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Patty and Iggy/friends

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Hi there,

I would have to agree with you Patty on not going to the same plastic

surgeon. Unfortunately, most plastic surgeons as I am now finding

out have very big egos and really don't care what is best for us. I

don't think that ALL are that way and I do want to say that but with

the research and talking to women and others in the Dallas metroplex,

that is what I am finding. Not one time did my plastic surgeon tell

me that I should get them out and HE should have. He never told me

that they would deflate and all the other stuff that I am now going

thru. Even when I had them replaced for the 2nd time(before I knew

what I Know now, I know I have been naive)I was so emotionally and

physically drained from all the problems I have had for the last 4

1/2 years, I said maybe I should just get them out. I said that to

let him know how sick I was of all this and he never responded or

commented, when that would have been the perfect time to break it to

me that I should do just that because it won't get better BUT he

didn't. He continued to tell me that it was MY breast tissue and

then got totally irrate because my best friend and I were asking

questions on why this was happening and so forth. Long story short,

IT HURT HIS EGO and he thought we were questioning his work. Even

after that I still had him replace my implants because I WASN'T


Please do not go to the same surgeon. I am having a MRI next week

to make sure that the califications are anything to be worried

about. I am taking my implants out in a couple of months after my

body heals from the replacements. My docter is giving me blood tests

and some other tests to either rule out Lupus and etc. or treat me.

In the last two years I have experienced poor motor skills, hair

loss, memory loss, and very prone to everything. Even my allergies

are 3x worse than they ever were. My docter obviously can't tell me

what he thinks I have until he looks at me and tests me but with

everything that I told him, it is my implants and told me he was

going to START DETOXING ME NOW to start healing faster to take THOSE

DANG IMPLANTS OUT. He actually said a naughty word which I thought

was kind of funny because it sounded like something my dad would say

when he gets mad! My point is THAT IS WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR, SOMEONE


brutal truth on what implants can do.

I don't think that ALL people or things are like their collegues that

make them look bad because there is always an exception to everything

in life but there is such a thing called a majority and that is what

I am finding. I still hate to admit that because I want to believe

that people and especially docters would not want to hurt people or

be so dishonest but I HAVE TO because that is the only way I am going

to get better. A hard lesson I have learned but I am fortunate that

I know now instead of when it was worse.

Really think about your decision with everything you know(Really



> Hi Iggy,

> I am so glad you joined us and shared with us what you are going

through right now...and it does sound all implant related. There are

some very classic signs, and the pain and fatigue are included in



> I am also glad you are not afraid to be taking the steps to get

these things removed from your body, but I do want to caution you

about several things. You said you were going to call your plastic

surgeon and make an appt to get them out....I assume that you have an

excellent relationship with him/her...but please be aware that many

plastic surgeons downplay the connection between implants and

disease, or deny it outright, and then try to make you feel stupid

for even wanting them out to begin with. They use tactics such as

Debbye recently wrote about, which includes expressing skepticism

that you will look good again, or ridicule, or even joking around, as

mine did. These tactics area designed to create doubt in your mind

about your decision, but the truth is that if you know your body and

in your heart and soul feel that the implants have taken your health

away, then EVERY doctor should respect that and accomodate you...it

is, after all, your body.


> The second area that most doctors become negligent in is when it

comes to removal of the scar tissue around the implants. This is a

necessity that CANNOT be overlooked. Many p/s's will just drain and

yank out the implant, leaving the scar tissue because it adds

expense, time and work to remove it. They also sometimes think they

are doing the woman a favor because it adds volume to the breast when

there isn't much tissue there. However, the big problem in all of

this is that scar tissue acts as a reservoir of silicone breakdown

products, bacterial colonies, and other gunk that can cause huge

problems later on as the body responds to this, but more importantly,

it can prevent complete healing from taking place. And that is the

reason we get the implants out to begin with---we want healing, but

if the scar tissue is not removed, the chances are greatly diminished

for that.


> Again, welcome to our group and please take a look around the

website, where we have all kinds of information posted on explant

procedures, photos, studies and links to help you sort out all of the

information you will need as you begin taking care of yourself in new

and positive ways.

> God bless,

> Patty


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: iggyrn2b


> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:45 PM

> Subject: I'm new here, but not new to pain and

fatigue I think from implants?



> Hi everyone, I had read a post a while back that someone posted

on a

> fibromyalgia board about this board. THis woman wanted us to be

> aware of our FM/CFS possibly coming from implants. I had saline

> implants about 4-5 yrs ago... I have disintegrated drastically

in my

> health, I have been dx'd w/FM, Mycoplasma P (from a weak immune

> system) and possible CFS... I have horrible chronic pain, and


> the usual symptoms of autoimmune disorders. I am calling my


> surgeon Monday and getting an appt to have them removed. I


> this is what is causing my symptoms... they say major traumas


> up these illnesses, well, I have had 2 major car wrecks, back in


> and 85, childbirth in 1995 and implants 98 or 99. my pain


> heavily after implants..... please help me with some info on how


> should do this... I have a rheummy that tested me and he said

that my

> sed rates were normal and ANA as well, but I had all the tender

> points of fibro and 70% of FM patients have mycos in their


> and such... Is there any way to know for sure that my implants

> caused this? My head and heart tell me this is what it is...


> after the implants I never felt the same... and the weight gain

> happened immediately, like my body just was never itself....


> you for reading this... I need all the help I can get... I have

> excellent docs that can help me.... Iggy

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