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Fw:One woman's healing testimony

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I received this from someone at my church today, and wanted to share this with you all. I know Lori, and have seen her healing. It is truly amazing! I do not know anything about this particular product, but from the little research I have done on "Glyconutrient Technology" on the net so far, it sounds very interesting....it does look like some type of MLM product, or business opportunity, so I don't know what to think about that. But I do know Lori is doing incredibly well now! I do not know if she has ever had breast implants or not. This is just for your information, since it is such an amazing story of healing. I chose to delete the contact info, since this was a private email. If any of you want to contact Lori, please let me know and I will forward it to you. And if you are so inclined, check out the info on Glyconutrient Technology for yourself.


----- Original Message ----- From: vegaschristians

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:55 AM

Subject: Lori Beauchamp

Lori Beauchamp - Living Proof

I went to see the building progress at our new church campus on a beautiful fall day in 1998. Central Christian is such a large part of my life so I couldn't wait for the building completion and upcoming move. But as I tried to climb the stairs, I felt too weak to move my legs. I thought I must be getting a really bad flu; I was strong and healthy so surely it would pass quickly. That was the beginning of my 5 year nightmare.

I was admitted to Sunrise Hospital that week with an abnormal Cat Scan of my brain. While there, my organs started to shut down and I became paralyzed from the neck down. I was rushed to UCLA, put on mega-doses of steroids, tested for every disease imaginable, and finally put on $23,000 per month gamma globulin infusions, along with 18 different pharmaceutical drugs. Then I was sent to rehab where I had to learn to walk and care for myself before I could come home to my husband and little boy. I did eventually go home, but I was still quite ill and had not yet received a firm diagnosis.

I went everywhere for answers; Hopkins, USC, UCLA...always getting conflicting diagnosis.. I could not reduce the dosage of steroids I had been put on without ending up in the hospital again, many times on life support. The drug interactions were numerous and dangerous, and I cried to my husband that the drugs were killing me. And I was right. In the spring of this year I broke my hip, and fractured my spine and shoulder - while doing nothing! My bones were so brittle from the steroids, they were disintegrating. I lay in bed for weeks at a time, too weak to move, too broken in spirit and faith to try.

Then a miracle! My husband Mike waited for me to complete an MRI late on a Friday night. A magazine lay next to him and he thumbed through it to land on an article titled...MANNA FROM HEAVEN. My life was about to change. The article was about a local physician having great success with Glyconutrient Technology. Two days later I was wheeled into his office and this doctor, after looking over my medical history, agreed I was dying. He told me about Glyconutrient Technology, a phrase I had never heard before seeing the magazine article, gave me some literature, and we left. I took the information to my neurologist and he told me to try it because I had nothing to lose.

When the Glyconutrient products arrived, my son and I prayed over the box and asked the Lord for healing. This was in mid-May of this year.

A few weeks later I was up and out of the wheelchair and in one month I was driving! Everyday I get stronger and now I can swim laps and walk unaided. My stamina and endurance are the highest they have been since I became ill five years ago. I have reduced my steroid dosage to only 10 mg., down from 100 mg. And I am taking only three prescription drugs, down from a high of 18 that reduced my quality of life to mere existence.

Today I am involved in Women of the Word and Community Care at church, I host a small group, and I am involved helping many others with their health challenges. God has convicted me to reach out to as many as I can to share this information. I want to encourage you to call me if you or someone you love is ill.

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So interesting Patty, Can I get to the site, and how?

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 5:26 PM

Subject: Fw:One woman's healing testimony

I received this from someone at my church today, and wanted to share this with you all. I know Lori, and have seen her healing. It is truly amazing! I do not know anything about this particular product, but from the little research I have done on "Glyconutrient Technology" on the net so far, it sounds very interesting....it does look like some type of MLM product, or business opportunity, so I don't know what to think about that. But I do know Lori is doing incredibly well now! I do not know if she has ever had breast implants or not. This is just for your information, since it is such an amazing story of healing. I chose to delete the contact info, since this was a private email. If any of you want to contact Lori, please let me know and I will forward it to you. And if you are so inclined, check out the info on Glyconutrient Technology for yourself.


----- Original Message ----- From: vegaschristians

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:55 AM

Subject: Lori Beauchamp

Lori Beauchamp - Living Proof

I went to see the building progress at our new church campus on a beautiful fall day in 1998. Central Christian is such a large part of my life so I couldn't wait for the building completion and upcoming move. But as I tried to climb the stairs, I felt too weak to move my legs. I thought I must be getting a really bad flu; I was strong and healthy so surely it would pass quickly. That was the beginning of my 5 year nightmare.

I was admitted to Sunrise Hospital that week with an abnormal Cat Scan of my brain. While there, my organs started to shut down and I became paralyzed from the neck down. I was rushed to UCLA, put on mega-doses of steroids, tested for every disease imaginable, and finally put on $23,000 per month gamma globulin infusions, along with 18 different pharmaceutical drugs. Then I was sent to rehab where I had to learn to walk and care for myself before I could come home to my husband and little boy. I did eventually go home, but I was still quite ill and had not yet received a firm diagnosis.

