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Re:Re: Hi, Iggy here, my ......has saline and FM? here

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I have mostly silicone gel with part saline implants, but I have the Fibro/Chronic Fatigue and super duper weight gain, from 124 when i got he implants to 208, now I'm 181. Horrendous. but I'm coming down. I'll do anything to get this weight off. Take care all you weight sufferes. all the meds they put me on for depression REALLY SUNK me. I'm actually a tall girl and 124 would probably nearly anorexic for me. I hold fine at 150. I don't actually look heavy now. I'm in a size 14 womens. I hate this weight gain so bad, its the worst thing I hate. i walk, try to every day. since I got a dog we take walks a lot, even if they are short ones I walk every day. sometimes more. but before my explant I was up to 2 hours a day. Now I've slowed down to about a 45 minute walk and take it easy. Just had implnats out 4 wks. ago. Started short walking at 1 wk. explnat. Love

iggyrn2b <iggyrn2b@...> wrote:

--Hi, I always worked out and use to model too... now i have 30 extra pounds on me from going thru he** w/these things, getting FM, and other illness, on all sorts of meds for pain and depression and thyroid... I want them out............ Thanks, Iggy- In , "JOSEPH PALANCA" <juliejp61@m...> wrote:> Re: Hi, Iggy here, my implants are saline, who else has saline and FM?Oh please, I had them for nine years, and even the 1st year I remember for the 1st time having issues with my weight. I used to model before, and both my mom and both sisters as well as myself were always very thin. They still are, without working out or dieting, and I am not. In the last three I couldnt even sweat when working out! Even after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and placed on two

different meds now, it didn't seem to change a thing. I have a very slow metabolism now! I couldn't scream that point loud enough. I work out everyday for 55 min, and can barely lose a pound. Even on progesterone, I am very slow to lose any weight! Its like on pause for now. I think implants and thyroid are very interrealted. And it compacts your metabolism hugely. > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Colleen > > Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:40 PM> Subject: Re: Hi, Iggy here, my implants are saline, whoelse has saline and FM?> > > I have FM/CFS from my saline implants...I was just explanted three and a half weeks ago. I gained 50 pounds during the time that I was sick. I used to model and I was Ms. Lite and Ms. Hawaiian Tropic...now I feel

like a cow. My metabolism is so low. Even when I take medicine, it seems not to effect me like it should...I'm guessing because of my low metabolism. Anyway, you are not alone with the weight gain!> > > From: "iggyrn2b" <iggyrn2b@y...>> Reply- > Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 20:18:16 -0000> > Subject: Hi, Iggy here, my implants are saline, who else has saline and FM?> > > > > Hi, I was just wondering who else has FM/CFS and saline implants... > Since my implants ive ballooned 30 lbs heavier in weight... anyone > else have this? Thanks, Iggy> >


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