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Re: heart issues

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I heard little bits and pieces about women having heart issues when I was part of Ilena's private email list early in my breast implant experience. I never really paid much attention to those posts, however, as I didn't experience any heart related issues myself. I have heard a little here and there lately about women having questionable heart issues, but I do not understand what the connection there is, if any. I do know that my stepdaughter has experienced numbness down one side of her body (one of the very common implant symptoms) and she also has been told she now has heart problems...I heard they were discussing the possibility of a stent and she is only 29 years old--totally blows me away, and I personally believe all of her sudden health problems are implant related, but unfortunately, I know of no studies that would back it up. (what else is new?)


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:31 PM

Subject: Heart issues

Girls, Has any one had heart problems from their implants? if so what are the symptoms and diagnosis's ? Please post your experiences if you would share. Also does anyone know of any studies linking heart problems with implants? My Neighbors friend has saline for two years, is in shape and had 3 heart attacks this weekend. I told my neighbor my story, and she wants to share any info I may have with her. I told her I would talk to all of girls, and also try to get any info I could.

Poor girl, got them as she had breast cancer, and now all of this.

Shame, shame, shame

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you may want to post over on explantation.com to see if there

are any girls over there that had cardiac issues. It makes sense to

me that with implants being right there next to our heart and lungs,

that this would be a problem for some of us, esp those who have had

the implants awhile. I know there was a young girl whose story is up

on explantation.com website that had high blood pressure issues only

a few months post implantation with silicon gel implants, and she is

better now after removal. I think she is in New York, she is a

radiological technician. Anyhow her name is , if you want to

email her, her addie is at the end of her story and she is very

knowledgable about the connection between implants and high blood

pressure, wich would be a definite connection to cardiac problems (a

precursor of things to come) so you may want to make that contact.

I am glad to hear your making such great improvements, it is pretty

much right on time too. I suspect when you are at your 2 to 3 year

mark like where I am at, you will be fine, with most all your

symptoms going away or gone. Lately I am noticing I am aching allot

in the morning. But my dear husband seems to be pretty stiff in the

am's as well, we are attributing it to a touch of arthritis. I know I

probably just need to get back on a better diet, which I am starting

this week. I have really been eating way too much sugar and refined

things, also I am between a rock and a hard place on the grain issue.

I mean I probably should not eat so much of it, on the one hand, but

on the other hand they keep my system moving so nicely, without the

whole grain cereal in the morning I get so constipated! Anyhow, i

also have been putting in some serious hours in the gym, and then

sitting for serious hours on a hard chair in classes and at home

studying. Need to make some changes with that stuff for sure, but

how? HA HA. It is not too bad, but it makes me realize that as

healthy as I have returned to, there are still some things that

bother me with the pain issues. Nothing like when i had the implants

though. Just like I said a touch of stiffness that goes away once I

am up and moving.

Anyhow, that is about it for me now.


In , " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>


> Girls, Has any one had heart problems from their implants? if so

what are the symptoms and diagnosis's ? Please post your experiences

if you would share. Also does anyone know of any studies linking

heart problems with implants? My Neighbors friend has saline for two

years, is in shape and had 3 heart attacks this weekend. I told my

neighbor my story, and she wants to share any info I may have with

her. I told her I would talk to all of girls, and also try to get any

info I could.

> Poor girl, got them as she had breast cancer, and now all of


> Shame, shame, shame

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can you share the study with us?

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:32 AM

Subject: heart issues

This post may be a repeat, and if it is sorry! I don't think the original ever got over though! Do any of you girls here have problems with your heart, or chest pains, or heart attacks you think may be realted to implants? Did it get better after explant? Please post. Does anyone know of any studies re: Heart problems from breast implants? I looked on the internet and could only find one study.

I'm only asking as my neighbors friend has implants for 2 years, is 30 yrs old, in great shape, and just had 3 heart attacks. They are wondering if it is related, and if I could get them some info, or studies. Poor girl. Thanks !

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You sound so busy! Keep it up... it will be so worth it in the long run.

Anyway, I'm sure we will all have that touch of arthritis, ya know? We have been exposed to so much. That's great about school. Keep it up, who would have thought when you were so implanted sick that youd'e be doing so much now?School and work, all that fun stuff.Way to go.

