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Re: new to group - need help

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Do you know if your implants were removed "en bloc", or if not, if they were completely removed? . . . They could be the source of your problems. You may need further surgery to remove them.

Rogenehalvey70 <halvey70@...> wrote:

hi everyone. I am new to this group but have been a member of saline info since January. I received Textured salines in 1996 and had numerous problems resulting in two additional surgeries (capsular contracture 1997 and one deflation/replacement 1999). I have been very ill pretty much since the replacement in 1999 - severe headaches, neck pain and stiffness, constant illnesses, fatigue, etc. I was explanted in April 03 but still do not feel much better. Does anyone have advice on detoxing? I sent both implants off for testing in Canada and both were proved to be leaking as well as full of bacterial growth. One was yellow with chunks in it - yuk!! I have been extremely depressed and scared at my lack of progress since the explant - I am still in a ton of pain as I have "inflamed rib

cartilidge" and who knows what else. I am so tired all of the time and an only 32. Does it get any better? Is there something else I should be doing? any advice would be appreciated. thanks everyone

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

There are so many ways to detox....we have a few articles listed in the files section on detoxing, and there really isn't any rhyme or reason to the madness in it, because you can go from one therapy to another in any order it seems. I have tried many things myself. However, there are a few rules or guidelines to follow, and detoxing can be as simple as eliminating certain foods from your diet. The goal is to stop adding more toxins to your body, and to eliminate the ones you have in your body as steadily as possible, so as not to overwhelm or tax your major body organs as they are eliminated. There is also the concept of eliminating toxins tucked inside cell structures, and this requires more dedication. One of the first steps in healing also is to kill off bacteria, fungus and viruses, which can be done with various supplements, such as garlic, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, and other herbs. A therapeutic dose of raw garlic is 12 cloves daily.

Having said that, here are a few tips I can share:

To stop adding more toxins to your body, eliminate foods with food colorings, preservatives, and oddly named ingredients, don't use sugar substitutes, avoid junk foods and foods filled with empty calories (all sweets, pastries, deep fried foods, etc.) avoid foods that you may be having allergic reactions to (and these are hard to determine sometimes, but common foods for allergies include wheat, eggs, corn, soy, chocolate...you just have to pay attention to how your body reacts, or get ELISA tested.) Avoid meats that have been injected with antibiotics and hormones (buy free range meats), avoid dairy for the same reason (buy organic) and avoid fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides (buy organic). Eat foods that are high in fiber to help sweep the colon and escort toxins out of the body. Eat foods filled with enzymes to help the digestive process be complete. All raw fruits and vegetables are filled with live enzymes, as cooking above 112 degrees destroys enzymes. (For that reason, all canned and bottled products are dead.) Drink non-chlorinated, non-flouridated water.

To help the body eliminate toxins, drink lots of filtered water regularly. Exercise to keep things moving and the body eliminating. Take colonics to cleanse out the colon. One of the most important and most effective toxin eliminating therapies you can do is the coffee enema, and there are reams of information available on the benefits of this therapy, which also has the added benefit of being a pain reliever. Eat foods that are cleansing, such as watermelon, and drink teas that are cleansing, such as dandelion root. There are many things you can add to your diet that are cleansing. Do saunas to help toxins be eliminated through the skin.

More involved detoxing therapies include fasting with water only, juice fasting, the Master Cleanse, ozone therapy, chelation therapy and removing toxic metals such as amalgam fillings, HBOT therapy, liver cleanses and kidney cleanses. I have done every single one of these I have named above, and more. You can find info on these in the files section.

Best wishes to you...

---- Original Message -----

From: halvey70

Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:49 PM

Subject: new to group - need help

hi everyone. I am new to this group but have been a member of saline info since January. I received Textured salines in 1996 and had numerous problems resulting in two additional surgeries (capsular contracture 1997 and one deflation/replacement 1999). I have been very ill pretty much since the replacement in 1999 - severe headaches, neck pain and stiffness, constant illnesses, fatigue, etc. I was explanted in April 03 but still do not feel much better. Does anyone have advice on detoxing? I sent both implants off for testing in Canada and both were proved to be leaking as well as full of bacterial growth. One was yellow with chunks in it - yuk!! I have been extremely depressed and scared at my lack of progress since the explant - I am still in a ton of pain as I have "inflamed rib cartilidge" and who knows what else. I am so tired all of the time and an only 32. Does it get any better? Is there something else I should be doing? any advice would be appreciated. thanks everyone

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  • 3 years later...

Can I ask you how did the band slip? was it dur to PB?


I had gone to the dentist to have my plate fixe and wheb he put this

liquid stuff on the plate and than into my mouth some of the stuff slid

down my throat and hardened (about the size of my little finger nail) I

could not get it to come back up and bp and slimed for about 12 hr.

befor I could get to the Doc. for an unfill, the peice came flying out

just befor I got to the Doc. but by than everything was swelled and had

to get the unfill.


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Hi Shirley,

I have been banded since April 05. Had a complete unfill due to what

the doctor called a pouch dilatation. He initially thought I had a

slip, but then decided it was not. I will be getting my

first " refill " on friday after a month of not having any fluid. I do

still have some restriction, though. Have gained 5 lost 2, but very

hungry and struggling. I want to avoid having another surgery and am

very anxious about refilling. Only goin for 4 cc's in a VG band to

start. I was at 7.0 and do believe that is why I had all the

trouble. What was your second surgery like? I'm afraid that things

will be different now, too. I only hope to have the some of the

restriction I used to have, but now know how careful I need to be

with stopping on time and eating slowly, chewing well. Hope it all

works out for you. Are you going for another fill?



> Hi everyone, I'm new to the group, although I was banded in April


> 04. I lost 80# in the first 8 months than my band slipped.It was

just a

> small slip and my Doc. just took all the fill out to let everything


> back in place. after about a mounth started back with fills could


> get up to 2cc and would have to have an unfill, decided to have


> and reset the band 8 months ago. I now have 3cc in my band (had to

> have .2cc out due to reflux) and have not bp or slimed once can eat

> anything and seem to always be hungery. I am going in today to

have an

> exray to see if the band is in the right position. My questions is


> anyone that has had a slipped repaired have different reactions to


> band than they did prior to the slip? I am so tired of this I can't

> belive that I would actully be happy if I could bp:) at least than


> would know my band was working right.


> Shirley

> 04/21/04

> 230/150/158/150

> now


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" Are you going for another fill? "

Hi Carol,

I went in yesterday and Doc. said that if he had to do another surgery

today he couldn't make it any more perfect then it is right now:):).

I was so scared I thought it had sliped again. he let me have only .1cc

taking it up to 3.1cc now was afraid I would get reflux will see what

happens now. I do seem to have a better sence of being full this

morning. Good luck with your fill. My Doc. will not do fills on Fri.

incase you need an unfill he doesn't want us to have to go to emergency.


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