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-Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what toxins we have by a simple saliva test for implanted women. No doctor would be able to disagree with us with that proof! Saliva spits out information on chemical exposure10-23-2003 -- Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryHome testing of saliva to measure personal hormone levels is gainingpopularity, with dozens of companies offering do-it-yourself, mail-intest kits. Battelle scientists at the Department of Energy's PacificNorthwest National Laboratory envision a day when it may be nearly aseasy to detect chemical exposure or even nerve gas poisoning - simply byanalyzing a victim's saliva. And the results would be almost immediate.Using sophisticated mass spectrometry equipment at PNNL, researchershave been able to identify breakdown products of a common pesticide inthe saliva of rats exposed to known amounts of the pesticide. Theresearchers are working now to develop a simpler, portablemicroanalytical sensor system to quickly diagnose pesticide exposure inhumans and a modeling method than can estimate the dose. Researchers saythe technology could be adapted to test for a variety of contaminants,including chemical warfare agents.The research project began with an Environmental Protection Agency grantto study pesticide exposure in adults and children working or livingnear farms. The research team exposed rats to a common agriculturalchemical and found traces in the saliva shortly after exposure."The fact that we were able to find the chemical in very lowconcentrations confirms that saliva can be a reliable, non-invasivemethod to monitor farm or industrial workers who are exposed routinelyto potentially harmful pesticides," said Jim , an analyticalchemist working with mass spectrometers at PNNL.Researchers believe saliva monitoring may be able to detect a broadrange of chemical contaminants from ongoing occupational exposure,accidents or even acts of war and terrorism."The class of pesticides we are studying, organophosphates, arechemically similar and work on the same general principal as nerve gas,"said Timchalk, a Battelle toxicologist at PNNL. "Both pesticidesand nerve gases inhibit an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase. Withoutacetylcholinesterase, nerves, including those responsible for breathing,stop functioning."Chemical nerve agents also bind to and disrupt other enzymes, includingone called butyrylcholnesterase. "Researchers at the laboratory havedemonstrated that rat saliva contains a nearly pure population of thisenzyme," said . "This data strongly suggests that it's possibleto develop a portable device to yield immediate results from a smallamount of saliva. Such a device might save lives in the event of amilitary or terrorist attack."Real-time diagnosis is the key, as some treatments for nerve gaspoisoning are effective, if initiated in time. Typically, however,testing for chemical exposure requires drawing blood or collecting urinesamples, which must then be sent to a laboratory. Results may be days orweeks away."If expanded to identify chemical warfare agents, saliva analysis wouldnot only identify those who need medical treatment, but might also offerup forensic evidence against the attackers," said Timchalk. "It might bepossible to detect trace levels of the chemical agents in the saliva ofa terrorist who handled the poisons before releasing them."The saliva monitoring technology under development at PNNL is beingdesigned to provide immediate results and be simple enough to beoperated in the field by technicians with little training."We have demonstrated that a biosensor linked to a hand-heldelectrochemical detector can identify the organophosphates in solutionwith a high degree of sensitivity," said Yuehe Lin, a Battelleanalytical chemist at PNNL. "The biosensor consists of electrodes coatedwith carbon nanotubes. The carbon nantotubes hold the enzymes, which aretargeted to the organophosphate chemicals, and electricity is applied.If organophophates are present, there is a decrease in the electricalcurrent that can be correlated to the amount of chemical present. Thehand-held biosensor detection system will facilitate the on-site salivamonitoring of exposures to these pesticides."The Battelle team hopes to secure additional funding to study salivatesting and monitoring for nerve agents. Meanwhile they continue todevelop the technology to assess exposure to agricultural pesticides.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a Department of Energy Officeof Science research facility that advances the fundamental understandingof complex systems, and provides science-based solutions to some of thenation's most pressing challenges in national security, energy andenvironmental quality. The laboratory employs more than 3,800scientists, engineers, technicians and support staff, and has an annualbudget of nearly $600 million. Battelle, based in Columbus, Ohio, hasoperated PNNL for the federal government since the laboratory'sinception in 1965. http://www.breakthroughdigest.com/cgi-script/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=New%20Devices%2c%20Treatments%20and%20Procedures%2edb & command=viewone & id=45 & op=t--^----------------------------------------------------------------

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