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Re: need help !!!!

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I didn't start getting sick until I had my implants for a few years. My illness started as extreme fatigue and then I started having joint, bone and muscle pain. I also lost hair, had rashes, swollen lymph nodes in neck and swollen hands, abdomen and face. I had a couple of doctors tell me it was not my implants too. I just kept searching until I found one who believed me. I had my implants removed about 5 weeks ago and I haven't had the pain since. Colleen

From: " risrider100 " <risrider100@...>


Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:33:46 -0000

Subject: need help !!!!

I had my implants 4 years ago I had some problems with the right

side like feeling tight , have to sleep with a pillow between them

becouse they feel heavy then in june of this year I started with rash

on my scalp, then legs , hands, pains in chest and in my back, hair

falling out more than normal, sooooo tired,hard time swallowing , ear

feels blocked,large lymph nodes in neck .I have bin to so many Dr. all

test come back normal. I went to my Dr who put them in yesterday and

he FLIPPED OUT on me told me that this could not possible be from my

implants since it has bin 4 years and implants do not cause any of

this!!!! He looked at me grabed my breast and said they are fine I

dont see anything wrong! Help has anyone had problems this long after

the implants have bin in them

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  • 2 weeks later...


Implants are ticking time bombs, and they can cause problems at ANY time. It is wrong to lead you to believe that implants could not be causing problems after 4 years, as the literature available on implant problems confirms that things happen years later, sometimes many years later, but women are getting ill as soon as they are put in, too. There is no way to predict when your body will react, and the symptoms you describe are very consistent with breast implant problems. I am glad you are researching, and I hope you are able to find the support you need here to get the implants removed. This needs to be done for the best chance of healing. Your doctor sounds a little rough...let us know how we can help.Best wishes to you...


----- Original Message -----

From: risrider100

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:33 AM

Subject: need help !!!!

I had my implants 4 years ago I had some problems with the rightside like feeling tight , have to sleep with a pillow between thembecouse they feel heavy then in june of this year I started with rashon my scalp, then legs , hands, pains in chest and in my back, hairfalling out more than normal, sooooo tired,hard time swallowing , earfeels blocked,large lymph nodes in neck .I have bin to so many Dr. alltest come back normal. I went to my Dr who put them in yesterday andhe FLIPPED OUT on me told me that this could not possible be from myimplants since it has bin 4 years and implants do not cause any ofthis!!!! He looked at me grabed my breast and said they are fine Idont see anything wrong! Help has anyone had problems this long afterthe implants have bin in them

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  • 3 years later...

Hi Everyone:

I have been a lurker on this email list for quite some time.

However, My daughter is now in first grade. She has her first spelling

test on Friday. I am looking for suggestions on how to best teach the

spelling words to her. She has global apraxia and severe adhd. I

would greatly appreciate any and all advice.


Pam Aslagson

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Okay, this is prolly stupid here but whenever my older (unaffected?)

daughter couldn't remember something I made up a song. Stuck like crazy

glue! Think " Schoolhouse Rock " . I had to do it with multiplication tables.

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