Guest guest Posted October 6, 2003 Report Share Posted October 6, 2003 To All, I read an email that was responding to someone who needed support not A LECTURE ON HER NOT HAVING FAITH IN GOD OR her GIVING IT TO GOD. I find that very disturbing when you don't even KNOW SOMEONE TO SAY something so PERSONAL AND SACRED. Just because someone doesn't believe in the kind of faith that you have or your thoughts on how God works, doesn't mean WE DON'T HAVE FAITH OR WE DON'T GIVE IT TO GOD. People's relationship with GOD is sacred and to say such things when you don't even know someone just because it isn't your way with God, is so DEGRADING AND PREJUDICE. I know that EVERYONE MEANS WELL AND WE ARE ALL HER TO HELP EACH OTHER but sometimes it seems like the emails that are different than some other views on healing or having faith, don't get help or repsonded to until the frustration is so OVERWHELMING that you let it all out and vent because you want support just like everybody else. I BELIEVE IN GOD AND HAVE FAITH IN GOD but I also believe that God KNOWS HIS LEADERS AND HIS FIGHTERS. PEOPLE KNOW THEIR CALLING FROM GOD and some of us can HEAL AND ARE ABLE TO HELP GOD ALITTLE BIT IN HELPING OUT ALL HIS PRECIOUS ANGELS AND LOST SOULS by embracing EVERYONE'S FAITH AND WAYS OF GIVING IT TO GOD and FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG. I have healed just fine and I have still MANAGED TO GET OUT THERE and FIGHT FOR ALL OF US and make a difference because THAT IS WHAT GOD TELLS ME AND WANTS ME TO DO. God has always TOLD ME TO BE THIS WAY MY WHOLE LIFE. I have always thought of OTHER PEOPLE AND RESPECTED OTHER PEOPLES values and because of that HE Saved me from cancer and he has saved me from this. See, God already knows his relationship with us and he needs his LEADERS to fight for MANKIND AND ONE ANOTHER. That to me is what it is all about and that is my calling from GOD I came to this website because I wanted support and wanted to express my frustration and also get opinions on some of the questions I had and to seek more knowledge on what I should have known but didn't my saline implants. I understand that you have the right to inform or educate the way you want but if I knew that I WAS TO BE DEGRADED and attacked on my " PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD " because I don't " give it to GOD " or have faith like everybody else, I would have never even signed up. GOD MADE US ALL DIFFERENT FOR A REASON and that reason is to help each other out and be STRONG FOR people that can't and that is what I GIVE BACK TO GOD. It isn't RIGHT OR COMFORTABLE FOR some people but IT IS TO ME and I don't TELL OR LECTURE PEOPLE THAT HAVE DIFFERENT VIEWS. What we all have went thru is very personal and emotional and with all of that, comes alot of views and opinions and what is right and wrong. The only thing that WE ALL ARE GOING TO AGREE ON IS IMPLANTS ARE POISON. I have read emails that other women have expressed their opinion and it was not welcomed because SOMEBODY OR MANY PEOPLE FELT DIFFERENTLY OR A DOCTOR WAS CONTROVERSIAL and nobody can mention her name or talk about her. I didn't see that in the introduction on this website that you must agree with everybody or have everybody's views to get support or help. It makes me sad that we are all women and we can't communicate and RESPECT EACH OTHER FOR BEING WOMEN AND HAVING OPINIONS without making someone feel LIKE THEY MADE A BAD CHOICE OR CAN'T BE SUPPORTED JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE HURTING OR HAVE BEEN HURT FROM IMPLANTS. ISN'T THAT WHAT THIS WEBSITE IS ALL ABOUT? The doctor who WE can't talk about because some people don't respect her or she is controversial to some, to me, that is her own demons, NOT MINE. I am quite sure she has helped and saved many women just like us and for that I AM THANKFUL FOR HER AND ANY PLASTIC SURGEON WHO IS THERE TO HELP. At least I know that there is SOME PLASTIC SURGEONS OUT THERE that DO INFORM AND DO TAKE TESTS before or after implants are replaced. I LIVE IN DALLAS AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS, implants are NEVER GOING TO BE BANNED. Alot of women DON'T CARE what they hear from their Plastic Surgeons and will do it anyway. These are the women that NEED ME to get out there and share my story to save them from implant nightmare. There are some women that will hear my story and STILL GET THEM, that is realty. I would rather live in reality and HELP MY SISTERS AND THAT IS WHAT GOD HAS TOLD ME TO DO. Since plastic surgery is reality, KNOWING WHAT I KNOW ABOUT PLASTIC SURGEONS and that