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to new women on site..this is my story.hope it helps

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Hey all. I come here and read the posts once and a while. For those

who do not know me, I was sickened by SMOOTH salines 14 months after

implantation.Implanted in 1998 and sick in 99. Two days before

Christmas 2000 I collapsed adn was completly bedridden for almost 2

years. I could not shower at times for 10 days. I could not walk down

the stairs, I was suicidal.I LOST everything I had, including my life

finances and health. It will be 3 years explant this month. Although

I am NOT completley well, I am NO LONGER bedridden. I can drive,

clean, shop, and am now self sefficint. I can think again! I am

taking a computer class at the moment !!! In the begginning I had

over 35 some odd symptoms and are down to like 5 or 6 that fluctuate.

I remember I had brain fog so bad, I could not balance a check book,

add numbers and would get lost 2 blocks from my house. Also I had MCS

(Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) so bad I was completly house bound

(room bound) for 6 months. I have come a long long way :) To all of

you who are where I was....give it TIME. IT was the key for me. I do

some alternatives now, but did a dextox for 8 months in in the

beginning.Hang in the all...you can improve and some do get better. I

am an extreme case and have come so so far ! I am making a life for

myself. I have learned so much, and wish I found these women BEFORE

implants, but I cannot change back time. Good luck to you all. It may

be a long road, but you can get there!

Here are my symptoms that are gone

Multiple chemical sensitiivites/allergic to everything!!!this

stopped as soon as I got implants out

dry eyes and mouth

Color changes/ a white wall would be pink/yellow.ect


sore throat like strep/had this 2 years non STOP!

diahrrea-6-7 times a day(I was down to 102 lbs...I am 5'

anxiety/ severe panic attack

severe racing heart beat

HORRIBLE BRAIN FOG..comes and goes slightly now

painful feet/couldn't wear anything but sneakers

could not go outside at all because of the heat or cold! Had to

say indoors

Serious GYN problems..couldn't have

sex..painful/inflammation/now just have yeast infections( I have

mangaged to keep them under control and can have sex now !!!

There are so many more symptoms that are gone, that I cannot

really remember them, because I try not to rememeber them !!!! Good

ridence !

I would have NEVER NEVER thought the implants would effect my

health right down to not being able to have sex !!!

I do have the diagnosis FMS/CFS..but I have really improved so

much in the past year, that I am hoping to be even more improved next

year !!! I hope you all hang in there, and God bless you to have

better days !!! IT makes me SO SAD to read about all the sick women.

It makes me angry also that ALL the Dr.s that I HAVE seen, do not

acnowledge the fact that the implants made me and all of us sick!!!

AND we ALL have the same or similar symptoms...the facts are all here

for any Dr.to read our stories. To bad SOME Dr.s are so blind. Well I

am rambling on ..so nite nite all.......xoxoxo dimonds68

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