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Hello Iggy...

I do not think you will need an overnight stay in the hospital. As far as en-bloc, not sure if you have saline implants, but I had mine saline implants for 3 years as of June of 2003. I had them removed, capselectomy, but the doctor did not think I needed en-bloc. He went throught the same scars I had previously and gave me a lift. I was explanted June 29 and could not be happier with my results.

Though I have mentioned to the group my previous hypothyroid issues prior to implant, I know with time, I am getting better. I purchased Windsor Pilates CD's back in May thinking I could do those exercises. It felt as though someone was choking me and sitting on my chest. Horrible pain trying to do the DVD back then and there was no way. I tried today, first time, of course I have been walking and using my bowflex when time permits. But I was able to do the Pilates today. I feel so great that I was able to do that without the pain I endured in the pass.

Again, the operation is expensive but I do not think an overnight stay is needed. I actually get very ill from anethesia and told the anethesiast my concerns. He used something that did not make me sick. I was sick for two days when I was implanted. This time I was sick for a day. ( I also had drains for 8 days , not to mention my ps had to remove 500 cc of fluid filled implants) He was really great. I will be going back next Thursday and asking about my Labs. He asked me if I wanted them tested. Not sure what happened to them, but my insurance paid for part of the testing. They never, ever paid for anything else. I really fought them to get anything paid.

Good luck and let us know what kind of pricing you get....take care.. S

----- Original Message -----

From: iggyrn2b

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:13 PM

Subject: re: Iggy

Hi, thanks for all the advice... I know I should see someone else, but I dont really have the funds to pull up extra expenses... I am hoping he will just charge me for anethesia and the O.R. I might just be praying for a miracle... this is not a good time financially for us... when it rains it pours... This doc is well known and he does not have the ego or any attitudes and the receptionist told me he removes implants alot of times.... they were very supportive!!! I pray it stays that way... I will mention to him about the en bloc surgury... I know I wont be able to stay in a hospital overnight though... Ill keep you posted as soon as the woman from the office calls me to set up times and dates and prices.... God bless, and thank you again, Iggy

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Have you tried eating raw, crushed garlic? .. .

Check the article on detox that Patty posted yesterday . . .

Garlic is a very potent herbal.

Rogeneiggyrn2b <iggyrn2b@...> wrote:

Thank you for the post, It was a blessing, today is my birthday, big 39! And I am getting disability papers from my job,I never thought Id be this sick, but the Antibiotic therapy is wiping me out, and they say It gets worse before it gets better, OH LORD< I dont know how much worse I can get, I am so sick, I can barely take a shower w/out getting so tired that I have to lay down again. Another thing Ive noticed, is it feels hard to breathe, like something heavy is on my chest, I feel like IM never getting enough air. By the way, I am using Primal defense products, I have the probiotic formula, what else should I get from primal defense??? Please let me know... Say a prayer that my surgery date will be pushed up sooner.... Dont forget to let me know what else I should take by that brand... I

dont know what I would do w/out all of you girls out there, Thank you again, God bless, Iggy

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Dear Iggy

Sorry to hear that the antibiotic therapy is wiping you out. It can

do that. I have to take really low doses---like 25-50mg of doxy

every three days or I herx so bad I can't stand it. One of my major

herx symptoms is extreme pass out like fatigue. Also when I take

higher doses of doxycyline or minocin, my chest hurts so bad I can't

stand it. I have found that every symptom I have ever had gets

much worse on antibiotic therapy. some come back that I even forget

I had. One women explained to me that for her, antibiotic therapy

lets all your symptoms hang out until eventually they are healed.

she had lupus for over 20 years.

for yeast, I am very impressed with Oil of Oregano, I have terrible

yeast problems and this seems to attack the problem. But again, I

herx terribly to antiyeast meds and so do many others. it will

really help, but you have to go slow if you herx badly. I also like

Three Lac. It is a very good product. All of Garden of Life

products are good. I have taken Primal Defense for 2 years, but it

alone does not rid me of yeast. i would venture to say that candida

is one of the most persistent invasive organisms around. I don't

think we can ever rid ourselves of it. But we can keep it under

control enough to have improved health. Since you are on the ap it

is of the most importance to activiely be treating yeast. Email me

if you want to discuss this further! Hang in there. You have so

much going on in your body right now. I do think with the implants

out your body will be able to seriously detox.

God's blessings, kathy

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I just wanted to mention that taking antibiotics can cause Candida, although you might already know that. I was on antibiotics for years and eventually developed symptoms Candida symptoms. I try to avoid antibiotics since they kill good bacteria along with the bad bacteria and they damage your immune system. Sometimes we don't have many other options than antibiotics though and it seems like a catch 22.mikat828 <mikat828@...> wrote:

Dear IggySorry to hear that the antibiotic therapy is wiping you out. It can do that. I have to take really low doses---like 25-50mg of doxy every three days or I herx so bad I can't stand it. One of my major herx symptoms is extreme pass out like fatigue. Also when I take higher doses of doxycyline or minocin, my chest hurts so bad I can't stand it. I have found that every symptom I have ever had gets much worse on antibiotic therapy. some come back that I even forget I had. One women explained to me that for her, antibiotic therapy lets all your symptoms hang out until eventually they are healed. she had lupus for over 20 years. for yeast, I am very impressed with Oil of Oregano, I have terrible yeast problems and this seems to attack the problem. But again, I herx

terribly to antiyeast meds and so do many others. it will really help, but you have to go slow if you herx badly. I also like Three Lac. It is a very good product. All of Garden of Life products are good. I have taken Primal Defense for 2 years, but it alone does not rid me of yeast. i would venture to say that candida is one of the most persistent invasive organisms around. I don't think we can ever rid ourselves of it. But we can keep it under control enough to have improved health. Since you are on the ap it is of the most importance to activiely be treating yeast. Email me if you want to discuss this further! Hang in there. You have so much going on in your body right now. I do think with the implants out your body will be able to seriously detox. God's blessings, kathy

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