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Patty--To All--This is what I am taking for Detox

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Patty & Group,

I am detoxing and taking Cell-Ready Minerals(Eniva essentials) and this Cordy Max supplement(Gelatin). The drink is awful but I have done this for two weeks and already feel better. I picked up a virus that hit me pretty hard but until I get all this poison out of me and start my MS treatment, picking up a virus easily is going to happen. But my sleeping patterns have been better and when I get up I feel better and not so tired all the time. I start my MS treatment soon and my doctor told me I will feel sooo much better after that. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Just wanted everyone to know that detoxing DOES make you feel better and not so tired all the time.


----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:49 AM

Subject: Intestinal cleansing drink

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to share with you a simple intestinal cleanse drink that I have been doing the last few days on my 14 day herbal detox. I think this is the easiest think I have found to get down, in terms of taste, and effectiveness for cleansing the colon. The fiber in the psyllium husks and flax seeds swell and form a gel-like substance that forms soft, bulky stools. This supports the intestines in eliminating toxins, and prevents their reabsorption into the bloodstream. Take this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or at night just before bed. You can do it twice a day for more intense cleansing. The liquid bentonite clay is a natural mineral that has the ability to trap and bind pesticides and other toxins in the intestinal tract, as well. I use Sonne's No. 7.

1/2 teaspoon powdered psyllium husks

1 to 2 Tablespoons flax seeds (freshly ground--buy them whole and grind in a coffee grinder)

1 Tablespoon liquid bentonite clay

pinch of powdered ginger

8 ounces organic apple juice

Mix and drink immediately. (Leaving it sit will make it too thick to drink as the fibers swell.)

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day when taking extra fiber.


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