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Re: Can someone explain healing process after explant?

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I had mine explant on Sept 17,2003, I am still bandaged, the PS said to wear the sports bra, that fits comfortable. Breathing should not be abnormal (not to tight). My skin is still flatter on top, it's starting to puff up now, This will require exercise in about 3-4 wks away to rebuild the muscle. The sports bra can be changed at that time to a underwire to help in forming. I am here with ya! It's painful, skin feels raw under arms. I feel that our body will let us know when that time is. Right now mine is okay in the sports bra. I don't want to disturb the incision area. I was told to do no lifting for two wks, I had Silicone Filled -Gel for 14 years. They removed lymphnodes, under both arms, 5 hours of Surgery . It will take us time . I sleep in the sports bra, and take it off for a couple of hours through out the day. I sware it's just to peek to see if i grew. ha ha , My husband laughs at me. He will quietly peek at me while I am in front of the

mirror. I am happy with the progress, the flattness on top is getting fuller each day, at first It was sunk in and now looks good.. My skin is real elastic, It's sort of like having a baby, your skin streatches and then reverses back it takes time. When it's time to exercise, do this it will make a difference. Stay on a good vitamin supplement. Flax Seed Oil is great for the skin. It's all up to the individual, and their preference. Where did you have your surgery? Do you still have pain? Hows your appetite? Do you have any nausea? Have you noticed any improvement on the way you feel?

K L Varniabsmile1 <theblunts@...> wrote:

I had my smooth saline implants placed under the muscle 10 weeks ago...I just had them explanted last Monday.I have been searching all over the internet to find out exactly how the healing process works...and can't come up with a thing.I am told to wear a sports bra for about 4 weeks. Is the idea to have it so tight that it forces your musclesto adhere...or just tight enough so your breats don't folp around?Also...do your muscles actually adhere back together eventually?Lastly...the top of my breasts are very hollow looking...bottom seems fine...will this fill out...if so, how does that work exactly?Thanks!

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Thanks for answering...

I had my implants removed via the inital underarm incision

they used to put the implants in 2 months ago...so I am thankful for

that. He also used drains this time...so I have a couple of small

dots underneath my armpits. I got the drains removed Thursday, and

feel much better with them out.

I had some stinging under my right arm incision...but that has pretty

much subsided now. I am not in pain...but rather a little tender I

would say. I had a local to get them out...and did not experience

any nausea at all. In fact...my sister and I went out to eat at a

chicken resturant right afterwards...drains and all!

My appetite is very good...I think my healing is going very

well...but I am concerned about the muscle adhering back down...I

hope that is what happens. I like to use the bowflex...but haven't

for a long time...I'd like to get back into that...I know that will

be a few months though.

I'm glad you are doing well...it is a relief to have them out...even

after the short time I had them in...I hated them...which I consider

a blessing because now I am becoming familiar with just how sick

people become.

My best to you!

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