Thanks for the info on heart and to go to explantation.com for . I will check it out, thank you again. I feel the same way, it is so close to our hearts, and the heart is the muscle behind our chest muscle that holds the implant, hmmm-too close for comfort? Makes sense to me.

Anyway I am feeling alot better, but my hormones are still out of whack, terribly so. I dont know where I would be, if I never tested them, and treated them accordingly. I do the ZRT at home kits, or when I see Dr mercola-and although they are getting better, my adrenals are still excreting too much cortisol,(a sign that your body is under alot of stress- wonder from what?) and my progesterone is still low, as my estrogen is sky high! (implants are very estorgenic, and maybe casue I had them for almost 9 yrs, I got the full amounts!) I cant get over that my estrogen is still ihgh, taking progesterone should have lowered it. Dang, I have been on the sublinguals for 6 months now, I think Iam going to try the cream like Dr Lee recommends. Dr Mercola pushed for the sublinguals. Man why do all these docs have to differ? Maybe that will finally level me out. Anyway, we will see.Take Care and dont do too much! Love, High-speed Internet access as low as $29.95/month*. Click here. *Depending on the local service providers in your area.

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I just looked into reducing cortisol levels--I believe I have issues with cortisol, too. I'll post a few articles on what I find. It sounds like the symptoms of high cortisol output is exactly what we've all experienced. And it makes sense that our bodies are under stress with a foreign object inside that it is fighting, doesn't it? But it is odd that the stress level doesn't go easily after implants are removed...it is all probably a part of the whole autoimmune thing. I can totally relate to these symptoms of excess cortisol output!


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:57 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Heart issues


You sound so busy! Keep it up... it will be so worth it in the long run.

Anyway, I'm sure we will all have that touch of arthritis, ya know? We have been exposed to so much. That's great about school. Keep it up, who would have thought when you were so implanted sick that youd'e be doing so much now?School and work, all that fun stuff.Way to go.

Thanks for the info on heart and to go to explantation.com for . I will check it out, thank you again. I feel the same way, it is so close to our hearts, and the heart is the muscle behind our chest muscle that holds the implant, hmmm-too close for comfort? Makes sense to me.

Anyway I am feeling alot better, but my hormones are still out of whack, terribly so. I dont know where I would be, if I never tested them, and treated them accordingly. I do the ZRT at home kits, or when I see Dr mercola-and although they are getting better, my adrenals are still excreting too much cortisol,(a sign that your body is under alot of stress- wonder from what?) and my progesterone is still low, as my estrogen is sky high! (implants are very estorgenic, and maybe casue I had them for almost 9 yrs, I got the full amounts!) I cant get over that my estrogen is still ihgh, taking progesterone should have lowered it. Dang, I have been on the sublinguals for 6 months now, I think Iam going to try the cream like Dr Lee recommends. Dr Mercola pushed for the sublinguals. Man why do all these docs have to differ? Maybe that will finally level me out. Anyway, we will see.Take Care and dont do too much! Love,

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Hi ,

yes I am very very busy lately, and school is hard for me, well the

math is anyhow, I have never been a math or numbers person, but the

rewards are great. I love it. Yes it is awesome to be able to do all

these things now and feel good! I do wish I could get to the gym more

though, that has been harder for me lately, shoot! I need to work on

my diet too, I started back on a healthier plan for awhile anyhow,

with halloween coming it will be tougher on me though. Work is where

all the food action happens, it makes it so hard!

Anyhow I am glad your doing well, it is strange about the homrones. I

did have mine checked several times and they have all been ok, I

still wish I new why I lose so much hair, but it has slowed allot. I

guess that is something to be grateful for. How is your hair doing? I

think mine is looking thicker lately.

Anyhow, good to hear from you. Tell us more about your fast? I just

cannot imagine fasting with my schedule, esp with school and all. Do

you think it could be done? With all that thinking I need to do ha

ha? Did you work out while fasting?did you lose any wieght?

let me know and take care

In , " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>



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Sure PAtty!

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:21 AM

Subject: Re: heart issues


can you share the study with us?

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:32 AM

Subject: heart issues

This post may be a repeat, and if it is sorry! I don't think the original ever got over though! Do any of you girls here have problems with your heart, or chest pains, or heart attacks you think may be realted to implants? Did it get better after explant? Please post. Does anyone know of any studies re: Heart problems from breast implants? I looked on the internet and could only find one study.

