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4 steps to health

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I thought this site provided some good info on natural products to accomplish these goals, as well as providing product ideas as well. I am ordering the Primal Defense.


In order to eradicate hidden infections, particularly fungal infections such as candida, systemic candida, invasive candidiasis, yeast infections, toenail fungus, athletes foot, we need to produce an environment in the body which causes the germs to die.

This involves four areas of concern.

1. Antiseptics

Kill off the infection. Supplement your diet with foods and herbs with antiseptic properties to kill the infectious germs.

2. Intestinal Flora (Probiotics)

Strengthen your immune system. Supplement your intestinal tract with healthy flora to eat-up infectious germs and increase your natural antibody production. Your body's ability to kill off unhealthy germs, when encountered, is referred to as your immune system.

3. Digestive Enzymes

Digest your food thoroughly to prevent infectious germs from living on undigested food particles in the bloodstream. Supplement your diet with digestive enzymes to better digest your food.

4. Fiber

Supplement your diet with fiber to aid in sweeping out dead germs and toxins.

Fungal infections cannot be cleared up by antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics cause fungal infections.

Put your health in your hands, not a medical doctors hands. An infection free body will naturally seek superior health and well being. An infection free body will also seek its perfect weight through better digestion and elimination.

1. Antiseptics

Sunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds








Juniper Berries






Red Raspberry


Specialized Products

101E Acne GetawayAdvanced Colloidal SilverCandiGONE by ReNew LifeCandistroy by Natures SecretCatalog of Natural AntisepticsGrapefruit Seed ExtractIntegris ParagonParaCan from AustraliaParaGONE by ReNew LifeParaGONE for Kids by ReNew LifeParastroy by Natures SecretTea Tree OilYeast Fighters by Twinlab

2. Intestinal Flora

Yogurt (sugar-free)


Specialized Products

Candistroy by Natures SecretFiberSMART by ReNew LifeFloraBEAR for KIDS by ReNew LifeFloraMORE by ReNew LifeLongest Living Acidophilus Plus by FuturebioticsNatures BioticsPrimal Defense by Garden of LifeYeast Fighters by Twinlab

3. Digestive Enzymes

Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Limit cooked foods.

Cooking destroys enzymes.

Specialized Products

CandiZYMECleanseMORE by ReNew LifeDigestive Enzymes CatalogDigestMORE by ReNew LifeKidZYME by ReNew LifeParastroy by Natures SecretParaZYME by ReNew Life

4. Fiber

Whole grains

Raw fruits and vegetables

Specialized Products

Fiber CatalogFiberSMART by ReNew LifeParastroy by Natures SecretYeast Fighters by Twinlab

The key is to include antiseptic type foods or herbs and beneficial flora in the diet.

The antiseptics will continue to travel throughout the body and keep candida in check. The beneficial flora will keep the digestive tract healthy and able to kill off unfriendly organisms (germs). This will keep the immune system strong.

Once a person is healthy and the tissues and bones are free from organisms and a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria vs. candida is established in the digestive tract, they should only take strong antiseptic herbs or herbal antiseptic formulas occasionally. We normally recommend twice a year for a month long period each time. This is to insure an overgrowth of unfriendly organisms has not occurred in the tissues and bones somewhere in the body. As long as beneficial flora is ingested on a regular basis, a candida overgrowth should not occur in the digestive tract.

Good digestion and bowel health is also extremely important. If constipation or loose bowels is a problem, it should be corrected.

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