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Rogene--Thank you!

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I understand and you are right about anger and sometimes you do have

to step back and take a breath. I know you are doing something about

all of this and taking action and I have seen your name on other

websites that you DO CARE and YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT it and

PLEASE, don't think I don't know that or think that I don't know that

you and many others are out there for all of us.

Rogene, I have really had to grow up here in the last two months and

do some real soul searching and face up to reality. I have done so

much research in Dallas and talked to alot of women that I have a

better understanding of what it is that I can do to help out and take

some action to make a difference. I would love to say that the FDA

and our government care about us and they will see real soon and stop

this injustice to women. Reality is, it will take time and though it

might come someday, what can I do now to help out these women. I

have talked to many women about my story but what I have found out

from alot of these women is WHY are they getting IMPLANTS? That was

the issue that always came up and NEEDS TO BE TALKED ABOUT MORE. I

have seen these women and pictures of even PATTY AND JULIE and every

single one of them ARE STUNNING AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Why did we feel

we needed implants when the beauty was already there? I ask myself

that lately and if I would have BEEN STRONGER TO ADMIT that I was

insecure and had a little self esteem problem the need to get

implants would have never crossed my mind. I have friends that are so

so flat but implants never crossed their minds. I KNOW THESE DOCTORS

ARE LIARS AND I KNOW WITH MINE, EVIL, BUT what drove me to getting

implants was my own insecurities and maybe alittle bit of

shallowness. I hate to admit that but unitl I be honest with myself,

will I ever grow. I hate that word, shallow, and hate even to be

associated with that but reality is, it is alittle true with me and I

know with many who are true to themselves and others to admit that,

but it is something that I had to admit and never go there again.

See, I realized when you buy in to what isn't RIGHT or REAL, there is

always consequences. Meaning, it is much better to be an authentic

person than be somebody you are not. I ALWAYS SAID I WAS THAT PERSON

BUT I DIDN'T LIVE BY MY WORDS. Alot of the drama I have caused myself

because I wasn't being honest with myself. Well, LOOK OUT WORLD,


I know the anger is poison and we DO NEED GOD and I agree with you on

that. But we are all human and anger is a way of communicating what

it is really about and sometimes it is overwhelming but the anger is

never what I pick up from the messages or focus on. Anger is a touchy

word and even saying it I cringe even though I do and will continue

to get angry at times because I am human and to get it out, is

normal. When I read some womens stories and what they have been


understand why the anger is overwhelming. Sometimes we tend to bunch

us all together as going thru the samething but we all haven't. It

is different for some than others and that is what I try to focus on

instead of the anger part when I read a messge and I think that is

part of some peoples frustration is they want to be heard and


ACKNOWLEDGE THAT. Not to feel sorry or pity but to give them strong

words of support. They want people to say, you are this, you are

that, you still work and raise your children on your own, and you

still are managing and trying to keep it together.

We all have been poisoned and we all have gone thru alot. I will

never take that away from anybody or myself but I have always

realized from other people that my story is nothing compared to what

others have been thru. I have MS from my implants, big deal, my next

door neighboor is 36 years old with breast cancer who has 3 months to

live and will leave two beautiful twin daughters and a husband that

adores her. I have come to appreciate that my life could be alot

worse and the stories of women that have gone thru more horrible

things with their implants than I DID WITH mine, made me see, for me,

that not focusing on the anger so much and instead focusing on all

they went thru and they are still here ready to do something about it.

Sometimes when people are angry they are not thinking clearly and

when you say take a step back and don't be angry, people that ARE

ANGRY AND REALLY HAVE A RIGHT TO BE, feel like you are taking away

what they have been thru and then get even more frustrated.

Anyway, that is how I handle that and I just wanted to share how

other people handle things differently than others. The greatest

power we have to change things, IS TO LEARN FROM EACH OTHER! I HAVE



Thank you Rogene and I do know you are a leader,


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