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Toxic Discovery Project - We Are The Evidence

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We are having a GREAT response to this - Please scan and e-mail pictures if you have them. A picture is worth a thousand words and does make an impact!

Please resend to all your Groups and keep the stories coming!

Toxic Discovery

Dear Friends of Toxic Discovery;


As many of you know, the FDA is considering whether silicone gel breast implants are safe.  If they decide they are safe, silicone gel implants will be widely available in this country. 


The FDA meeting will be Tuesday, Oct 14 and Wednesday, Oct 15.  Any woman who has or had silicone gel implants is welcome to come and make a brief public statement, but you need to sign up with the FDA in advance.  Family members, including survivors, or support group leaders can also come to speak.


We understand that the majority of you cannot afford the cost of airplane tickets or hotel rooms.  Because we understand this INJUSTICE we will personally deliver your story to the FDA along with thousands of others " Who Suffer In Silence " !


PROJECT " We Are The Evidence " is now in  ACTION!  Please submit your personal story on 8x11 copy paper making sure it is no longer than 3 pages in length. Include the following information:


* Name

* Address

* City - State - Zip

* Year Implanted

* Name of Manufacturer

* When you were explanted

* Condition of your implants when they were removed.

* If your insurance covered all costs

* How your health has been affected after receiving implants

* How your family has been affected

The above information must be e-mailed to us no later than Oct. 1st, 2003. We will bind the stories submitted into book form and hand carry them to the FDA for YOU!


If you would like to make a donation to assit us with expenses for this project - Please make your checks payable to Toxic Discovery and mail to the below address.

601 W. Nifong - Bldg. 5A - Columbia, MO 65203

Phone: (573)449-2301 Fax: (573)445-4700

URL: http://www.toxicdiscovery.com

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