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Re: repost...fungus

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Patty, thank you so much for your response. I can always count on you for good advice!!!

From: " *~Patty~* " <fdp@...>


Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:37:16 -0800

< >

Subject: Re: repost...fungus


I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to, (there are lots of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an opportunity to sit down at my computer and take the time needed to give a full response.

I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre Blais, and he stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated with various microorganisms and having them inside me would be equivalent to walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or something to that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it at the moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he suggested that I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease specialist, and I was kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to go running to various doctors, and after my experiences with the rheumatologist, family internist, and plastic surgeons, I really didn't want to seek out the services of anyone else. I decided that I would take care of things my own way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-fungals, antimicrobials, and the like. I may have delayed my healing by taking that route, but I am not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling great.

I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you should try to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with, and then find a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of problems. Maybe will have some ideas, as she had the live blood analysis and she had fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that.

In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some kind of edge on the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a regimen of raw garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not feasible for many of us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be around other people alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective.

Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals will work. As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ Brent testified at the FDA hearings in March 2000 that " aspergillus niger " was found in hers. You can see her testimony here:


I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I wish I could tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but we will never know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed suicide shortly after these hearings.

But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take things one day at a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help you body get rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there.



----- Original Message -----

From: Colleen <mailto:cfortner@...>

Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM

Subject: repost...fungus

I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through or not,

because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight into this

anyone can give me. Thanks...

I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants and capsules

doing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly yesterday and

although he is still not done with all the tests, he said there was a layer

of black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get to talk to

him, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was something I should

be treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take some sort

of antibiotics for it?

I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when Dr.

Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is also

photographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I just can't

help thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have some of it

in my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any info you

all might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can discuss it

with my doctor.

Thanks ladies....

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  • 33 years later...


I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to, (there are lots of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an opportunity to sit down at my computer and take the time needed to give a full response.

I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre Blais, and he stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated with various microorganisms and having them inside me would be equivalent to walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or something to that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it at the moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he suggested that I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease specialist, and I was kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to go running to various doctors, and after my experiences with the rheumatologist, family internist, and plastic surgeons, I really didn't want to seek out the services of anyone else. I decided that I would take care of things my own way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-fungals, antimicrobials, and the like. I may have delayed my healing by taking that route, but I am not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling great.

I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you should try to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with, and then find a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of problems. Maybe will have some ideas, as she had the live blood analysis and she had fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that.

In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some kind of edge on the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a regimen of raw garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not feasible for many of us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be around other people alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective.

Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals will work. As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ Brent testified at the FDA hearings in March 2000 that "aspergillus niger" was found in hers. You can see her testimony here:


I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I wish I could tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but we will never know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed suicide shortly after these hearings.

But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take things one day at a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help you body get rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there.



----- Original Message -----

From: Colleen

Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM

Subject: repost...fungus

I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through or not,because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight into thisanyone can give me. Thanks...I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants and capsulesdoing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly yesterday andalthough he is still not done with all the tests, he said there was a layerof black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get to talk tohim, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was something I shouldbe treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take some sortof antibiotics for it?I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when Dr.Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is alsophotographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I just can'thelp thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have some of itin my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any info youall might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can discuss itwith my doctor.Thanks ladies....

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Colleen the reason I never responded is because I don't know too much

about this, I mean I was told my implants were defective, the valves

on one was leaky, and that I had minimal amount of growths in them,

but he told me that they were not as bad as he would have expected. I

feel my reaction was more based on sensitivity to the shell than to

anything inside them, just a personal feeling I have of course. I

feel that is why I got better faster than some, because I was not

full of fungus or other bacteria like allot of women!

In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> Patty, thank you so much for your response. I can always count on

you for

> good advice!!!


> From: " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...>

> Reply-

> Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:37:16 -0800

> < >

> Subject: Re: repost...fungus



> Colleen,

> I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to,

(there are

> lots of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an

> opportunity to sit down at my computer and take the time needed to

give a

> full response.


