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Re: New to group...jennifer

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I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and have not worked for 3 years. they told me mine were mostly saline but they were silicone gel outter shell which they all are anyway they both ruptured but I couldn't even tell. the problems got worse after explant when silicone was spilled in me and I go for more check ups. I became nearly immobile 2 years ago. It was a very frigthening experience. I put on lots of weight. Brain fog, severe and suisidal depression etc etc. Just don't get implants. go to the bottom of this email and you will find links. God Guide You, Love, jenniferdp2001 <jenniferdp2001@...> wrote:

Hi!I'm new to the group, and I've been contemplatinggetting saline implants. I even had a surgery datescheduled and thought everything was fine. Then Istarted doing some more last minute reading and beganto discover that people with saline implants were alsohaving complications above and beyond the "risks" thatthe plastic surgeons tell you about. I have postponed my surgery...possibly permanently,but I would appreciate any input and experiences anyof you have. Since I just joined today, I haven'treally had a chance to see everything here, posts,links, etc. But I would like to hear the stories themembers of this group have concerning problems withtheir saline implants and such...if you don't mindsharing of course. And any links you have to actual studies done bysomeone other than PSs or implant

manufacturers wouldbe greatly appreciated. It's so hard to find CLEARstatistics on any of this. That's one reason I'm soconfused. It seems really hard to find solid factsand studies that don't seem to be biased in one way oranother by plastic surgeons or implant manufacturers. Any good sources would be appreciated. Thanks so much for all your help!

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