most don't care and WOULD Not even give their time to responding to ALL THE MESSAGES THAT ARE EMAILED TO THEM, if my " sisters " are not going to listen to me or us, I would rather have a plastic surgeon like the DOCTER ON THIS WEBSITE WHO IS BANNED, than the plastic surgeons WE ALL GOT. The time that she took to respond to everybody was maybe her way of KNOWING HER PERSONAL DEMONS ARE WRONG, and she wants to help other women not HAVE THE DEMONS SHE IS FIGHTING. Who KNOWS? All I know is no matter what I think or don't think ABOUT a doctor or GOD or FAITH, to express WHAT I FEEL IS RIGHT OR WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING MIGHT HINDER SOMEONE ELSES PAIN OR SAVE THEIR LIVES BY GOING TO THIS DOCTOR, WOULD MAKE ME NOT HEAL OR SLEEP AT NIGHT. Anyway, I feel and pray for all of us and I thank all of you that have prayed for me and supported me. Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2003 Report Share Posted October 6, 2003 Teri, I was going to ask you to clarify exactly who you were blasting in this post, but I don't really need is quite obvious it is me. I am sorry you have felt so disappointed. It has never been my intention EVER on this forum to disappoint the hurting women who come here for help, because I started this group to help. However, I know the saying is true, you can't please everyone. That is certainly true here. I am sorry I can't change that. As for my response to Kay, I recognized that she needed support, and I was giving it the way I felt I needed to. I was trying to help her see that her anger is justified...for the most part, all of us have experienced anger in this whole ordeal. I did too. I think it is a process we all have to go through and overcome. But our anger accomplishes nothing. It does not help us, and it does not help others. It hurts us in the end if we hang on to it, and the only way I knew how to get rid of my anger was to give it up to God and lay everything I went through at the foot of the cross. The anger has been gone, and I feel healing has come as a result. Anger is as Rogene burns us inside out and WE are the ones who suffer. I only wanted to help Kay see that, and maybe my words weren't as soothing to the soul as they needed to be, but my intentions were definitely not to harm or be arrogant. It is twisted to call my post a lecture on not having faith in God. The part about God was one paragraph at the end of the post, and I discussed my beliefs about God as I have understood them, and as they relate to all people, not just those of us harmed by breast implants. So many of us have felt that we were being punished, and that we were so foolish for getting implants, but I don't believe that we are being punished at all. I believe God allows us to go through trials to bring us closer to Him. Anger happens when we feel we have been victimized wrongly, but I believe God can use all situations for good. The Bible tells us that. But we can't stay angry about it. If my view offends any of you, again, I apologize, but I would be disappointed that you are being so intolerant of me. Maybe some of you don't like to discuss faith, and while I can appreciate that, I don't feel that it necessarily means we that none of us can express it. As to your comment about " giving it to God " , that is exactly what needs to be done with anger. That is my perspective. You all have your own perspectives and you are free to share them, just as I share mine. I don't believe that I have a monopoly on the posts here. If you all have better ways of dealing with anger, go ahead and share them. Kay, I really do hope that you can overcome this anger--I hope that you have people in your life that you can lean on to get you through this hard time in your life. In the absence of any other avenue that truly is the answer, I can only say, yes, give it to God. Teri, I am glad you have had such a wonderful experience with God healing you and being a part of your life. That would be reason to rejoice! I guess I am confused then by your anger at me at the same time? Everyone I know who is truly blessed with God's presence in their life loves to talk about it--it is a highlight of life. I want to finally discuss this whole issue about the " banned " doctor, once again. I thought I had made this quite clear in many previous posts. I think this keeps getting brought up because things are happening behind the scenes that get stirred up. I would just like all of you to respect the fact that the threat of LEGAL ISSUES is the entire reason for this firm decision on my part. It is not about personal demons. It