> I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre

Blais, and he

> stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated


> various microorganisms and having them inside me would be

equivalent to

> walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or

something to

> that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it

at the

> moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he


> that I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease

specialist, and I

> was kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to


> running to various doctors, and after my experiences with the

> rheumatologist, family internist, and plastic surgeons, I really

didn't want

> to seek out the services of anyone else. I decided that I would

take care

> of things my own way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-


> antimicrobials, and the like. I may have delayed my healing by

taking that

> route, but I am not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling



> I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you


> try to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with,

and then

> find a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of


> Maybe will have some ideas, as she had the live blood

analysis and she

> had fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that.


> In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some kind

of edge

> on the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a

regimen of

> raw garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not

feasible for

> many of us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be

around other

> people alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective.


> Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals


> work. As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ


> testified at the FDA hearings in March 2000 that " aspergillus

niger " was

> found in hers. You can see her testimony here:

> http://www.cosmeticsupport.com/info/fda3-1.html#BRENT


> I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I

wish I

> could tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but

we will

> never know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed


> shortly after these hearings.


> But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take

things one

> day at a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help

you body

> get rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there.

> Hugs,

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Colleen <mailto:cfortner@e...>


> Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM

> Subject: repost...fungus


> I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through

or not,

> because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight into


> anyone can give me. Thanks...


> I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants and


> doing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly

yesterday and

> although he is still not done with all the tests, he said there was

a layer

> of black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get

to talk to

> him, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was something

I should

> be treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take

some sort

> of antibiotics for it?


> I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when


> Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is


> photographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I

just can't

> help thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have

some of it

> in my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any

info you

> all might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can

discuss it

> with my doctor.


> Thanks ladies....



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I am also sorry that I didnt respond. That happened to me too a few weeks ago, I wrote some lengthy messages in response to some people and was never answered back. Hoping that most poeple are just plain busy. I didnt respond as I havent had my breast implants examined by Dr Blais and didnt have black fungus on them either. Although my implants do not look clear, like the did when I got them, and were covered on the outside with fungus (kinda green brown) and smelled! Pee UUU! My capsules were the worst though, filled with stringy goopy infections, growing all over the place, out of control. I had alot of infectious problems. Viral infections , as well yeast,and mycoplasmas. I had those damn things for almost 9 years. Realy sad to think about it, almost a wasted decade of my life. It wasnt until I saw my live cell(as seeing is believing) that I knew how seriously sick I was and how serious I was going to have to get. A live cell is where you look at your blood with a professional to on a tv screen to see the underlining issues that are at hand for your diseases.I had alot of toxins and yeast. Looked like broccolli everywhere.

So here's what I have done: Garlic it up!(Pattys lifesaver) I mean, even if you cant do the fresh thing, I took natural coated garlic. Better than nothing. Still do, I am just down to one capsule a day, or fresh garlic in my meals. Coconut oil had very effective anti fungal/bacterial properties. It is very healing. I also take 4-5 drops of oil of oregeno daily, am on minocin treatments, (although am coming off in a few months) and primal defense capsules that contain live good orgainsms and probiotics.The primal defense changed everything... I swear by it. I saw on screen a dramatic change within a month on it. Read "Patient Heal thyself" Amazing.....I also cut out sugar and also all sweet/or bread products.Had towasnt going anywhere without a change in diet. Once in a while I have small amount of pasta, but try to stay away from any yeast products right now. Fungus/yeast thrives on sugar, or yeast products. So if you eat it, you are going against all the work you are doing. One thing I have learned, )(for me) as I have tried to cheat, with chronic yeast if you do not stick to a strict diet for a while, all the supplements are worthless. It does no good to fight infections, and then later in the day, eat bread and dessert and feed and strenghen the very infections you tried to eliminate. If anything, you make them smarter, and stronger in the end.

To me, diet is essential/and is everything with this issue. With diet the supplements can go to work, with a strenghtened immnuity, a better ph balance, and then be able to destroy weaker fungal infections. Anytime I cheated, (on diet) the infection grew.Right before my eyes, on live cell.Also later on, if you still do not feel well, look into hormonal issues and treating the naturally. Progesterone helped me immensly.

