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Re: Has everyone gotten well after explant?

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Dear Pam. from your mail I guess you are feeling ill at the moment, the one thing I can say to you is you will only get worse without removal.The day will come and you will regret not getting them out before you felt so bad, you will be left with many what ifs. Your best chance is to get them things out properly and from what I have read about dr Feng you will be seeing one of the best, so this improves your chance to regain your full health.This group will also be a great help in supporting you through the dettoxing, you are very lucky to be in this position. When I had my removal done I had no support or anyone to help me along as I live in England, I had no idea about the wealth of information on the net so I had to do it alone, If only I had had this group then I am sure I would be in a better position now. I had no idea about dettoxing or diet or even anyone to share my pain and fear with.

Please do what you already know is right, we are all different and some get fully better, some 90 per cent but one things for sure that cannot happen all the time they are in. Its so scary I really understand that I really do but I promise you once you have made the decision and you have had it done the relief is unimaginable, you will feel so much better, better because they are gone.

Please keep me informed with how it goes, I will be thinking of you.

Take care


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Sue, I am sick now. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Rheumatoid

Arthritis, Carpal Tunnell, Raynaud's, Sjogren's...to name a few.

There's more, but I lose track. I should write down a list. I write

lists upon lists because I forget so much. My brain ceased

functioning properly just a few months after I got the implants

(August 1999) and the fatigue and aches started. I blamed it on my

hormones! I never thought any of my problems could have come from my

implants until now. My daughter was 13 when I got them and she

watched a show on tv about someone with implants that got sick. She

insisted they were saline, but I didn't believe her. I told her they

must have been silicone and that she was mistaken. I should have

listened and done something about it then. I'm so afraid it's too

late now. I'm really glad I found this site too. I checked

everywhere else and didn't find anything but good stuff. It's really

sad, on AOL they have message boards where people talk about their

experiences with implants. The positive ones have hundreds of

messages and the negative ones have 4! (at least that's all I found)

I couldn't believe it. I think that's where I looked when I was

thinking about getting them because I was new to the Internet - I

didn't know where to look. I didn't find anything bad, so I figured

I was safe with these " safe " saline implants. We were all fooled,

weren't we? Thanks for listening.


> Dear Pam. from your mail I guess you are feeling ill at the moment,

the one

> thing I can say to you is you will only get worse without

removal.The day will

> come and you will regret not getting them out before you felt so

bad, you will

> be left with many what ifs. Your best chance is to get them things


> properly and from what I have read about dr Feng you will be seeing

one of the best,

> so this improves your chance to regain your full health.This group

will also

> be a great help in supporting you through the dettoxing, you are

very lucky to

> be in this position. When I had my removal done I had no support or

anyone to

> help me along as I live in England, I had no idea about the wealth


> information on the net so I had to do it alone, If only I had had

this group then I

> am sure I would be in a better position now. I had no idea about

dettoxing or

> diet or even anyone to share my pain and fear with.

> Please do what you already know is right, we are all different and

some get

> fully better, some 90 per cent but one things for sure that cannot

happen all

> the time they are in. Its so scary I really understand that I

really do but I

> promise you once you have made the decision and you have had it

done the relief

> is unimaginable, you will feel so much better, better because they

are gone.

> Please keep me informed with how it goes, I will be thinking of you.

> Take care

> Sue.

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I understand your being nervous and questioning how many women

actually get well. My thinking at the time I made the decision to get

them removed was that it would be worth it if I just didn't get any worse.

I've been explanted almost 3 weeks now so it's a little early to tell for me

but I do think the fatique isn't as bad as it was. I had implants 11 years

and I was really sick 8 of those years. I believe that I will get better.