simply is a matter of caution, which if you can't understand, let me explain again. In the past, this particular doctor was a part of the group at my invitation. You can see her many previous posts in the archives. Without a doubt, every single time there was a controversy on this group, it was because of comments made by this doctor. This problem has existed since the group formed, and in fact, was a source of divisiveness so bad that I told the members at that time if anyone didn't like her presence to go and form their own group (which they did, called Saline Info). Over time, and as the comments continued to create controversy, and personal posts to me gave me reason to question the appropriateness of having her be a part of the group, I made a decision, an amicable one, I thought, to just have us take our questions to this doctor private. This was not done out of any desire to create more problems, but simply to take all those posts to the private sector and avoid further controversy. When you consider that all other doctors we communicate with happen in a private manner as well, this was just making her access consistent with all others. And in fact, I encouraged all the members to avail themselves of the opportunity to contact her--there are phone numbers, email addresses, websites, faxes....there is no problem here with getting in contact!!! (So, what is the big deal?) I also wrote to this doctor about my intentions, as I felt we had been friends, and had hoped that this would be an amicable arrangement. However, it wasn't. I received a certified letter from this doctor in the mail telling me to get a lawyer. It also included, for some very odd and strange reason, the billing records of one of the patients of hers I had been in contact with. I can only say that something about that whole thing was just not right, and I felt that this doctor was greatly overreacting, and unfortunately, in a detrimental way. I chose to ask our group not to discuss this doctor publicly in order to prevent any situations in which legal action could take place. I believe private discussion of this doctor are warranted in light of the situation that the group has been put in. I want to clarify that I did not have an agenda here to harm anyone, but only to prevent further upsets to all members of the group. The presence of the threat of legal action can only do harm, and it was not my choice, I can assure you! I want to firmly state here that if you are not in agreement with this current arrangement as it stands, then I encourage you to leave this group and please find a source of support where you will feel free to speak your mind if you don't already feel the freedom to share here in that manner. I will do my very best to keep this group on an even track, where all members share in a common goal of encouragement as we overcome our tragic experience with breast implants. Once again, I love you all, and pray for our healing, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. God bless us, everyone. Patty ----- Original Message ----- From: " easygoingchickie " <coolchickie@...> < > Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 6:25 AM Subject: TO ALL--Very Disappointed! > To All, > > I read an email that was responding to someone who needed support not > A LECTURE ON HER NOT HAVING FAITH IN GOD OR her GIVING IT TO GOD. I > find that very disturbing when you don't even KNOW SOMEONE TO SAY > something so PERSONAL AND SACRED. Just because someone doesn't > believe in the kind of faith that you have or your thoughts on how > God works, doesn't mean WE DON'T HAVE FAITH OR WE DON'T GIVE IT TO > GOD. People's relationship with GOD is sacred and to say such things > when you don't even know someone just because it isn't your way with > God, is so DEGRADING AND PREJUDICE. I know that EVERYONE MEANS WELL > AND WE ARE ALL HER TO HELP EACH OTHER but sometimes it seems like the > emails that are different than some other views on healing or having > faith, don't get help or repsonded to until the frustration is so > OVERWHELMING that you let it all out and vent because you want > support just like everybody else. > > I BELIEVE IN GOD AND HAVE FAITH IN GOD but I also believe that God > KNOWS HIS LEADERS AND HIS FIGHTERS. PEOPLE KNOW THEIR CALLING FROM > GOD and some of us can HEAL AND ARE ABLE TO HELP GOD ALITTLE BIT IN > HELPING OUT ALL HIS PRECIOUS ANGELS AND LOST SOULS by embracing > EVERYONE'S FAITH AND WAYS OF GIVING IT TO GOD and FIGHTING FOR WHAT > IS RIGHT AND WRONG. I have healed just fine and I have still MANAGED > TO GET OUT THERE and