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Re: Patty and To all of you

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Dear Teri,

Isn't it sickening the things that these Dr's do to us, because they

feel we would be better off? You have been through allot and I am

truly sorry for that. I hope that you can find better health after

your implants are removed. I just cannot imagine the shock of finding

out your saline implants are really gel.WOW! That is horrible, but

unfortunately not at all uncommon it seems. I knew a girl in Ca that

had implants put in, and not only did this PS make her two cup sizes

bigger than she had asked him to(she wanted to be a full B) he made

her a full D cup, can you imagine, but then she got into a terrible

car accident and her implant ruptured and she found out it was gel,

not saline, and that she had to have her chest scraped of all the

goo. Luckily she has never gotten ill, although she has told me she

gets sicker easier than she used to before implants. But she tried to

sue this PS and he died before she ever made it to court. Now she has

no recourse at all, other than the DOW settlement.Anyhow, like I said

it really is more common than one would believe. I really hope that

you will stick around the group and that you will see that even if

someone talks about god in a way that others don't related to, it is

not to be rude or condescending. I don't always agree with others

views of religion either, being Mormon, people don't always agree

with mine, but I respect others feelings and I hope that they all

respect mine. I find it so offensive sometimes, when people tell me

that being Mormon is not Christian, but I cannot really hold that

against people, since allot of people are not informed very well

about that. So I just let it go, and know that I know what is true to


Anyhow, I really do hope that things start to get better for you.


<coolchickie@p...> wrote:

> Patty,


> I am so sorry this is so long but I have been inspired by people


> Ilena Rose and her website. To have that much passion and self

> cofidence to go out there and put herself on the line by ADMITTING






> EMBRACE what everybody brings to the table.


> I appreciate your response to my email and I do respect your


> as I do everybody's on this website. I was not blasting you like


> thought, I actually read somebody elses email to her and just


> to respond because the same thing was said to me. I didn't even


> your email to Kay and it really didn't have anything to do with WHO

> WROTE IT. My whole intention of sending that email was to share


> I understand that you and everybody is here to help and if we


> have faith in God, I really believe for the most part, we would not

> be on this website if we didn't have faith in God that we all can

> help each other here. I don't have a problem with tallking about


> or my faith in God, but what I do know is some people are not

> comfortable with talking abou that and it really has nothing to do

> with my feelings and everything to do with just knowing if somebody

> is asking for help or telling us over and over that they have faith

> in God I certainly would not address that again with THE RATES OF

> SUICIDE AND other feelings that women feel when they dont feel


> are listening. That is all I was trying to say today. I have


> for opinions and respected those given to me even if it was way off

> to how I was really feeling.


> I just found out that I did have silicone implants. My denial of


> wanting to believe what God WAS TELLING ME THRU MY BODY that I


> believed that when my implant leaked it deflated and when I looked


> it,it waa deflated. I looked at my picture with my attorney and it

> was leaking the size was alittle off but it wasn't completly

> deflated. I was in shock to even think that the implant could leak

> and since I thought I had saline, I just thought it deflated.


> the sad thing is he really believed that he was doing me and my

> deformed breast tissue a favor my giving me silicone for a better


> he would call it " left normal breast " . I was diagnosed last week

> with MS due to my silicone implants that I only had for 5 years but

> my silicone was so high in my body that my docter could not even

> believe that I could not only hop on a plane and go to New York


> two weeks, that I could acutally wake up and work like I do. I


> to finish with a MRI to make sure that my calcifications isn't

> cancer. The betrayal of what my doctor did happened and it happens


> more than what I thought. I expressed my concerns on what I


> happened, and I understand the majority of women with silicone


> get sick or leak until 7 to 10 years and that I probably didn't


> silicone. I asked for opinions and I got one and I totally respect

> that.I was told that if I had silicone I probably didn't get that

> sick because I didn't have them long enough, well, I did it sick


> sometimes we have to remember what worked for people or didn't work

> back whenever doesn't always mean it works now. I

> feel my body was violated because of WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS GOOD FOR


> The sad part about it, is he really believes he did what was right

> and better for me. He is so blinded by his own insecurities of


> being wrong or having to admit that he was wrong and I was right

> about him that he even lower himself one more notch by



> FAITH. People with faith in God, live their lives with no ego, and

> respecting other peoples values and wishes, and maybe by being open

> minded by trying different ways to heal, it sometimes makes their

> life better and better with God. Well, I never will get that from

> him!HA He is to small of a person to ever admit that.


