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Re: need some prayers for healing

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Dear Rogene,

Thanks for answering. I did have the implants out en bloc and he says there was no silicone left in the chest cavity. He also took out the capsules. I hardly have anything left so I can feel that it is just tissue and skin, doesn't feel like any capsulein there. I had mmine in for 17 years so I don't know if mine were in too long to regain health. There are times when I think I am dying. However, I have read accounts where it takes years so I am holding on to that. I have been detoxing, going in sauna, take primal defense and am starting hyberberic oxygen chamber this week. This has been a living hell forme and my family and very little help or understanding from medical community. I have to keekp trying though.

Thanks so much for caring.


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Judy, My heart goes out to you. I know how you are feeling, and how deep those feelings run. I was explanted last yr, and slo saw much improvement, then to get very ill again with new symptoms for a while ( I feel so much better now) I would like to offer some knowledge just from my experiences. It was 8 long yrs I had them, and it will be a long time to regain and make well, after all the damge that was done. I know I must give my body time to adjust, settle, and heal.I was joint pain free for 3 weeks after explant, and boy what a difference in the way I felt! Then when it came back I was so discouraged. I believe it is a temporary relief on my body, kinda like a rebound, a sigh of relief. But then, the body goes back and finds that removing them is only a step, and now there are still the same issues left behind to address. Like in my situation, infections (mycos) and stirred up and released toxins (silicone, platinum, tin) and candidia big time. And now your immunity has the full capability to finally cleanse, detox, and make right. So you will feel these things, as things get stirred up. Elimination isnt always pretty. Dont be discouraged.

I would advise to look into to your hormones, like if you need to balance with progesterone, It has helped me immensly.Implants are xenoestrogenic, meaning they add alot of dangerous estrogen to our already taxed bodies that are subjected to synthetic estrogens all the time (dairy, meats, shampoos, carpeting) within the enviroment. Hormonal havoc caused by implants is common , and can reak havoc on an already weakened immune system. Getting them balanced will give you full opportunity to heal. Heres a site I recommend, and use www.salivatest.com if interested. And a good book to read pertaning this is " Premenapause, What your Doc may not tell you, - Dealing with your hormones from 30-50 by Dr Lee . Great read, and helped me, and alot of people I have told IMMENSLY!

Another thing, I have been on is made by Garden Of Life, it is called Primal Defense. You take it after using a Fungal defense for 2 weeks. It is amazing how this stuff works to anilate mycoplasma , infections, yeast, toxins, replace healthy flora, and has essentail minerals.(and is recommeded along with the treatment by the Road Back Protocl for antibitoc treatment) I feel a huge difference since on it, and will be on it for life. Its all about the power of soil organisms, and believe it not, they are very powerfull. That is where most antibiotics are/were found, as simple organism colonies in the soil. Please read the book ,"Patient Heal Thyself" as it really explains how they work, and other things to do to get well! A great cheap site to get the products and for info is www.primaldefenseandbeyound.com Great prices!

And keep up with the antibiotic treatment, it will work effectivly. It just takes time. I didn't see a differnce for a while. But it has brought the infection down on blood work. Hang in there.Another thing that works, is this group as a whole! I found so many ideas helpful from gals like Patty, and Rogene, Kathy! And there are so many others. We are all in debt to each other, and any advise or knowldege here is so valuable, as no one knows our symptoms/disease like we do. We are our own testimonies. Use it up!

You will get better, with prayer, and proper detox! If you ever need a friend, just ask. Love

>From: "jaylow2100"

>Reply- > >Subject: need some prayers for healing >Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 11:41:56 -0000 > >Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and have been really ill the >lasst three months. I hadsilicone implants removed about 8 months. I >was really ill prior to that andthen had some improvement for a few >months and thengot sick again. I now have a connective tissue disease >and it has been hell for me. I lost my job because of chronic fatigue >and a generalized feeling of being poisononed, I have extreme body >pain hands, arms, feet, legs and back. I have fasted and detoxed a >lot. At the moment I am trying the low dose antibiotic therapy which >has helped many people with rhuematic autoimmune disease. I hope iti >works. I have had 30 chelation treatments, had all my amalgom >fillings out, and am now going to start the hyberberic oxygen chamber >therapy. I'm trying to stay positive but their have been times when I >felt like I couldn't take it anymore. VERY DEPRESSED. Even the >rhuematologist said it couldn't be from the implants. I guess those >MD's all stick together with their story.Anyway, as you can see by >the time I am writing this, I don't sleep much either. If anyone has >any suggestions or help please let me know. I would really appreciate >it. >Lots of love, >Judi L > > >

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If you haven't already done so, you might want to get a copy of your operative report from explant and read through it yourself to make sure there is evidence of the capsules removed during surgery. I am glad to hear you did get the en bloc removal, especially with silicone gel, but I recommend to all the girls here that they get a copy of the report, just to have in their files and for their own peace of mind as proof that the implants and scar capsule were in fact removed.

Healing takes alot of patience, alot of effort to stay on track and rebuilding strong and healthy cells. Alot of times it may seem you are taking two steps back, only to take one step forward. Just don't lose heart. In time, you should be able to see improvements, alot of times, in hindsight. It's kinda like a realization occurs, and you say, "Oh yeah! I haven't had that symptom in a long time now!"

By the way, I did have HBOT treatments myself, 22 of them in about a two week period. Let me know if you have any questions.


----- Original Message -----

From: jaylow2100@...

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:49 AM

Subject: Re: need some prayers for healing

Dear Rogene,Thanks for answering. I did have the implants out en bloc and he says there was no silicone left in the chest cavity. He also took out the capsules. I hardly have anything left so I can feel that it is just tissue and skin, doesn't feel like any capsulein there. I had mmine in for 17 years so I don't know if mine were in too long to regain health. There are times when I think I am dying. However, I have read accounts where it takes years so I am holding on to that. I have been detoxing, going in sauna, take primal defense and am starting hyberberic oxygen chamber this week. This has been a living hell forme and my family and very little help or understanding from medical community. I have to keekp trying though.Thanks so much for caring.Judi

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