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Fw: Lunch on Child Care on Wednesday September 24 - please RSVP

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----- Original Message ----- From: Zuckerman


Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:34 AM

Subject: Lunch on Child Care on Wednesday September 24 - please RSVP

Child Care and Working Families:

Juggling the Needs of Parents and Children

You're invited to our next "Fourth Fridays" lunch

on the Fourth Wednesday, September 24

You’ve seen it on the news: the latest study telling you why child care might be harming kids. If you have a choice, should you try to stay home with your kids or work part-time, or are the type of child care and your child’s experiences at home just as influential as the number of hours your child spends with other caregivers? And how does your child's age influence the pros and cons of childcare?

Perhaps most important for many women, what should you do to help your child have the best possible experience in child care? And the important issue for many advocates: what are the policy implications of the research findings?

Jeanne -Gunn, Ph.D., a professor of Child Development at Columbia University, is one of the foremost experts on the topic. She has been widely quoted -- and misquoted. Come hear her for yourself.

When: Wednesday, September 24, 12:15-1:30 pm

Featuring: Jeanne -Gunn, Ph.D., Professor of Child Development and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Zuckerman, Ph.D., President, National Center for Policy Research (CPR) for Women & Families

Where: Fourth Fridays are at the donated conference room of , 1301 K Street, NW (East Tower closest to 13th Street) 11th Fl., Conference Room 11B (2 blocks from McPherson Sq. Metro and 4 blocks from Farragut North)

RSVP: Nikki at (202) 223-4000 or nh@...

Thanks to Preferred Office Club for providing the lunch and for providing the refreshments and conference room


CPR's Fourth Fridays lunch series is free. Just tell us you're coming and we'll save you a sandwich or salad and make sure you have a place to sit. Our goal is to provide useful information and interesting discussions among leaders from across the spectrum of life in the Washington, DC area, in an informal setting. The National Center for Policy Research (CPR) for Women & Families provides unbiased health information by translating medical and scientific research into plain English that everyone can understand. We don't take money from companies that make the products that we analyze, and we provide our information for free to whoever wants it.


HudakResearch AssistantNational Center for Policy Research for Women & Families1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, #901Washington, DC 20006(p) 202 223-4000; (f) 202 223-4242www.center4policy.org

Remember CPR when you give to United Way or CFC, by designating #9884!

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