This is the only chance that we can give ourselves to get well. Our

bodies don't like these implants and they are telling us that. If we remove them then we give our body a chance to rebuild. Many of the

girls on this site have done just that. They have gone into it with a zeal

and have worked out and detoxed ,taken supplements and eaten right

and many are doing well, better than they have in a long time. Some

sound as if they are having more energy than ever. When you read

some of their emails and they relate what they do in a day I am tired

just listening. These aren't women with nothing else to do but pamper

themselves, these are women with children, husbands, jobs, a few are

even going back to school. It's had to work for them and it can for you

too. Just make up your mind and get your head straight on the fact that your boobs will look different, probably even better than they do now and call Dr. Feng's office and make an appointment. Then you

know you have done all you can do to give your body a chance to heal

and get well. Be strong....you can do it too....the surgury itself isn't as

bad as when I had the b/a and I also had a lift when I had my explant.

I'll pray that you make the best decision for yourself. Good luck!

DebbyePam <nannapam37@...> wrote:

Hey ladies, I really need some encouragement right now. I almost made an appt with dr. feng twice last week and chickened out. I am terrified that I'll have this surgery and then not get better. told me that she's doing great and I've read Patty's and some of the other stories that are posted, but I guess what I need to know is...how many didn't. I am just really scared. I've always been the one that when the odds are a million to one, I'm the one, ya know what I mean? Pam

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Debbye, I am in awe of all the women on this site. The courage it

took to start it and speak out as you all have. I really do know

that I need to get rid of these things. I can't stop thinking about

the poisonous mess that's inside of my breasts. It makes me want to

throw up. But then I think of - is it all in my head? When you're

sick for so long and not believed about being sick, it starts wearing

on you, ya know? It's been over 4 years and my husband and most

doctors just think I'm nuts. I'm just really afraid of not getting

better and once again not being believed. I'm so glad you all are

there. I finally feel like I've got hope.


> Hey ladies, I really need some encouragement right now. I almost

> made an appt with dr. feng twice last week and chickened out. I am

> terrified that I'll have this surgery and then not get better.

> told me that she's doing great and I've read Patty's and some of


> other stories that are posted, but I guess what I need to know

> is...how many didn't. I am just really scared. I've always been


> one that when the odds are a million to one, I'm the one, ya know

> what I mean?


> Pam




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I do understand your being afraid you won't get better but you don't have any kind of chance to get better if you don't remove them. Ask

God to guide you in making this decision. I got down on my knees

everyday for months and asked for his guidance and I believe he lead

me to the decision to remove them. It's a leap of faith but so much of

life is. As Rogene told you in her post, your body is rejecting them &

it will only get worse. You will feel calm once you make up your mind

what you are going to do. In the meantime we are all here for you.


Pam <nannapam37@...> wrote:

Debbye, I am in awe of all the women on this site. The courage it took to start it and speak out as you all have. I really do know that I need to get rid of these things. I can't stop thinking about the poisonous mess that's inside of my breasts. It makes me want to throw up. But then I think of - is it all in my head? When you're sick for so long and not believed about being sick, it starts wearing on you, ya know? It's been over 4 years and my husband and most doctors just think I'm nuts. I'm just really afraid of not getting better and once again not being believed. I'm so glad you all are there. I finally feel like I've got hope.Pam> Hey ladies, I really need some encouragement right now. I almost > made an appt with dr. feng twice last week and chickened out. I am > terrified that I'll have this surgery and then not get better. > told me that she's doing great and I've read Patty's and some of the > other stories that are posted, but I guess what I need to know > is...how many didn't. I am just really scared. I've always been the > one that when the odds are a million to one, I'm the one, ya know > what I mean? > > Pam > > >

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Debbye, believe me, I've been on my knees and I've begged God to just

tell me what to do. I do think that having them out is the right

thing. The sermon today was about how we beg God to tell us what to

do but we don't listen to what he's already told us. I know there

are things that I need to do - like trying to reconcile with my

husband. I know God wants me to do that, but I don't feel like I can

anymore. But, it doesn't matter how I feel I'm supposed to do what's

right, not what feels right. I've got to do something otherwise

we're going to end up splitting up. We haven't spoken more than a

few words in weeks. We hardly have sex anymore because I'm always in

pain. He doesn't even try to. I guess he thinks he's being nice.