I'm only asking as my neighbors friend has implants for 2 years, is 30 yrs old, in great shape, and just had 3 heart attacks. They are wondering if it is related, and if I could get them some info, or studies. Poor girl. Thanks !

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Just wanted to let you know that I had my saline breast implants for

two years and experienced chest pains, as well as weird heart

stuff. They were really hard to explain, and of course doc's didn't

take me seriously...but I KNOW it was because of the implants. I'm

only 21 and I've NEVER had any weird heart/chest pains before my

implants...and I'm not suppose to! I also was diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis...and supposedly a very few (very rare) cases

also have RA affect their heart and lungs...I think that's when it

could cause death. Not exciting. Of course my doc said that this

is VERY RARE....but then again, I'm proving to be a pretty rare case

in and of itself.

Good luck,


> Sure PAtty!

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: *~Patty~*


> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:21 AM

> Subject: Re: heart issues



> ,

> can you share the study with us?

> ----- Original Message -----



> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:32 AM

> Subject: heart issues



> This post may be a repeat, and if it is sorry! I don't think

the original ever got over though! Do any of you girls here have

problems with your heart, or chest pains, or heart attacks you think

may be realted to implants? Did it get better after explant? Please

post. Does anyone know of any studies re: Heart problems from breast

implants? I looked on the internet and could only find one study.

> I'm only asking as my neighbors friend has implants for 2

years, is 30 yrs old, in great shape, and just had 3 heart attacks.

They are wondering if it is related, and if I could get them some

info, or studies. Poor girl. Thanks !



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I just remembered Kristi Wilmore, too, the girl that MTV did a story on for their True Life series a few years ago.... her reply to 's board (after they started tearing her apart) mentions a heart attack. She had alot of health problems, but the last I heard, she was doing really well. Here is her letter:

This is from our archives, message number 1584. Kristi's letter was

originally posted on 's board because of course, that is a positive

site and they were raking Kristi pretty good over the coals for her part

in the MTV show.

From: "Patty " Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:55 am

Subject: Kristi's post to 's board

Kristi has been so brave to tell her story on MTV, and wouldn't ya know that there are girls out there who just don't want to hear it????

She made her point though, and it is the truth: It is time to stop denying that saline implants are dangerous!



Posted By: kristi <SAPHIRE435@...>

Date: Friday, 15 December 2000, at 11:18 p.m.