FIGHT FOR ALL OF US and make a difference > because THAT IS WHAT GOD TELLS ME AND WANTS ME TO DO. God has always > TOLD ME TO BE THIS WAY MY WHOLE LIFE. I have always thought of OTHER > PEOPLE AND RESPECTED OTHER PEOPLES values and because of that HE > Saved me from cancer and he has saved me from this. See, God already > knows his relationship with us and he needs his LEADERS to fight for > MANKIND AND ONE ANOTHER. That to me is what it is all about and that > is my calling from GOD > > I came to this website because I wanted support and wanted to express > my frustration and also get opinions on some of the questions I had > and to seek more knowledge on what I should have known but didn't my > saline implants. I understand that you have the right to inform or > educate the way you want but if I knew that I WAS TO BE DEGRADED and > attacked on my " PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD " because I don't " give > it to GOD " or have faith like everybody else, I would have never even > signed up. GOD MADE US ALL DIFFERENT FOR A REASON and that reason is > to help each other out and be STRONG FOR people that can't and that > is what I GIVE BACK TO GOD. It isn't RIGHT OR COMFORTABLE FOR some > people but IT IS TO ME and I don't TELL OR LECTURE PEOPLE THAT HAVE > DIFFERENT VIEWS. > > What we all have went thru is very personal and emotional and with > all of that, comes alot of views and opinions and what is right and > wrong. The only thing that WE ALL ARE GOING TO AGREE ON IS IMPLANTS > ARE POISON. I have read emails that other women have expressed their > opinion and it was not welcomed because SOMEBODY OR MANY PEOPLE FELT > DIFFERENTLY OR A DOCTOR WAS CONTROVERSIAL and nobody can mention her > name or talk about her. I didn't see that in the introduction on > this website that you must agree with everybody or have everybody's > views to get support or help. It makes me sad that we are all women > and we can't communicate and RESPECT EACH OTHER FOR BEING WOMEN AND > HAVING OPINIONS without making someone feel LIKE THEY MADE A BAD > CHOICE OR CAN'T BE SUPPORTED JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE HURTING OR HAVE > BEEN HURT FROM IMPLANTS. ISN'T THAT WHAT THIS WEBSITE IS ALL ABOUT? > > The doctor who WE can't talk about because some people don't respect > her or she is controversial to some, to me, that is her own demons, > NOT MINE. I am quite sure she has helped and saved many women just > like us and for that I AM THANKFUL FOR HER AND ANY PLASTIC SURGEON > WHO IS THERE TO HELP. At least I know that there is SOME PLASTIC > SURGEONS OUT THERE that DO INFORM AND DO TAKE TESTS before or after > implants are replaced. I LIVE IN DALLAS AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY > THIS, implants are NEVER GOING TO BE BANNED. Alot of women DON'T > CARE what they hear from their Plastic Surgeons and will do it > anyway. These are the women that NEED ME to get out there and share > my story to save them from implant nightmare. There are some women > that will hear my story and STILL GET THEM, that is realty. I would > rather live in reality and HELP MY SISTERS AND THAT IS WHAT GOD HAS > TOLD ME TO DO. Since plastic surgery is reality, KNOWING WHAT I KNOW > ABOUT PLASTIC SURGEONS and that most don't care and WOULD Not even > give their time to responding to ALL THE MESSAGES THAT ARE EMAILED TO > THEM, if my " sisters " are not going to listen to me or us, I would > rather have a plastic surgeon like the DOCTER ON THIS WEBSITE WHO IS > BANNED, than the plastic surgeons WE ALL GOT. The time that she took > to respond to everybody was maybe her way of KNOWING HER PERSONAL > DEMONS ARE WRONG, and she wants to help other women not HAVE THE > DEMONS SHE IS FIGHTING. Who KNOWS? All I know is no matter what I > think or don't think ABOUT a doctor or GOD or FAITH, to express WHAT > I FEEL IS RIGHT OR WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING MIGHT HINDER SOMEONE ELSES > PAIN OR SAVE THEIR LIVES BY GOING TO THIS DOCTOR, WOULD MAKE ME NOT > HEAL OR SLEEP AT NIGHT. > > Anyway, I feel and pray for all of us and I thank all of you that > have prayed for me and supported me. > > Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2003 Report Share Posted October 6, 2003 Awesomely put post as always Patty. You never ever asked anyone to agree with what you said, you were simply stating your feelings/opinions, etc. What is wrong with that? You have every right to say how you feel. The whole thing about " this Dr " is getting so tiring. It is not like people cannot contact her, use her, go to