Colleen, I would look into being tested for mycoplasma infections, then going on the Minocin treatment (low dosage antibiotic therapy) according to test results. I would look into getting a live cell too, as it is helpful. Find out the lab stuff you are waiting on, and at least start on oil of oregeno and garlic until tests come through. Try the diet. You can go to www.plastikos.com under silicone protocol re: the diet to enhance your immunity.

This is what I have done, and I am just sharing what has worked for me. Sorry I didnt respond earlier, hope this helps! To your health! love you,

>From: "*~Patty~*"

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: repost...fungus >Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:37:16 -0800 > >Colleen, >I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to, (there are lots of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an opportunity to sit down at my computer and take the time needed to give a full response. > >I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre Blais, and he stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated with various microorganisms and having them inside me would be equivalent to walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or something to that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it at the moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he suggested that I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease specialist, and I was kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to go running to various doctors, and after my experiences with the rheumatologist, family internist, and plastic surgeons, I really didn't want to seek out the services of anyone else. I decided that I would take care of things my own way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-fungals, antimicrobials, and the like. I may have delayed my healing by taking that route, but I am not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling great. > >I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you should try to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with, and then find a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of problems. Maybe will have some ideas, as she had the live blood analysis and she had fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that. > >In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some kind of edge on the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a regimen of raw garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not feasible for many of us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be around other people alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective. > >Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals will work. As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ Brent testified at the FDA hearings in March 2000 that "aspergillus niger" was found in hers. You can see her testimony here: >http://www.cosmeticsupport.com/info/fda3-1.html#BRENT > >I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I wish I could tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but we will never know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed suicide shortly after these hearings. > >But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take things one day at a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help you body get rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there. >Hugs, >Patty > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Colleen > > Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM > Subject: repost...fungus > > > I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through or not, > because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight into this > anyone can give me. Thanks... > > I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants and capsules > doing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly yesterday and > although he is still not done with all the tests, he said there was a layer > of black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get to talk to > him, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was something I should > be treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take some sort > of antibiotics for it? > > I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when Dr. > Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is also > photographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I just can't > help thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have some of it > in my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any info you > all might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can discuss it > with my doctor. > > Thanks ladies.... > Gift-shop online from the comfort of home at MSN Shopping! No crowds, free parking.

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Thank you so much, ...you don't have to apologize for not responding. I know it's hard to respond to every post as there are so many! I will discuss these things with my doctor Monday...I know the diet part would help alot, if I can just commit to it. I am an emotional eater! Anyway, thanks again!

From: " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@...>


Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:03:26 +0000

Subject: Re: repost...fungus


I am also sorry that I didnt respond. That happened to me too a few weeks ago, I wrote some lengthy messages in response to some people and was never answered back. Hoping that most poeple are just plain busy. I didnt respond as I havent had my breast implants examined by Dr Blais and didnt have black fungus on them either. Although my implants do not look clear, like the did when I got them, and were covered on the outside with fungus (kinda green brown) and smelled! Pee UUU! My capsules were the worst though, filled with stringy goopy infections, growing all over the place, out of control. I had alot of infectious problems. Viral infections , as well yeast,and mycoplasmas. I had those damn things for almost 9 years. Realy sad to think about it, almost a wasted decade of my life. It wasnt until I saw my live cell(as seeing is believing) that I knew how seriously sick I was and how serious I was going to have to get. A live cell is where you look at your blood with a professional to on a tv screen to see the underlining issues that are at hand for your diseases.I had alot of toxins and yeast. Looked like broccolli everywhere.

So here's what I have done: Garlic it up!(Pattys lifesaver) I mean, even if you cant do the fresh thing, I took natural coated garlic. Better than nothing. Still do, I am just down to one capsule a day, or fresh garlic in my meals. Coconut oil had very effective anti fungal/bacterial properties. It is very healing. I also take 4-5 drops of oil of oregeno daily, am on minocin treatments, (although am coming off in a few months) and primal defense capsules that contain live good orgainsms and probiotics.The primal defense changed everything... I swear by it. I saw on screen a dramatic change within a month on it. Read " Patient Heal thyself " Amazing.....