I know many people are aggrivated with my story and I think alot of it is

because people are worried. Tons of you have written me and wanted to know

alot of things, so I am going to tell the group my story here so everyone

can read it. I had my implants put in May of 1996. I had no prior medical

problems and was very active, no allergies or anything. Six months after I

got my implants my blood pressure started suddenly dropping and I would

pass out. Finally to the point that I was clinically dead for a few

minutes. My cardiologist put me on meds which worked for awhile, but I

steadily became worse. Eventually I was fainting again. Next the doctors

found and ulcer, so I was treated for that. Then my vision started getting

really bad and I was having terrible headaches. So my prescription was

changing every few months. Well by 1998 I was having seizure like spells

and diagnosed with epilepsy. I didnt believe I had epilepsy so I ended up

making an appt with one of the best neurologists in the U.S. He saw no

epileptic activity. Once again I was told it was my blood pressure. By

this point I was seeing doctors all over the south. By the summer of 99 I

could not even function. My hair had fallen out like crazy, I could not

remember anything. Went from a 4.0 to a 2.0, eventually got to the point

where I would not even recognize my parents. (I was back living at home by

this time) So my parents packed me up and brought me to Houston to a

diagnostic center. After many doctors, tons of tests and 18 tubes of

blood.. The doctors told me that I had an autoimmune disease caused from

silicone and that I needed to have my implants removed. I had them removed

about a month later and now a year later I am fine. I have not passed out

in over a year, i no longer need glasses. I graduate college tomorrow and

I feel great. I left out many episodes in here like the heart attack. I am

getting ambushed for telling my story and all I wanted to do was to

educate. I don't expect for women to stop getting implants because they

are dangerous. I mean smoking kills too, but everyone smokes... I know I

am just an unlucky one, but I think people need to stop denying that this

is dangerous. Have you ever read the chemical makeup of an implant and

actually looked up each ingredient? I have and its horrible! Take time

----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:27 PM

Subject: Re: heart issues

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I had my saline breast implants for two years and experienced chest pains, as well as weird heart stuff. They were really hard to explain, and of course doc's didn't take me seriously...but I KNOW it was because of the implants. I'm only 21 and I've NEVER had any weird heart/chest pains before my implants...and I'm not suppose to! I also was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis...and supposedly a very few (very rare) cases also have RA affect their heart and lungs...I think that's when it could cause death. Not exciting. Of course my doc said that this is VERY RARE....but then again, I'm proving to be a pretty rare case in and of itself.Good luck,Kacey

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Thanks Kacey! And to the "t" you hit it on target, we are pretty rare, ya know? To them anyway. I am sure they will start to see a lot more of this, girls like us, as more and more women get implanted Then these docs will really have to start seriously putting more thought into this topic, and what it does to their patients.

----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:27 PM

Subject: Re: heart issues

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I had my saline breast implants for two years and experienced chest pains, as well as weird heart stuff. They were really hard to explain, and of course doc's didn't take me seriously...but I KNOW it was because of the implants. I'm only 21 and I've NEVER had any weird heart/chest pains before my implants...and I'm not suppose to! I also was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis...and supposedly a very few (very rare) cases also have RA affect their heart and lungs...I think that's when it could cause death. Not exciting. Of course my doc said that this is VERY RARE....but then again, I'm proving to be a pretty rare case in and of itself.Good luck,Kacey> Sure PAtty! > ----- Original Message ----- > From: *~Patty~* > > Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:21 AM> Subject: Re: heart issues> > > ,> can you share the study with us?> ----- Original Message ----- > From: JOSEPH PALANCA > > Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:32 AM> Subject: heart issues> > > This post may be a repeat, and if it is sorry! I don't think the original ever got over though! Do any of you girls here have problems with your heart, or chest pains, or heart attacks you think may be realted to implants? Did it get better after explant? Please post. Does anyone know of any studies re: Heart problems from breast implants? I looked on the internet and could only find one study. > I'm only asking as my neighbors friend has implants for 2 years, is 30 yrs old, in great shape, and just had 3 heart attacks. They are wondering if it is related, and if I could get them some info, or studies. Poor girl. Thanks ! > >

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----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:30 PM

Subject: Re: Re: heart issues

I just remembered Kristi Wilmore, too, the girl that MTV did a story on for their True Life series a few years ago.... her reply to 's board (after they started tearing her apart) mentions a heart attack. She had alot of health problems, but the last I heard, she was doing really well. Here is her letter:

This is from our archives, message number 1584. Kristi's letter was

originally posted on 's board because of course, that is a positive

site and they were raking Kristi pretty good over the coals for her part

in the MTV show.

From: "Patty " Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:55 am

Subject: Kristi's post to 's board

Kristi has been so brave to tell her story on MTV, and wouldn't ya know that there are girls out there who just don't want to hear it????

She made her point though, and it is the truth: It is time to stop denying that saline implants are dangerous!



Posted By: kristi <SAPHIRE435@...>

Date: Friday, 15 December 2000, at 11:18 p.m.