her, etc etc. Why does it matter if she is or is not a part of this group? NO OTHER DR IS HERE! This is a group for women to express and voice their opinions/feelings. When we are threatened with legal action, I don't see how we can continue to discuss this issue. I love you Patty and know that your a great person and always have everyones best interest at heart. If other can not see that, then that is their own purogative, but it does not need to be mean and hateful! We all have our own views about religion but I think one thing is for certain, anger, and trust me I have had plenty of it myself, is not going to do much to help the cause. We can chose to hang on to the anger, that is also ones personal decision. I am in agreement however, that it is not going to help with healing. Hugs In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...> wrote: > Teri, > I was going to ask you to clarify exactly who you were blasting in this > post, but I don't really need is quite obvious it is me. I am > sorry you have felt so disappointed. It has never been my intention EVER on > this forum to disappoint the hurting women who come here for help, because I > started this group to help. However, I know the saying is true, you can't > please everyone. That is certainly true here. I am sorry I can't change > that. > > As for my response to Kay, I recognized that she needed support, and I was > giving it the way I felt I needed to. I was trying to help her see that her > anger is justified...for the most part, all of us have experienced anger in > this whole ordeal. I did too. I think it is a process we all have to go > through and overcome. But our anger accomplishes nothing. It does not help > us, and it does not help others. It hurts us in the end if we hang on to it, > and the only way I knew how to get rid of my anger was to give it up to God > and lay everything I went through at the foot of the cross. The anger has > been gone, and I feel healing has come as a result. Anger is as Rogene > burns us inside out and WE are the ones who suffer. I only > wanted to help Kay see that, and maybe my words weren't as soothing to the > soul as they needed to be, but my intentions were definitely not to harm or > be arrogant. > > It is twisted to call my post a lecture on not having faith in God. The > part about God was one paragraph at the end of the post, and I discussed my > beliefs about God as I have understood them, and as they relate to all > people, not just those of us harmed by breast implants. So many of us have > felt that we were being punished, and that we were so foolish for getting > implants, but I don't believe that we are being punished at all. I believe > God allows us to go through trials to bring us closer to Him. Anger happens > when we feel we have been victimized wrongly, but I believe God can use all > situations for good. The Bible tells us that. But we can't stay angry > about it. > > If my view offends any of you, again, I apologize, but I would be > disappointed that you are being so intolerant of me. Maybe some of you > don't like to discuss faith, and while I can appreciate that, I don't feel > that it necessarily means we that none of us can express it. > > As to your comment about " giving it to God " , that is exactly what needs to > be done with anger. That is my perspective. You all have your own > perspectives and you are free to share them, just as I share mine. I don't > believe that I have a monopoly on the posts here. If you all have better > ways of dealing with anger, go ahead and share them. Kay, I really do hope > that you can overcome this anger--I hope that you have people in your life > that you can lean on to get you through this hard time in your life. In the > absence of any other avenue that truly is the answer, I can only say, yes, > give it to God. > > Teri, I am glad you have had such a wonderful experience with God healing > you and being a part of your life. That would be reason to rejoice! I > guess I am confused then by your anger at me at the same time? Everyone I > know who is truly blessed with God's presence in their life loves to talk > about it--it is a highlight of life. > > I want to finally discuss this whole issue about the " banned " doctor, once > again. I thought I had made this quite clear in many previous posts. I > think this keeps getting brought up because things are happening behind the > scenes that get stirred up. I would just like all of you to respect the > fact that the threat of LEGAL ISSUES is the entire reason for this firm > decision on my part. It is not about