknowst family, friend, and neighbors. I am opening up a >can of worms, one that needs to be- but I needed to know I had the strength >to talk about this now openly, all the time (you have no clue how big my >family is, try 20 Aunts and Uncles to start with) And to be ready. I am also >active inthe communtiy, and on the village board as well. So this will >impact alot in my life. > >There are also issues of husbands and parents, and their feeling in all of >this. They will also deal with the after efects of this, not just myself. I >have a very quiet Christian family, that may be embarrasted by all of this, >whether or not its right, they shouldnt have to deal with that, I should. >It isnt all about me, there are many more that will be involved in this >breast implant mess. So there realy are alot of issues, over guts on making >this decision. > >And seeing that I had fair time to think about it, I have decided to do it. >Its too important to so may others, to pass up We'll see- > > > > > >Compare Cable, DSL or Satellite plans: As low as $29.95. > >

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Wow Hang on a second! I was not saying anything about you. I

vagely recall something about you not being able to do the show, but

all I was saying was that I was glad Kacey had the guts to do it.

Obviously not many others did because out of all the posts on this

site and on explantation no one took them up on it. I really did not

mean to upset you. I am sure you had your reasons for not doing it.

ly it seems your way sensitive about this topic for what I have

no idea. I do think that it takes guts to do it and I am thankful

that at least one person had the guts and the time etc to be able to

do this that was not too old like me. Again I really NEVER said

anything about you . I hardly ever post here anymore and then

when I do someone always seems to take something I said out of


, " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>



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Right on girl. I was hoping that allot of the girls on here who are

under 30 would do this. IT IS SO IMPORTANT!

In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> FYI...I've been talking to MTV too...Colleen


> From: " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>

> Reply-

> Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 18:38:59 +0000


> Subject: Re: Re: MTV Kacey (kaceybu02) today's




> ,


> Just to update you on this topic, as I have been the only other one

asked if

> I am going to do the show on this site, and seeing I was really

the only

> other " one " that MTV really wanted- I felt your post saying in a

round the

> bout way about " others: not doing the show, or not having the guts,


> me. So I thought I would fill you in. Its not that I didnt have the

guts to

> go through with it. Its much more than that, or going on tv for our



> One- its MTV, no matter what anyone tells me, its not NBC, or CBS

with a

> reputable character. Many of there shows are

questionable/discusting to me,

> really. And to be honest , a lot of the 1st show re: breast

implants I was

> not that thrilled with.I mean the explant story was good (quite

short) but

> about the girls getting them- I think some of it was tacky.


> Two: I was currenlty being tested for MS; a scary topic for me,

esp around

> the one year anniversary of my explant, which was really depressing

to me. I

> was literally having problems walking. Which I never had before.

When they

> called me for an interview, I was fine with that, but they were


> pushing to come out on in a few days for a 3 day shoot, on labor

day week

> .Which was ridiculous.I had family coming over, many of them that

still do

> not know I ever had them, and I wasn't about to have them over

filming that,

> or coming last minute and having to cancel my plans. Or having them

film my

> MRI. No thank you. I didn't like being pushed into a decision

re:my life

> without the chance to think about it. This will effect my life for

a long

> time. I need to be ready to do this, and have already had a very

> stressful,busy life this last year, with illnesses, explant,

building a

> house, and moving in one year alone. Its not that I don't have the

guts to

> do it, I think that what they were asking was a little much, a


> sudden.So did alot of other people I talked to.


> I was interested, and wanted time to think and pray more, and had


> going on. Hello, problems walking. So when Mia understood iwouldnt

be doing

> it that week, she left me a long message asking if I would be

interested in

> doing the filming in about 2 or 3 weeks when they were out again,

and to

> think about it. I called her back, and told her I would definitly

do that.


> To let you know, I have emailed them back last night, and told them

its a go

> if they still want me. So it wasnt that I didnt have the guts, its

that I

> needed time to think about broadcasting the most humiliating,

horrific and

> experience to unbeknowst family, friend, and neighbors. I am

opening up a

> can of worms, one that needs to be- but I needed to know I had the


> to talk about this now openly, all the time (you have no clue how

big my

> family is, try 20 Aunts and Uncles to start with) And to be ready.

I am also

> active inthe communtiy, and on the village board as well. So this


> impact alot in my life.


> There are also issues of husbands and parents, and their feeling in

all of

> this. They will also deal with the after efects of this, not just

myself. I

> have a very quiet Christian family, that may be embarrasted by all

of this,

> whether or not its right, they shouldnt have to deal with that, I


> It isnt all about me, there are many more that will be involved in


> breast implant mess. So there realy are alot of issues, over guts

on making

> this decision.


> And seeing that I had fair time to think about it, I have decided

to do it.

> Its too important to so may others, to pass up We'll see-






> Compare Cable, DSL or Satellite plans: As low as $29.95.

> <http://g.msn.com/8HMBENUS/2737??PS=>


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