I know many people are aggrivated with my story and I think alot of it is

because people are worried. Tons of you have written me and wanted to know

alot of things, so I am going to tell the group my story here so everyone

can read it. I had my implants put in May of 1996. I had no prior medical

problems and was very active, no allergies or anything. Six months after I

got my implants my blood pressure started suddenly dropping and I would

pass out. Finally to the point that I was clinically dead for a few

minutes. My cardiologist put me on meds which worked for awhile, but I

steadily became worse. Eventually I was fainting again. Next the doctors

found and ulcer, so I was treated for that. Then my vision started getting

really bad and I was having terrible headaches. So my prescription was

changing every few months. Well by 1998 I was having seizure like spells

and diagnosed with epilepsy. I didnt believe I had epilepsy so I ended up

making an appt with one of the best neurologists in the U.S. He saw no

epileptic activity. Once again I was told it was my blood pressure. By

this point I was seeing doctors all over the south. By the summer of 99 I

could not even function. My hair had fallen out like crazy, I could not

remember anything. Went from a 4.0 to a 2.0, eventually got to the point

where I would not even recognize my parents. (I was back living at home by

this time) So my parents packed me up and brought me to Houston to a

diagnostic center. After many doctors, tons of tests and 18 tubes of

blood.. The doctors told me that I had an autoimmune disease caused from

silicone and that I needed to have my implants removed. I had them removed

about a month later and now a year later I am fine. I have not passed out

in over a year, i no longer need glasses. I graduate college tomorrow and

I feel great. I left out many episodes in here like the heart attack. I am

getting ambushed for telling my story and all I wanted to do was to

educate. I don't expect for women to stop getting implants because they

are dangerous. I mean smoking kills too, but everyone smokes... I know I

am just an unlucky one, but I think people need to stop denying that this

is dangerous. Have you ever read the chemical makeup of an implant and

actually looked up each ingredient? I have and its horrible! Take time

----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:27 PM

Subject: Re: heart issues

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I had my saline breast implants for two years and experienced chest pains, as well as weird heart stuff. They were really hard to explain, and of course doc's didn't take me seriously...but I KNOW it was because of the implants. I'm only 21 and I've NEVER had any weird heart/chest pains before my implants...and I'm not suppose to! I also was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis...and supposedly a very few (very rare) cases also have RA affect their heart and lungs...I think that's when it could cause death. Not exciting. Of course my doc said that this is VERY RARE....but then again, I'm proving to be a pretty rare case in and of itself.Good luck,Kacey

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  • 2 years later...

Studies on my website show that elevating HGH (human growth

hormone) to youthful values improves cardiac function (even after

a heart attack and some subsequent cardiac muscle death).


The HGH approach not only restores the heart, it also restores

size and function of the thymus gland, kidneys etc, as it makes

the body more youthful, and you'll see references on the page for

that too.

The HGH approach does not reduce arteriosclerotic plaque that may

be causing the heart issues; use enzyme therapy, vitamin C and

cold-processed whey for that in addition to keeping healing speed

more youthful with the amino acids.

To my knowledge no electromedicine promotes HGH, glutathione, or

progesterone to youthful levels; all of these fall naturally with

age and drag one's health down as they fall.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So far all cold pressed whey I found had FOS or stevia or additives in them or other ingredients not needed. Could you recommend a good brand one could buy in full trust. Thanks a lot in advance


Re: heart issues

Studies on my website show that elevating HGH (human growth hormone) to youthful values improves cardiac function (even after a heart attack and some subsequent cardiac muscle death). http://MEMBERS.SHAW.CA/SomaLife-gHP/ The HGH approach not only restores the heart, it also restores size and function of the thymus gland, kidneys etc, as it makes the body more youthful, and you'll see references on the page for that too. The HGH approach does not reduce arteriosclerotic plaque that may be causing the heart issues; use enzyme therapy, vitamin C and cold-processed whey for that in addition to keeping healing speed more youthful with the amino acids. To my knowledge no electromedicine promotes HGH, glutathione, or progesterone to youthful levels; all of these fall naturally with age and drag one's health down as they fall. Duncan

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Far from being 'not needed', inadequate FOS or inulin in the diet

can be contributing directly to the heart issues.

Chronic inflammation and chronic toxin load are both linked to

heart issues, and the cold-processed whey will help to reduce

both. But although that's something of a resolution it does not

address the cause; the main source of the toxin load is a

fluorish of bad bowel bacteria called dysbiosis (AKA

dysbacteriosis), which is supposed to be controlled by the good

bacteria, which need FOS and inulin in order to do it.

Also address dietary issues that are relevant to plaque

formation, such as oxidation, and muscle/cellular integrity and

function that depends on dietary EPA and DHA in the diet,

electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium deficiency, b-

vitamins, that kind of thing.

If you want to 'cure heart disease' look up Dr. Matthias Rath's

formula of antioxidants and a few amino acids that have been

proven to do that ;) I have had success with the general approach

in my own practice.

Duncan Crow

> Posted by: " Wings & Images " ddc@...

> dominiquechamberlain Date: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:22 pm (PDT)


> So far all cold pressed whey I found had FOS or stevia or additives in

> them or other ingredients not needed. Could you recommend a good brand

> one could buy in full trust. Thanks a lot in advance Dominique

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