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Re: doctor's to talk to?

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You really actually need to be very proactive when it comes to discussing removal of your implants with a plastic surgeon. Many of the girls on this group can share stories of being insulted or not having their illnesses taken seriously by plastic surgeons when discussing the need for explant, and often leave feeling more confused and disappointed than anything.

For this reason, you will have to become educated about this process, and will really need to be firm in your own decision. If you rely on a plastic surgeon to make a recommendation for you, he/she will more than likely tell you to keep the implants. They often try to convince you that your implants have nothing to do with your declining health, or that you will not be happy with your post operative figure and will become depressed. This is not the case with the girls here on our group. In my opinion, plastic surgeons who do this to women are not practicing ethical medicine. For almost all of us who have already been down the road of explant, we have been convinced that we did the right thing.

Of course, you can find doctors who will confirm your suspicions about your implants and their connection to your changing health condition, but these are few and far between--like Dr. Lu Feng in Ohio, and Dr. Ed Melmed in Dallas--these are a couple of doctors who understand what is going on and realize the need for a proper removal. They've seen enough to know that something is wrong, and have stood firm in their desire to help women regain their health. We are so thankful for them.

There are a few doctors that have been recommended in California, and they can be found on a list that was started years ago by other support women trying to put together a resource for women harmed by silicone gel implants. These doctors should still be questioned about the proper removal of implants, (doing a total capsulectomy), so that you and he/she are both clear about what your expectations are.

Here is the California section. Please review all the links we have on our group for explant information, so that you understand what is involved.

ED SURGEON LIST NOTE: We list these surgeons, based on patient satisfaction with their explantations. However, we assume no reponsibility for this list, and suggest you ask many questions, research carefully, talk to other women who have used these surgeons, and request to see "before and after" photos. We are not paid to advertise the following surgeons. If you have further information, good or bad, about the following surgeons, feel free to email us and tell about your positive/negative experience.If you have been explanted and are PLEASED with your surgeon and your asthetic outcome, please tell us and we will add your surgeon to this list.

When undergoing explant, there are two vital areas of concern that need to be addressed.

Will the explanting surgeon perform a total capsulectomy (removing the entire capsule surrounding the implant)? There can be no compromise on this point for those who are manifesting systemic complications of illness. And second, will they use drains? Drains may be necessary to help remove contaminated fluids from the breast pocket. Always ask your surgeon.


Dr. Gilbert Lee P/S

11515 El Camino Real, Suite 150

San Diego, CA 92130 (858)720-1440

FAX 858.509.7738



UCLA School of Medicine200 Medical PlazaLos Angeles, California 90065DR. JAMES P WATSONUCLA School of Medicine200 Medical PlazaLos Angeles, California 90065(310) 825-5510 – appointments(310) 206-7520 – officewww.uclaplasticsurgery.com


1113 Alta AvenueSuite 200Upland, CA 91786Tel: (909) 949-2525 Fax: (909) 949-2268 E-Mail: info@...http://www.arrowheadaesthetics.com/aapsa-li.htm

Upland, California is outside of Los Angeles; he will act quickly if he knows you need them out; no insurance; no credit cards, cash only; does en bloc explant

Dr. Kennedy P/S

1050 B Ave. Suite A,

Coronado CA 92118 (619)437-4449

For more info, call Lynda, 1-619-755-8127 Be certain to get in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.

DR. MAREK DOBKE , M.D.Associate Professor 7 Head, Division of Plastic Surg.4510 Executive Dr., #103San Diego, CA 92121619-294-3746


He is Head of Plastic Surgery at University of Calif. at San Diego

DR. BERNARD S. ALPERT, plastic surgeon,

45 Castro St. Suite 150,

San Francisco, CA 94114



Dr. Jae Chun P/S

1101 Bayside Dr., Suite 100 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 1-949-644-5000

For more information on the Plastic Surgeons in the lower California area, contact Lynda in Solana Beach, CA at 1-619-755-8127. If you decide to fly in from another area for explant or related surgeries, she has a beautiful seaside resort where you can stay. She will also pick you up from the airport, take you to facility for your explant, your follow-up visits to the P/S and see that you are cared for afterwards to the best of her ability. She has been through it herself. The charges are modest in comparison to the wonderful services sheoffers.As a result, she also knows all the details on these four availablePlastic Surgeons.

----- Original Message -----

From: mdickey77

Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:51 PM

Subject: doctor's to talk to?

Hi, thank you so much for responding to my message about my joint pain and other issues!!!I really appreciate it. I was wondering if anyone knows of doctor's i can speak with in the orange county area??? would i set up a consultation with them and tell them my issues and they would then determine whether to remove them or not? i'm scared to think what my body will look like if i removed them? would my breast go back to being normal? if anyone know's any info, i could use all the help and suggestions. I'm just tired of being sick and in pain all the time.:) le

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Rach, Again look at my pictures with a lift, I think I look pretty good! So does Crystal, and and so many others. They turned out BEAUTIFUL! And what's better, some didn’t need a lift like Crystal, some did like me. And all of us are different sizes , and yet very pretty in our own ways. I am a full b or smaller c, and feel wonderful. And even the gals with smaller sizes -like with her petite figure (I only wish for!) , looks absolutly great! No matter what size. Its nice to see all the different sizes, and outcomes. That way you can get a clearer idea of where you will be with your weight, and before size. Its not as bad as you think, and actually I think better outcomes in most cases! With an added benefit- better health!

----- Original Message -----

From: mdickey77

Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:51 PM

Subject: doctor's to talk to?

Hi, thank you so much for responding to my message about my joint pain and other issues!!!I really appreciate it. I was wondering if anyone knows of doctor's i can speak with in the orange county area??? would i set up a consultation with them and tell them my issues and they would then determine whether to remove them or not? i'm scared to think what my body will look like if i removed them? would my breast go back to being normal? if anyone know's any info, i could use all the help and suggestions. I'm just tired of being sick and in pain all the time.:) le

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