He does do a lot of stuff for me. If it wasn't for him we'd have no

groceries and the floor wouldn't get vacuumed. The kids have chores

that help out too. But, when my husband does the vacuuming and the

grocery shopping he does it grudgingly. It's not like he says " let

me help you honey, I know you don't feel well " it's more like " you

lazy b...tch move out of the way or I'll run you over with the

vacuum! " You know what I mean? I'm just so stressed right now I'm

about to have a nervous breakdown. I can't handle it anymore. I

will most likely be making an appt. to get these things out

tomorrow! But, I'll still have to wait months because Dr. Feng is

booking into the end of February. Say a prayer for me. I just want

this all over with so that I can begin to heal.


> > Hey ladies, I really need some encouragement right now. I almost

> > made an appt with dr. feng twice last week and chickened out. I


> > terrified that I'll have this surgery and then not get better.


> > told me that she's doing great and I've read Patty's and some of

> the

> > other stories that are posted, but I guess what I need to know

> > is...how many didn't. I am just really scared. I've always been

> the

> > one that when the odds are a million to one, I'm the one, ya know

> > what I mean?

> >

> > Pam

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Pam

I think you are doing the right thing by getting the implants

removed. Certainly it is not too late to get better because you

have had them in 4 years. I had them for 11 years and I have gotten

better. I am not completely well, but I had fms before I got the

implants. I can live my life now, whereas 2 years ago, I thought I

was going to die. I had to quit my job for awhile and it was a very

dark time in my life. I do alot of detoxing and am taking an

antibiotic to kill the 2 kinds of mycoplasma I tested positive for.

They make me herx (feel bad due to die off) but othere than that I

feel pretty good. I can go the whole day--shopping whatever.

Though there is no way to tell how much better you will get, it is

fairly certain that if you leave them in you will not get any better

and probably will get worse. I know it hurts when people don't

believe how sick you are, or don't believe it is the implants. You

have to be strong and not let yourself get down about how they think

and feel. It is your life and you have to do what you think is

right---don't let others tell you how to think or feel. They don't

have to live with the consequences. You do. I will remember you in

my prayers.

God's blessings, kathy

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Thanks Kathy! I am so encouraged by all of you women. You are brave

souls. All of you. I thank God now that my doctor dumped me and I

found this site!! I cried when it happened and tried to make her

take me back! It was on one of my many days where I felt like I was

going to die - even on a 50mg Duragesic patch. I cried out to God

and asked him why, what good could come from a doctor refusing to

treat me? I called other dr's and it would have been January when I

could be seen by another rheumatologist. I didn't even make an

appt. I started researching again on the computer and I found you

all somehow!!! Thank you and Thank God and may He bless you all!!!


--- In , " mikat828 " <mikat828@y...>


> Dear Pam

> I think you are doing the right thing by getting the implants

> removed. Certainly it is not too late to get better because you

> have had them in 4 years. I had them for 11 years and I have


> better. I am not completely well, but I had fms before I got the

> implants. I can live my life now, whereas 2 years ago, I thought I

> was going to die. I had to quit my job for awhile and it was a


> dark time in my life. I do alot of detoxing and am taking an

> antibiotic to kill the 2 kinds of mycoplasma I tested positive


> They make me herx (feel bad due to die off) but othere than that I

> feel pretty good. I can go the whole day--shopping whatever.

> Though there is no way to tell how much better you will get, it is

> fairly certain that if you leave them in you will not get any


> and probably will get worse. I know it hurts when people don't

> believe how sick you are, or don't believe it is the implants. You

> have to be strong and not let yourself get down about how they


> and feel. It is your life and you have to do what you think is

> right---don't let others tell you how to think or feel. They don't

> have to live with the consequences. You do. I will remember you


> my prayers.


> God's blessings, kathy

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