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Re: Sugar Addicted?

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I truly do not believe I am sugar addicted as I can easily go days

without eating any processed sugars. I don't drink pop at all, and I

do not eat sweets all the time, but I wonder about fruit? Fructose is

on the list here, and our bodies really don't know the difference

between sugar in fruit or in a candy bar, because one is natural does

not make that much difference in how our body processes it. I mean

the same can be said for a cup of pasta, in our stomach it turns to

sugar, a peach in our stomach is also going to be turned into sugar.

So my question is fruit bad for us? A friend of mine is doing the

Atkins diet and while I do not like that diet very much the reason it

works so well is because you not only cut out carbs but you cut out

sugar, no fruit is allowed at all, at least not in the begining. But

the constipation that you get from that diet is horrible!

Anyhow, there is no way I am going to cut an entire group of food

like fruit from my diet.


In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...> wrote:

> http://www.sugarfighter.com/are_you_sugar_addicted.html

> Are You Sugar Addicted?

> By Appleton, Ph.D.


> Can you go for more than a day without eating sugar in any form?

Do you drink soft drinks or milkshakes, eat Danish pastry, fruit

yogurt (a 6 oz. carton has 7 teaspoons of sugar or honey), donuts,

bagels, cakes or cookies? Can you go without any other foods that

contain words ending in " ose " such as sucrose, fructose, etc., or

contain corn syrup, corn sweetener, honey, barley malt, maple syrup,

sugar cane solids, or rice syrup? Do you pig out on a carton of ice

cream or a bag of cookies? If you find that sugar is part of your

diet every day, you may have a problem.


> The average person eats 150 pounds of sugar a year. That is

equivalent to over ½ cup of sugar a day. The teenage boy eats twice

that much. So you say, " Who cares? What is wrong with sugar? "


> There is much scientific evidence written in many medical

journals showing that sugar can ruin your health. Do you have any of

the following symptoms? Do you fall asleep after meals, have

allergies, gas, bloating, extended stomach after meals, joint pains,

headaches, chronic fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, overweight, skin

problems, high blood pressure or other symptoms? These all can be

signs of a sugar problem.


> We have evolved from early man having digestive mechanisms to

digest foods. We do not have the digestive mechanisms to digest the

glut of sugar that we are eating on a daily basis. Recently,

information has emerged as to what happens to the minerals in the

body when sugar and other abusive foods are eaten. For example, every

time we eat just as little as two teaspoons of sugar our blood

chemistry can change, and we can throw ourselves out of homeostasis,

the wonderful electrochemical balance needed for health and life

itself. Doctors and clinicians do not usually test the total blood

chemistry of a person before and after ingesting sugar, but if they

did, they would find that the minerals increase or decrease, and

change relationship with each other. In the usual case the calcium

increases and the phosphorus decreases (the ratio of calcium to

phosphorous increases too much) and there is toxic calcium in the

body because minerals only work in relation to each other. A mineral

can become toxic to the body when there is an excess of that mineral

in the body. Toxic calcium can cause plaque on the teeth, kidney

stones, arthritis, cataracts, bone spurs, and hardening of the

arteries. These are effects of an increase in a particular mineral

ratio. When minerals decrease, they can be reduced to such an extent

that our enzymes are unable to function well as each enzyme is

dependent upon a mineral to function. As a result we do not digest

our food completely and some of this undigested food can get directly

into the blood stream and is treated as a foreign substance. This by-

product of incomplete digestion, causes the immune system to come

into action. Actually, this is one form of food allergy. The immune

system must respond to this undigested or partially digested food in

the blood stream. For some of us, this undigested food can cause an

inflammatory response with sneezes and wheezes. For others it might

cause headaches, anger, arthritis, fatigue, multiple sclerosis,

psoriasis or other problems. On top of all this, too much sugar can

overwork and exhaust our white cells and weaken our immune system.

The white blood cells need protein to function, and they are not

receiving the correct protein combinations since protein is not being

digested and assimilated properly.


> The bottom line is that sugar upsets the body chemistry and

suppresses the immune system. Once the immune system becomes

suppressed, the door is opened to infectious and degenerative

diseases. The stronger the immune system the easier it is for the

body to fight infectious and degenerative diseases.


> Sugar is implicated in the following diseases and many more:

allergies, arthritis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, osteoporosis,

gallstones, kidney stones, headaches, yeast infections, and cataracts.


> So if you have any of the symptoms or diseases mentioned, remove

all forms of sugar from your diet for two weeks, I think that you

will be pleasantly surprised. Not only will some of those symptoms

disappear but you will be strengthening your immune system, allowing

it to do the job it was meant to, defend you against foreign invaders.


> Appleton, Ph.D., did her undergraduate work at U.C.L.A. in

Food and Nutrition. She received her Ph.D. from Walden University in

Health Services. Her award willing dissertation was written on " An

Alternative to the Germ Theory, " which will come out in the book THE



NATURAL FOODS. For more information on the web: www.nancyappleton.com.

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