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Did anyone try wheatgrass? I send a copy of some info on it, I was

wondering if it was beneficial

The Miracle of Wheatgrass

When desperate patients and family members call our office hoping for

miracles we always tell them we are out of magic bullets. Just as the

development of cancer is a complicated process, so too, complete and

permanent recovery from cancer requires a slow repair process in

which careful attention must be paid to multiple aspects of body


One gift of nature - chlorophyll - more closely approximates a

miracle food than any other we've encountered.

Wheat grass juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll. Wheat grass

juice is also high in iron, oxygen, and enzymes and is one of the

richest sources of vitamins A, B, and C.

Studies of wheatgrass by Dr. Chiu Nan Lai of the University of Texas

System Cancer Center showed it to be a potent inhibitor of several

carcinogens. Applying low levels of the extract to mutagens

diminished activity in them by up to 99%.

More research has examined the healing properties of chlorophyll in

general and seems to be related to the fact that the chlorophyll

molecule is nearly identical to that of hemoglobin, whose single atom

of iron replaces one atom of magnesium.

Distinguished medical specialists have reported hundreds of cases in

which chlorophyll has cured deep infections, stimulated healing,

removed necrotic debris from open wounds, and accelerated connective

tissue and epidermal proliferation.

Many reports of chlorophyll's effectiveness have come through Dr. Ann

Wigmore, ND, and teacher of natural living. Dr. Ann credits

wheatgrass with curing her gangrenous leg and preventing its

amputation. She subsequently founded the Hippocrates Health Institute

in Boston to teach others about wheatgrass.

According to Dr. Ann, Dr. Bernard Jensen and G. P. Earp- of

Bloomfield Laboratories, chlorophyll purifies the blood, prevents

tooth decay, aids in proper digestion, helps detoxify the liver,

keeps the thyroid gland in balance, cleanses internal organs,

enhances capillary function, supports sex hormones, decontaminates

inorganic chemicals, and builds up white blood cell counts.

Furthermore, green juices provide easy assimilation of nutrients

especially in cases of poor digestion or immuno-suppression. Reports

of chlorophyll's effectiveness in managing human ailments abound.

Recent medical research has found that cancer goes into remission

when the body is alkaline. The raw living foods diet helps to make

the body alkaline (easily tested with litmus paper), but our personal

experiences since 1976 support the research of Dr. Wigmore --

wheatgrass juice is an important part of the diet and program.

Subscribe to the FREE Creative Health Institute newsletter

Wheatgrass growing in our sprouting room

Students extract the juice from fresh wheatgrass that is harvested

here at the Institute



Wheatgrass is also used for cleansing the colon, the sinuses, wounds,




Growing and Other Info

Health, Beauty, Cleansing and Energy with Wheatgrass

40 Uses for Wheatgrass

The History of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass Exposed

Wheat Grass Links

and Wheatgrass Links

some testimonials

Dr. Lorraine Day, MD endorses the Wigmore program and Wheatgrass

Rejuvelac Recipe



Wheatgrass can be used for treating sick pets and farm animals.



A common Question: " If Dr. Ann Wigmore was so healthy, what did she

die of? I thought that cancer always came back and got you in the

end? "

Answer: Her cancer never returned. Dr. Ann died in a fire when her

Hippocrates Institute, an old building on Beacon Hill, Boston, burned

in 1993. She was 84 and still climbed the stairs in her 5 story

building all day long.

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