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Hi there,

I have researched the last week and could not believe how many people

don't know the shell to a saline implant is silicone and that there

is no safe implant. So many people don't realize how dangerous

implants are. I know I certainly didn't and I guess that is why I

didn't know any of this before or up until two-three weeks ago. I

had a chance to look at the FDA website and really spend some time

reading it(alot of time) and how they class each implant. It really

was DISAPPOINTING and DEPRESSING that are government can even GIVE

these manufactors the time to listen to them, let alone approving for

them to poison us! I read some of the MedWatch complaints from even

1995 and can't believe how anybody can think implants are harmless

and won't make women sick. I have gotten alittle bit closer to

finding out what kind of implant I had replaced last year and I am

AMAZED how my Plastic Surgeon can sleep at night or for that matter,


are putting implants in that have been recalled or put on hold for

further research and they are getting away with it because they think

WE WON'T FIND OUT. I know now why my PS has been so weird about my

paperwork and not showing me anything. Now I understand why my PS

wanted me to sign off on everything and wanted the implants back this

last time.

I have talked to docters around the metroplex and other women and

researched information on all of this and was very suprised on what I

found out. I was very, very disappointed that the people that are

supposed to be in this fight with us,(OTHER WOMEN)are the very ones

that WANT SILICONE, even after they have heard docters say they are

poison and hearing what all these women went through. I never

realized to then what a fight we have on us. I NEVER REALIZED there

were so many women fighting AGAINST us by allowing this to happen and

not caring about the consequences of their " fellow sisters " . I

thought only men were shits and selfish!HA

I am hoping(after HIRING A PERSON TO HELP ME)to get my paperwork and

implant info from the beginning real soon. I will not tolerate

somebody doing something that is UNETHICAL. I didn't consent to

that! Nobody would consent to faulty implants or implants that were

never told they had that they never wanted. I can't believe our own

government who is supposed to protect us from all of that are the

same people who are allowing this to happen.

I have a bad feeling, my friends, that silicone will be back and

these PS and makers will get what they want. If I can even help just

one woman from not going thru this, it was worth the fight! If

anybody has any suggestions on what we can do to help prevent other

women from getting sick by implants, please let me know. We might

not change EVERYBODY'S mind and silicone might be back but for me

directing my energy into educating and being educated by other people

on this and sharing my experience has helped me deal alot better with

what my implants have done to me. I have been so impressed with MANY

WOMEN who have shared their experiences that were MUCH MUCH WORSE

than my own and still managed to be strong for everybody and what to

help others.


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  • 5 months later...
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thanks so much for all the responses to my earlier posts. I was really bumming this morning when my doc called - i am feeling a little better now. I think I probably should go back on my antidepressants and possibly see a therapist. Sitting around crying all of the time is not gonna help me get any better. All I could think of is my beautiful little boy and what it would be like for him to be without his mommy if I were to get sicker or worse yet I kept thinking of possibly passing the CF to him and that was tearing me up. He is the only thing that has kept me going the last 2 years and the thought of hurting him was too much to bear. I already feel bad enough for breastfeeding him for 9 months w/ implants and the chance I took there with his health of course that was before I knew the truth. I called and asked my PS prior to doing it and he said it was completely safe. another lie

I will know more after the other blood tests are done - who knows, maybe it is just the yeast causing the rashes and bumps. i have been hitting it pretty hard lately with the yeast detox stuff. I appreciate all of the thoughtful posts and prayers - sometimes it just feels better to cry it out as I think everyone else around me is getting tired of hearing about it

love shari

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  • 2 months later...
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We knew That!!!


At 09:56 AM 5/22/2004, you wrote:

>no need to worry - I would NEVER consider running up bills and doing that





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