> Going past the Mentor plant after my attorneys appt, I realized


> for us to win this fight against these bad people, God is telling


> that the FDA and thse mega companies could really care less about


> and our lives. Every big corrupt corporation that got busted




> we had just thought that given it to God was all that God wanted


> them AT Enron, there would not have been a penny left but some


> were saved and when that happens GOD HAS RESTORED HIS FAITH IN


> That is GOD giving it to people to give US FAITH IN EACH OTHER.


> me to just sit and be patient until maybe they listen, is something


> struggle with because I know it is wrong and I feel I am doing a

> great injustice not sharing my story and getting in front of women

> that I can share and show what has happened to me.


> I got on this website because God directed me here and to find out

> the things that were not right about my implants. I came here to


> info and be educated on what I didn't know that I should have


> I never felt I deserved this to happen to me but I have had to do

> alot of soul searching why I felt that I needed my breasts to match

> each other to feel better about myselfor to feel more wanted or


> important. As much as I said I was a strong woman who had self

> confidence, if I wanted to help other women like I do, I first had


> figure out my own personal issues and at least be honst with


> I could either deny reality or face up and deal with the fact that


> did lack some self confidence on the way and figure out why and get

> back on track. I think what we are doing with the FDA and writing

> letters and so forth is great and it always is a positive thing.


> I can totally understand the legal issue on the banned docter and


> makes sense why it is the way it is. I DID ASK IN ONE OF MY VERY

> FIRST EMAILS why their was alot of conflict between her and


> because when I said I read everybody's email from day 1 and got to

> know what other women went thru, I really did read everybody

> stories! I asked that in my email and even being confused with the

> backlash, I NEVER ONCE JUDGED THIS WEBSITE or thought the way you

> felt was wrong, but I never got a response back from anyone about



> never sent anything like that without even knowing that I DID ASK


> NOBODY REPLIED about the banned docter and because she didn't know

> that I did ask or really didn't care to know because it was assumed

> that I didn't. I have always replied to EVERYONE that has replied


> my messages and even supported women who was having a hard time

> because people in their life wasn't supporting them. The worse

> feeling in the world is to feel alone when you are not.


> Thank you to everyone that gave me anwers to my questions,


> Teri

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I apologize for making the assumption that I did. I am really sorry to hear that you found out you had silicone gel implants rather than saline. It has happened more often that we would like to hear, and I find it particularly troublesome that these doctors are taking such liberties with our bodies. It is just so arrogant. So wrong.

Ilena is a wonderful, sweet, kind and generous woman. She and I are close friends, and I admire her more than any other woman I know in this breast implant business. She is one who has put it all on the line for all of us, taking hard hits financially, emotionally, mentally and God knows in how many other ways, while she herself has never endured the tragedy of breast implants. Oh, now that didn't come out right--she has most definitely endured the tragedy of breast implants...just not in the same way we have.

God bless you, God bless us all as we work toward revealing the ugly truth about breast implants.