I went everywhere for answers; Hopkins, USC, UCLA...always getting conflicting diagnosis.. I could not reduce the dosage of steroids I had been put on without ending up in the hospital again, many times on life support. The drug interactions were numerous and dangerous, and I cried to my husband that the drugs were killing me. And I was right. In the spring of this year I broke my hip, and fractured my spine and shoulder - while doing nothing! My bones were so brittle from the steroids, they were disintegrating. I lay in bed for weeks at a time, too weak to move, too broken in spirit and faith to try.

Then a miracle! My husband Mike waited for me to complete an MRI late on a Friday night. A magazine lay next to him and he thumbed through it to land on an article titled...MANNA FROM HEAVEN. My life was about to change. The article was about a local physician having great success with Glyconutrient Technology. Two days later I was wheeled into his office and this doctor, after looking over my medical history, agreed I was dying. He told me about Glyconutrient Technology, a phrase I had never heard before seeing the magazine article, gave me some literature, and we left. I took the information to my neurologist and he told me to try it because I had nothing to lose.

When the Glyconutrient products arrived, my son and I prayed over the box and asked the Lord for healing. This was in mid-May of this year.

A few weeks later I was up and out of the wheelchair and in one month I was driving! Everyday I get stronger and now I can swim laps and walk unaided. My stamina and endurance are the highest they have been since I became ill five years ago. I have reduced my steroid dosage to only 10 mg., down from 100 mg. And I am taking only three prescription drugs, down from a high of 18 that reduced my quality of life to mere existence.

Today I am involved in Women of the Word and Community Care at church, I host a small group, and I am involved helping many others with their health challenges. God has convicted me to reach out to as many as I can to share this information. I want to encourage you to call me if you or someone you love is ill.

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Hi ,

Actually I just did a net search for "Glyconutrient Technology." Many links came up, like this one:


That's why I wondered about the business opportunity aspect of this, but it sounds like it has helped people heal. All I can say is do your research!

Here's another: http://www.mannabody.com/glycoscience.htm


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 8:08 PM

Subject: Re: Fw:One woman's healing testimony

So interesting Patty, Can I get to the site, and how?

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 5:26 PM

Subject: Fw:One woman's healing testimony

I received this from someone at my church today, and wanted to share this with you all. I know Lori, and have seen her healing. It is truly amazing! I do not know anything about this particular product, but from the little research I have done on "Glyconutrient Technology" on the net so far, it sounds very interesting....it does look like some type of MLM product, or business opportunity, so I don't know what to think about that. But I do know Lori is doing incredibly well now! I do not know if she has ever had breast implants or not. This is just for your information, since it is such an amazing story of healing. I chose to delete the contact info, since this was a private email. If any of you want to contact Lori, please let me know and I will forward it to you. And if you are so inclined, check out the info on Glyconutrient Technology for yourself.


----- Original Message ----- From: vegaschristians

Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:55 AM

Subject: Lori Beauchamp

Lori Beauchamp - Living Proof

I went to see the building progress at our new church campus on a beautiful fall day in 1998. Central Christian is such a large part of my life so I couldn't wait for the building completion and upcoming move. But as I tried to climb the stairs, I felt too weak to move my legs. I thought I must be getting a really bad flu; I was strong and healthy so surely it would pass quickly. That was the beginning of my 5 year nightmare.

I was admitted to Sunrise Hospital that week with an abnormal Cat Scan of my brain. While there, my organs started to shut down and I became paralyzed from the neck down. I was rushed to UCLA, put on mega-doses of steroids, tested for every disease imaginable, and finally put on $23,000 per month gamma globulin infusions, along with 18 different pharmaceutical drugs. Then I was sent to rehab where I had to learn to walk and care for myself before I could come home to my husband and little boy. I did eventually go home, but I was still quite ill and had not yet received a firm diagnosis.

I went everywhere for answers; Hopkins, USC, UCLA...always getting conflicting diagnosis.. I could not reduce the dosage of steroids I had been put on without ending up in the hospital again, many times on life support. The drug interactions were numerous and dangerous, and I cried to my husband that the drugs were killing me. And I was right. In the spring of this year I broke my hip, and fractured my spine and shoulder - while doing nothing! My bones were so brittle from the steroids, they were disintegrating. I lay in bed for weeks at a time, too weak to move, too broken in spirit and faith to try.

Then a miracle! My husband Mike waited for me to complete an MRI late on a Friday night. A magazine lay next to him and he thumbed through it to land on an article titled...MANNA FROM HEAVEN. My life was about to change. The article was about a local physician having great success with Glyconutrient Technology. Two days later I was wheeled into his office and this doctor, after looking over my medical history, agreed I was dying. He told me about Glyconutrient Technology, a phrase I had never heard before seeing the magazine article, gave me some literature, and we left. I took the information to my neurologist and he told me to try it because I had nothing to lose.

When the Glyconutrient products arrived, my son and I prayed over the box and asked the Lord for healing. This was in mid-May of this year.

A few weeks later I was up and out of the wheelchair and in one month I was driving! Everyday I get stronger and now I can swim laps and walk unaided. My stamina and endurance are the highest they have been since I became ill five years ago. I have reduced my steroid dosage to only 10 mg., down from 100 mg. And I am taking only three prescription drugs, down from a high of 18 that reduced my quality of life to mere existence.

Today I am involved in Women of the Word and Community Care at church, I host a small group, and I am involved helping many others with their health challenges. God has convicted me to reach out to as many as I can to share this information. I want to encourage you to call me if you or someone you love is ill.

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