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Fw: Carrot juice fasting & hypoglycemia & other good info

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This was in my box, and I am not sure of the source she is quoting, but I thought I would pass this on to the group.


----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 12:20 PM

Subject: Carrot juice fasting & hypoglycemia & other good info

List: This is excerpts from Dr. 's lengthy article (section on carrot juice fasting). Among other things it addresses questions we often get on sugar in carrot juice causing problems in people with hypoglycemia.

What if my problem/condition gets worse? In cases of arthritis, fibromyalgia and other painful conditions, it may get worse temporarily before it gets better. This is normal, expected, and is a good sign that the fast is working to cleanse the body. It will pass in a few days, and after that time, the pain will most likely be better than it was before starting the fast. If the colon is ignored during juicing, these reactions can last longer. It is very important to have bowel movements every day in order to avoid these unpleasant healing reactions.

I know my body - I can't do that! If people really knew their body and were completely in tune with it, they would not be sick. How does one know if he or she can do something until that person is in the middle of doing it? I've put many a person on a juice fast who swore to me that they couldn't do it. They came through it just fine, and were amazed that they felt so much energy during it.

Won't I feel weak? I'm too weak to do a juice fast!Most people don't realize that a juice fast will provide even more energy than they normally have. I've also put people who were bedridden with bodies full of cancer on a juice fast and it helped them tremendously, and got many of them out of bed. I've never found a person who was too weak to do a juice fast. Juice fasting is a time when the mind is stimulated and all sorts of creative ideas flow. It is the perfect method to use to unleash creativity for artists, musicians, actors, writers and any other sort of creative profession. It takes 30% of the body's entire energy to digest food. This is a lot of energy!

When one does not have to digest solid food, one has this much more energy in the body with which to heal. Since the body is always moving towards health, it will use this energy to bring itself back into balance. It will do things such as dissolve calcium deposits in the joints, release toxins stored in the liver, kidneys, muscles, and fat. It will dissolve scar tissue in the body, and begin to regenerate and clean up aging, injured and infected organs. Since juice is so full of enzymes, the body does not need to use up extra energy to create enzymes to digest it. Instead of digestive enzymes, the body will manufacture other types of enzymes that it can use to break up deposits and toxins settled in the tissues.

I can't do a juice fast - I'm hypoglycemic So was I. In fact, I had extreme sugar highs and lows while eating a normal diet. When my blood sugar would go low, I would be on the ground unconscious. And when I was unconscious, I would have seizures. Yet, when I did juice fasting, this did not happen. When people do the juice fast as directed, they are almost constantly drinking juice. They drink juice every hour. When they do it this way, they are continuously giving their body more carbohydrates, and it is impossible for the blood sugar to go too low.

An important situation in which to be cautious about doing a juice fast would be in cases of diabetes or in someone who has ever passed out from low blood sugar - this is rare and usually only the case in diabetes. (In cases of diabetes, I would strongly recommend a SUPERVISED vegetable juice fast, with frequent monitoring of the blood sugar - the high blood sugar problem can go away so quickly that the regular dose of insulin or other blood sugar-lowering medication can make the blood sugar go too low.) Diabetics can also experience blood sugar peaks, so it is important for them to monitor the blood sugar frequently during a juice fast. If juicing cannot be done in cases of diabetes, then the next best thing is a completely raw, vegan diet. People who are not diabetic do not need to monitor their blood sugar, since their blood sugar control mechanisms are functioning fine, and they do not have problems juicing.

Now, people sometimes have short periods of tiredness in the midst of the energy because the body is doing all of this cleansing work. Old solid toxins that had previously settled in the fat cells, liver, kidneys, brain, pancreas, muscles, joints and bones are being liquefied and released into the bloodstream to be removed. This feeling of tiredness is commonly misinterpreted as a blood sugar low. It is NOT. This "healing reaction" as it is commonly called can be greatly relieved by giving extra attention to the elimination organs. This makes the juicing program go much more smoothly and comfortably.

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