----- Original Message -----

From: easygoingchickie

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 11:32 PM

Subject: Patty and To all of you

Patty,I am so sorry this is so long but I have been inspired by people like Ilena Rose and her website. To have that much passion and self cofidence to go out there and put herself on the line by ADMITTING THAT GOD HAS A BIG ROLE IN ALL OF THIS AND FAITH HAS TO BE THERE, BUT REALITY IS WE AS PEOPLE HAVE TO STEP IN AND FINISH THE PATH THAT GOD PUT US ON TO FIGHT AGAINST THESE PEOPLE, NOT EACH OTHER'S VIEWS AND EMBRACE what everybody brings to the table. I appreciate your response to my email and I do respect your opinion as I do everybody's on this website. I was not blasting you like you thought, I actually read somebody elses email to her and just wanted to respond because the same thing was said to me. I didn't even read your email to Kay and it really didn't have anything to do with WHO WROTE IT. My whole intention of sending that email was to share that I understand that you and everybody is here to help and if we didn't have faith in God, I really believe for the most part, we would not be on this website if we didn't have faith in God that we all can help each other here. I don't have a problem with tallking about God or my faith in God, but what I do know is some people are not comfortable with talking abou that and it really has nothing to do with my feelings and everything to do with just knowing if somebody is asking for help or telling us over and over that they have faith in God I certainly would not address that again with THE RATES OF SUICIDE AND other feelings that women feel when they dont feel people are listening. That is all I was trying to say today. I have asked for opinions and respected those given to me even if it was way off to how I was really feeling. I just found out that I did have silicone implants. My denial of not wanting to believe what God WAS TELLING ME THRU MY BODY that I just believed that when my implant leaked it deflated and when I looked at it,it waa deflated. I looked at my picture with my attorney and it was leaking the size was alittle off but it wasn't completly deflated. I was in shock to even think that the implant could leak and since I thought I had saline, I just thought it deflated. Well, the sad thing is he really believed that he was doing me and my deformed breast tissue a favor my giving me silicone for a better as he would call it "left normal breast". I was diagnosed last week with MS due to my silicone implants that I only had for 5 years but my silicone was so high in my body that my docter could not even believe that I could not only hop on a plane and go to New York every two weeks, that I could acutally wake up and work like I do. I have to finish with a MRI to make sure that my calcifications isn't cancer. The betrayal of what my doctor did happened and it happens to more than what I thought. I expressed my concerns on what I thought happened, and I understand the majority of women with silicone don't get sick or leak until 7 to 10 years and that I probably didn't have silicone. I asked for opinions and I got one and I totally respect that.I was told that if I had silicone I probably didn't get that sick because I didn't have them long enough, well, I did it sick and sometimes we have to remember what worked for people or didn't work back whenever doesn't always mean it works now. Ifeel my body was violated because of WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS GOOD FOR ME. The sad part about it, is he really believes he did what was right and better for me. He is so blinded by his own insecurities of maybe being wrong or having to admit that he was wrong and I was right about him that he even lower himself one more notch by acknowledging his fear of NOT LIVING BY WHO HE SAYS HE IS AND BEING A PERSON WITH FAITH. People with faith in God, live their lives with no ego, and respecting other peoples values and wishes, and maybe by being open minded by trying different ways to heal, it sometimes makes their life better and better with God. Well, I never will get that from him!HA He is to small of a person to ever admit that. Going past the Mentor plant after my attorneys appt, I realized that for us to win this fight against these bad people, God is telling us that the FDA and thse mega companies could really care less about us and our lives. Every big corrupt corporation that got busted (Enron) was BECAUSE PEOPLE REALIZED WHAT WAS HAPPENING and KNEW IT WAS WRONG AND CAME FORTH TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING TO EVERYBODY. If we had just thought that given it to God was all that God wanted from them AT Enron, there would not have been a penny left but some people were saved and when that happens GOD HAS RESTORED HIS FAITH IN US. That is GOD giving it to people to give US FAITH IN EACH OTHER. For me to just sit and be patient until maybe they listen, is something I struggle with because I know it is wrong and I feel I am doing a great injustice not sharing my story and getting in front of women that I can share and show what has happened to me. I got on this website because God directed me here and to find out the things that were not right about my implants. I came here to gain info and be educated on what I didn't know that I should have known. I never felt I deserved this to happen to me but I have had to do alot of soul searching why I felt that I needed my breasts to match each other to feel better about myselfor to feel more wanted or more important. As much as I said I was a strong woman who had self confidence, if I wanted to help other women like I do, I first had to figure out my own personal issues and at least be honst with myself. I could either deny reality or face up and deal with the fact that I did lack some self confidence on the way and figure out why and get back on track. I think what we are doing with the FDA and writing letters and so forth is great and it always is a positive thing. I can totally understand the legal issue on the banned docter and it makes sense why it is the way it is. I DID ASK IN ONE OF MY VERY FIRST EMAILS why their was alot of conflict between her and everybody because when I said I read everybody's email from day 1 and got to know what other women went thru, I really did read everybody stories! I asked that in my email and even being confused with the backlash, I NEVER ONCE JUDGED THIS WEBSITE or thought the way you felt was wrong, but I never got a response back from anyone about that. THE EMAIL I GOT FROM CARRIE TODAY I WOULD have never and have never sent anything like that without even knowing that I DID ASK AND NOBODY REPLIED about the banned docter and because she didn't know that I did ask or really didn't care to know because it was assumed that I didn't. I have always replied to EVERYONE that has replied to my messages and even supported women who was having a hard time because people in their life wasn't supporting them. The worse feeling in the world is to feel alone when you are not. Thank you to everyone that gave me anwers to my questions,Teri

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