personal demons. It simply is a > matter of caution, which if you can't understand, let me explain again. > > In the past, this particular doctor was a part of the group at my > invitation. You can see her many previous posts in the archives. Without a > doubt, every single time there was a controversy on this group, it was > because of comments made by this doctor. This problem has existed since the > group formed, and in fact, was a source of divisiveness so bad that I told > the members at that time if anyone didn't like her presence to go and form > their own group (which they did, called Saline Info). Over time, and as the > comments continued to create controversy, and personal posts to me gave me > reason to question the appropriateness of having her be a part of the group, > I made a decision, an amicable one, I thought, to just have us take our > questions to this doctor private. This was not done out of any desire to > create more problems, but simply to take all those posts to the private > sector and avoid further controversy. When you consider that all other > doctors we communicate with happen in a private manner as well, this was > just making her access consistent with all others. And in fact, I > encouraged all the members to avail themselves of the opportunity to contact > her--there are phone numbers, email addresses, websites, faxes....there is > no problem here with getting in contact!!! (So, what is the big deal?) I > also wrote to this doctor about my intentions, as I felt we had been > friends, and had hoped that this would be an amicable arrangement. > > However, it wasn't. I received a certified letter from this doctor in the > mail telling me to get a lawyer. It also included, for some very odd and > strange reason, the billing records of one of the patients of hers I had > been in contact with. I can only say that something about that whole thing > was just not right, and I felt that this doctor was greatly overreacting, > and unfortunately, in a detrimental way. > > I chose to ask our group not to discuss this doctor publicly in order to > prevent any situations in which legal action could take place. I believe > private discussion of this doctor are warranted in light of the situation > that the group has been put in. I want to clarify that I did not have an > agenda here to harm anyone, but only to prevent further upsets to all > members of the group. The presence of the threat of legal action can only do > harm, and it was not my choice, I can assure you! > > I want to firmly state here that if you are not in agreement with this > current arrangement as it stands, then I encourage you to leave this group > and please find a source of support where you will feel free to speak your > mind if you don't already feel the freedom to share here in that manner. I > will do my very best to keep this group on an even track, where all members > share in a common goal of encouragement as we overcome our tragic experience > with breast implants. > > Once again, I love you all, and pray for our healing, physically, > spiritually, and emotionally. > God bless us, everyone. > Patty > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: " easygoingchickie " <coolchickie@p...> > < > > Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 6:25 AM > Subject: TO ALL--Very Disappointed! > > > > To All, > > > > I read an email that was responding to someone who needed support not > > A LECTURE ON HER NOT HAVING FAITH IN GOD OR her GIVING IT TO GOD. I > > find that very disturbing when you don't even KNOW SOMEONE TO SAY > > something so PERSONAL AND SACRED. Just because someone doesn't > > believe in the kind of faith that you have or your thoughts on how > > God works, doesn't mean WE DON'T HAVE FAITH OR WE DON'T GIVE IT TO > > GOD. People's relationship with GOD is sacred and to say such things > > when you don't even know someone just because it isn't your way with > > God, is so DEGRADING AND PREJUDICE. I know that EVERYONE MEANS WELL > > AND WE ARE ALL HER TO HELP EACH OTHER but sometimes it seems like the > > emails that are different than some other views on healing or having > > faith, don't get help or repsonded to until the frustration is so > > OVERWHELMING that you let it all out and vent because you want > > support just like everybody else. > > > > I BELIEVE IN GOD AND HAVE FAITH IN GOD but I also believe that God > > KNOWS HIS LEADERS AND HIS FIGHTERS. PEOPLE KNOW THEIR CALLING FROM > > GOD and some of us can HEAL AND ARE ABLE TO HELP GOD ALITTLE BIT IN > > HELPING OUT ALL HIS PRECIOUS ANGELS AND LOST SOULS by