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Thanks for that supportive post. I am trying real hard to keep

my focus on getting them out. I know in my soul that it will help

if just mentally. I can understand how women commit suicide.

This is more than a battle for our health, all other kinds of things

enter in, which shouldn't but they do. For years I would think it

was my breat implants and I would go to the doctor and he would

say 'it's not your implants' and look at me like I had four heads.

Then as you get sicker some of the fight leaves you and I think

then suicide thoughts enter in. When you feel bad and have to

keep going in the day to day it is just more than you can bear.

I just think, 'but by the grace of God'. I'm still here and I'm still

going to fight but I know there are some that just couldn't continue

and it is heartbreaking.

I always appreciate your support....Blessings to you.....Debbye

JOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote:

Debbye, Do not let what any PS says effect you- or change your decision.I was told the same thing. Good thing they didnt fase me. Listen all doctors know that any foriegn object placed within our bodies, like pace makers, transplanted organs, hip replacements can, and will admit cause immune reactions. I mean I dont know why they can't admit, or be smart enough to place them in the same group, as they too are foriegn objects. Period. And on top of that are contaminated with many very bad, chemicals.Proven to cause cancer, hormonal imbalances, and auto immnue illnesses.

If you give your body a chance to be without them, you may get better.Actually, you have great chance with this effective way of detoxing. Taking two toxic bgs out of your chest cavity! Thres no better way! You are givng your immnue system a break, time to stop reacting, being so sensitive. You will find that you will get better, most girls alot of improvement, some a little. Either way , they are wrong.You will get better. Give your body a fighting chance, pray and believe you will get better, and you will. Ignore them, keep focused on explant and recovery! Love Always,

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