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Re: Need prayers for Monday's explant...

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Do not be nervous about having your explant with local anethesia. Mine were explanted with local anethesia and IV sedation in March 2003. I went to sleep, woke up and it was over. I felt great, very little pain, and was not sick from general anethesia.

Are you also having an IV sedation with your local?

----- Original Message -----

From: absmile1

Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 6:48 PM

Subject: Need prayers for Monday's explant...

My explant is Monday morning...I am glad it isn't any longer, because I am getting nervous. I have only had my implants 2 months...but I am still wondering how I will feel again with my smaller chest. I'm just nervous... I guess I'm most nervous about having a local and drains... but I know I can get through it. I would appreciate your prayers for me Monday at 11:00ish. Pray that the local won't hurt too bad, and that the surgery is a success, and that I heal quickly, and return to normal. THANKS SO MUCH :-) !

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Thanks ...

no, not having any iv sedation this time...but that is how I did it

originally 2 months ago...(went under the muscle...but I don't

remember a thing, like you said).

My ps assisitant said that she thinks I can handle just the

local...she has had exchanges done with a local...and it was ok.

They are going to give me a valium...but I don't know what to expect

from that because I've never had valium before.

Anyway...he is only charging me the facility fee to remove the


iv sedation would have been an extra $300.00 and I don't want to

waste anymore money...so that is why I decided on the local only.


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Definitely sending prayers up for your successful surgery and for you to feel peace about the whole thing.

God bless you!


----- Original Message -----

From: absmile1

Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 3:48 PM

Subject: Need prayers for Monday's explant...

My explant is Monday morning...I am glad it isn't any longer, because I am getting nervous. I have only had my implants 2 months...but I am still wondering how I will feel again with my smaller chest. I'm just nervous... I guess I'm most nervous about having a local and drains... but I know I can get through it. I would appreciate your prayers for me Monday at 11:00ish. Pray that the local won't hurt too bad, and that the surgery is a success, and that I heal quickly, and return to normal. THANKS SO MUCH :-) !

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My prayers are with you. You are such a smart, strong girl. If only I had removed them, and listened to my body. Would have saved a lot of heartache. This decision will save your life, making it one you will never regret it. Sending you prayers & love!

----- Original Message -----

From: absmile1

Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 5:48 PM

Subject: Need prayers for Monday's explant...

My explant is Monday morning...I am glad it isn't any longer, because I am getting nervous. I have only had my implants 2 months...but I am still wondering how I will feel again with my smaller chest. I'm just nervous... I guess I'm most nervous about having a local and drains... but I know I can get through it. I would appreciate your prayers for me Monday at 11:00ish. Pray that the local won't hurt too bad, and that the surgery is a success, and that I heal quickly, and return to normal. THANKS SO MUCH :-) !

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I am so excited that you've decided to explant! It's been 4 days

since I was explanted (I had my implants in for two years) and my

surgery went wonderfully! I absolutely LOVE my new beautiful

breasts! Really, I think they look better than they every have! :)

I know it's a hard decision to decide to explant before you are

experieincing problems, but that's really the only good way to do

it. Don't wait until it's too late and you can barely get out of

bed...like I did. My saline breast implants robbed me of my health,

happiness, and my life as I knew it...but I'm determined to get

everything back and more! I'll be praying for you on Monday!

Take care,

Kacey (I posted a few reasons why I did not like my breast

implants...maybe you'll be able to identify)

> My prayers are with you. You are such a smart, strong girl. If only

I had removed them, and listened to my body. Would have saved a lot

of heartache. This decision will save your life, making it one you

will never regret it. Sending you prayers & love!

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: absmile1


> Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 5:48 PM

> Subject: Need prayers for Monday's explant...



> My explant is Monday morning...I am glad it isn't any longer,


> I am getting nervous.


> I have only had my implants 2 months...but I am still wondering

how I

> will feel again with my smaller chest.


> I'm just nervous...

> I guess I'm most nervous about having a local and drains...

> but I know I can get through it.


> I would appreciate your prayers for me Monday at 11:00ish.

> Pray that the local won't hurt too bad, and that the surgery is a

> success, and that I heal quickly, and return to normal.








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