I also cut out sugar and also all sweet/or bread products.Had towasnt going anywhere without a change in diet. Once in a while I have small amount of pasta, but try to stay away from any yeast products right now. Fungus/yeast thrives on sugar, or yeast products. So if you eat it, you are going against all the work you are doing. One thing I have learned, )(for me) as I have tried to cheat, with chronic yeast if you do not stick to a strict diet for a while, all the supplements are worthless. It does no good to fight infections, and then later in the day, eat bread and dessert and feed and strenghen the very infections you tried to eliminate. If anything, you make them smarter, and stronger in the end.

To me, diet is essential/and is everything with this issue. With diet the supplements can go to work, with a strenghtened immnuity, a better ph balance, and then be able to destroy weaker fungal infections. Anytime I cheated, (on diet) the infection grew.Right before my eyes, on live cell.Also later on, if you still do not feel well, look into hormonal issues and treating the naturally. Progesterone helped me immensly.

Colleen, I would look into being tested for mycoplasma infections, then going on the Minocin treatment (low dosage antibiotic therapy) according to test results. I would look into getting a live cell too, as it is helpful. Find out the lab stuff you are waiting on, and at least start on oil of oregeno and garlic until tests come through. Try the diet. You can go to www.plastikos.com <http://www.plastikos.com> under silicone protocol re: the diet to enhance your immunity.

This is what I have done, and I am just sharing what has worked for me. Sorry I didnt respond earlier, hope this helps! To your health! love you,

>From: " *~Patty~* "



>Subject: Re: repost...fungus

>Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:37:16 -0800



>I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to, (there are lots of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an opportunity to sit down at my computer and take the time needed to give a full response.


>I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre Blais, and he stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated with various microorganisms and having them inside me would be equivalent to walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or something to that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it at the moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he suggested that I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease specialist, and I was kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to go running to various doctors, and after my experiences with the rheumatologist, family internist, and plastic surgeons, I really didn't want to seek out the services of anyone else. I decided that I would take care of things my own way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-fungals, antimicrobials, and the like. I may have delayed my healing by taking that route, but I am not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling great.


>I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you should try to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with, and then find a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of problems. Maybe will have some ideas, as she had the live blood analysis and she had fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that.


>In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some kind of edge on the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a regimen of raw garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not feasible for many of us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be around other people alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective.


>Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals will work. As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ Brent testified at the FDA hearings in March 2000 that " aspergillus niger " was found in hers. You can see her testimony here:



>I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I wish I could tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but we will never know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed suicide shortly after these hearings.


>But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take things one day at a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help you body get rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there.



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Colleen


> Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM

> Subject: repost...fungus



> I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through or not,

> because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight into this

> anyone can give me. Thanks...


> I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants and capsules

> doing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly yesterday and

> although he is still not done with all the tests, he said there was a layer

> of black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get to talk to

> him, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was something I should

> be treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take some sort

> of antibiotics for it?


> I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when Dr.

> Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is also

> photographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I just can't

> help thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have some of it

> in my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any info you

> all might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can discuss it

> with my doctor.


> Thanks ladies....


Gift-shop online from the comfort of home at MSN Shopping! No crowds, free parking. <http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2737??PS=>

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OH COLLEEN I HEAR YA, that diet of Kolbs is totally out of my league,

I am the first to admit I just cannot do it. I love food. I LOVE IT

ha ha, life is so fun, and food is a part of life, to me it is living

and I just like to live I guess. Of course if I was totally sick I

would probably be a little stronger, but as I am I just love food. I

mean we feasted yesterday, I had to do extra time working out both

yesterday and today but it was so worth it. MMMMM esp those sweet

potatos and the cranberry sauce, gosh I love those! MMM and that pie,

with ice cream, too yummy. We had an apple pie that was all naturally

sweetened, and this breyers ice cream(vanilla) that was only 2 grams

of carbs and 11 grams of fat, not too bad, but yea, I hear ya,

dieting is hard, IT SUCKS! I hate it, I have to vent here sorry, but

yeah emotional eating, I too do that. I have tried to control it but

I always just ease my mind by doing more exercise, kind of naughty I


Hugs girl, hang in

In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> Thank you so much, ...you don't have to apologize for not