embracing > > EVERYONE'S FAITH AND WAYS OF GIVING IT TO GOD and FIGHTING FOR WHAT > > IS RIGHT AND WRONG. I have healed just fine and I have still MANAGED > > TO GET OUT THERE and FIGHT FOR ALL OF US and make a difference > > because THAT IS WHAT GOD TELLS ME AND WANTS ME TO DO. God has always > > TOLD ME TO BE THIS WAY MY WHOLE LIFE. I have always thought of OTHER > > PEOPLE AND RESPECTED OTHER PEOPLES values and because of that HE > > Saved me from cancer and he has saved me from this. See, God already > > knows his relationship with us and he needs his LEADERS to fight for > > MANKIND AND ONE ANOTHER. That to me is what it is all about and that > > is my calling from GOD > > > > I came to this website because I wanted support and wanted to express > > my frustration and also get opinions on some of the questions I had > > and to seek more knowledge on what I should have known but didn't my > > saline implants. I understand that you have the right to inform or > > educate the way you want but if I knew that I WAS TO BE DEGRADED and > > attacked on my " PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD " because I don't " give > > it to GOD " or have faith like everybody else, I would have never even > > signed up. GOD MADE US ALL DIFFERENT FOR A REASON and that reason is > > to help each other out and be STRONG FOR people that can't and that > > is what I GIVE BACK TO GOD. It isn't RIGHT OR COMFORTABLE FOR some > > people but IT IS TO ME and I don't TELL OR LECTURE PEOPLE THAT HAVE > > DIFFERENT VIEWS. > > > > What we all have went thru is very personal and emotional and with > > all of that, comes alot of views and opinions and what is right and > > wrong. The only thing that WE ALL ARE GOING TO AGREE ON IS IMPLANTS > > ARE POISON. I have read emails that other women have expressed their > > opinion and it was not welcomed because SOMEBODY OR MANY PEOPLE FELT > > DIFFERENTLY OR A DOCTOR WAS CONTROVERSIAL and nobody can mention her > > name or talk about her. I didn't see that in the introduction on > > this website that you must agree with everybody or have everybody's > > views to get support or help. It makes me sad that we are all women > > and we can't communicate and RESPECT EACH OTHER FOR BEING WOMEN AND > > HAVING OPINIONS without making someone feel LIKE THEY MADE A BAD > > CHOICE OR CAN'T BE SUPPORTED JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE HURTING OR HAVE > > BEEN HURT FROM IMPLANTS. ISN'T THAT WHAT THIS WEBSITE IS ALL ABOUT? > > > > The doctor who WE can't talk about because some people don't respect > > her or she is controversial to some, to me, that is her own demons, > > NOT MINE. I am quite sure she has helped and saved many women just > > like us and for that I AM THANKFUL FOR HER AND ANY PLASTIC SURGEON > > WHO IS THERE TO HELP. At least I know that there is SOME PLASTIC > > SURGEONS OUT THERE that DO INFORM AND DO TAKE TESTS before or after > > implants are replaced. I LIVE IN DALLAS AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY > > THIS, implants are NEVER GOING TO BE BANNED. Alot of women DON'T > > CARE what they hear from their Plastic Surgeons and will do it > > anyway. These are the women that NEED ME to get out there and share > > my story to save them from implant nightmare. There are some women > > that will hear my story and STILL GET THEM, that is realty. I would > > rather live in reality and HELP MY SISTERS AND THAT IS WHAT GOD HAS > > TOLD ME TO DO. Since plastic surgery is reality, KNOWING WHAT I KNOW > > ABOUT PLASTIC SURGEONS and that most don't care and WOULD Not even > > give their time to responding to ALL THE MESSAGES THAT ARE EMAILED TO > > THEM, if my " sisters " are not going to listen to me or us, I would > > rather have a plastic surgeon like the DOCTER ON THIS WEBSITE WHO IS > > BANNED, than the plastic surgeons WE ALL GOT. The time that she took > > to respond to everybody was maybe her way of KNOWING HER PERSONAL > > DEMONS ARE WRONG, and she wants to help other women not HAVE THE > > DEMONS SHE IS FIGHTING. Who KNOWS? All I know is no matter what I > > think or don't think ABOUT a doctor or GOD or FAITH, to express WHAT > > I FEEL IS RIGHT OR WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING MIGHT HINDER SOMEONE ELSES > > PAIN OR SAVE THEIR LIVES BY GOING TO THIS DOCTOR, WOULD MAKE ME NOT > > HEAL OR SLEEP AT NIGHT. > > > > Anyway, I feel and pray for all of us and I thank all of you that > > have prayed for me and supported me. > > > > Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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