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Appt. w/Dr. Melmed

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I just wanted to update everyone on my explantation progress.

Today I saw Dr. Melmed and I was shocked because he told me

that my implants were causing all of my symptoms. He said that

for some women they are allergic to their implants. This is the

first time any doctor has ever admitted that, even though I've

been asking for years if it weren't my implants causing my problems.

He said I wouldn't need a full lift and mentioned lifting it from

the nipple. I'm not familiar with that, are any of you? Also, I know

Kacey used Dr. Melmed but are there any of the other girls that have

used him. I have had three appts. now with PS's that will remove

them and I have to make a decision. I must admit I really liked

Dr. Melmed and the fact that he gave some credance to my complaint

made me have hope. He also said that I would get better once I was

explanted. He bet me a diet coke.


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I am so excited for you to begin the process of feeling better. 3

weeks will fly by! Congrats - I know it is a relief to have a date

set for the explant. As for being flat - I am surprised to find

that I am wearing tighter shirts (size small/medium again!) than I

did when I had implants. I am a pretty conservative dresser as it

is - but I feel sexier now without those things in my chest. I feel

like 'me' again. Soon - you will be on the road to recovery. I

will be thinking of you.


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Shari I think that Dr Feng and Dr Mehlmed and Also Dr Kolb would all

be willing to help you with something in writting substantiating your

illnesses. I would write to them or call them and see what you can

find out. If you want the addresses, phone numbers etc, contact me at

my private email, I can help.



In , halvey70@a... wrote:

> Does Dr. Melmed give anyone anything in writing about this? I was

just wondering as I can't seem to get any of my docs to firmly admit

that the implants were why I was sick and I would love to have any

info available from another doc saying that he believes it, too. My

explant PS said that he agreed that the fungal contamination of my

implants led to my sympomatic illnesses but not the implants

themselves. It may help in my next appts to actually have a doc that

believes me. I couldn't even imagine after what I have been through -

a real doctor - actually believing me?? I would have passed out!

Where is he located? Does anyone know of a doc in the Tampa area

that believes us?

> Wow - I am just full of questions today!


> thanks for your help

> shari

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