responding. I

> know it's hard to respond to every post as there are so many! I

will discuss

> these things with my doctor Monday...I know the diet part would

help alot,

> if I can just commit to it. I am an emotional eater! Anyway, thanks



> From: " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>

> Reply-

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:03:26 +0000


> Subject: Re: repost...fungus



> Colleen,


> I am also sorry that I didnt respond. That happened to me too a few


> ago, I wrote some lengthy messages in response to some people and

was never

> answered back. Hoping that most poeple are just plain busy. I didnt


> as I havent had my breast implants examined by Dr Blais and didnt

have black

> fungus on them either. Although my implants do not look clear, like

the did

> when I got them, and were covered on the outside with fungus (kinda


> brown) and smelled! Pee UUU! My capsules were the worst though,

filled with

> stringy goopy infections, growing all over the place, out of

control. I had

> alot of infectious problems. Viral infections , as well yeast,and

> mycoplasmas. I had those damn things for almost 9 years. Realy sad

to think

> about it, almost a wasted decade of my life. It wasnt until I saw

my live

> cell(as seeing is believing) that I knew how seriously sick I was

and how

> serious I was going to have to get. A live cell is where you look

at your

> blood with a professional to on a tv screen to see the underlining


> that are at hand for your diseases.I had alot of toxins and yeast.


> like broccolli everywhere.


> So here's what I have done: Garlic it up!(Pattys lifesaver) I

mean, even if

> you cant do the fresh thing, I took natural coated garlic. Better


> nothing. Still do, I am just down to one capsule a day, or fresh

garlic in

> my meals. Coconut oil had very effective anti fungal/bacterial


> It is very healing. I also take 4-5 drops of oil of oregeno daily,

am on

> minocin treatments, (although am coming off in a few months) and


> defense capsules that contain live good orgainsms and

probiotics.The primal

> defense changed everything... I swear by it. I saw on screen a


> change within a month on it. Read " Patient Heal thyself "


> I also cut out sugar and also all sweet/or bread products.Had

towasnt going

> anywhere without a change in diet. Once in a while I have small

amount of

> pasta, but try to stay away from any yeast products right now.


> thrives on sugar, or yeast products. So if you eat it, you are

going against

> all the work you are doing. One thing I have learned, )(for me) as

I have

> tried to cheat, with chronic yeast if you do not stick to a strict

diet for

> a while, all the supplements are worthless. It does no good to fight

> infections, and then later in the day, eat bread and dessert and

feed and

> strenghen the very infections you tried to eliminate. If anything,

you make

> them smarter, and stronger in the end.


> To me, diet is essential/and is everything with this issue. With

diet the

> supplements can go to work, with a strenghtened immnuity, a better


> balance, and then be able to destroy weaker fungal infections.

Anytime I

> cheated, (on diet) the infection grew.Right before my eyes, on live

> cell.Also later on, if you still do not feel well, look into

hormonal issues

> and treating the naturally. Progesterone helped me immensly.


> Colleen, I would look into being tested for mycoplasma infections,


> going on the Minocin treatment (low dosage antibiotic therapy)

according to

> test results. I would look into getting a live cell too, as it is


> Find out the lab stuff you are waiting on, and at least start on

oil of

> oregeno and garlic until tests come through. Try the diet. You can

go to

> www.plastikos.com <http://www.plastikos.com> under silicone

protocol re:

> the diet to enhance your immunity.


> This is what I have done, and I am just sharing what has worked

for me.

> Sorry I didnt respond earlier, hope this helps! To your health!

love you,






> >From: " *~Patty~* "

> >Reply-

> >To:

> >Subject: Re: repost...fungus

> >Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:37:16 -0800

> >

> >Colleen,

> >I apologize for not answering your letter. I had intended to,

(there are lots

> of letters I wanted to respond to!), but just haven't had an

opportunity to

> sit down at my computer and take the time needed to give a full


> >

> >I do want to say that I had my implants analyzed by Dr. Pierre

Blais, and he

> stated something to the effect that my implants were contaminated


> various microorganisms and having them inside me would be

equivalent to

> walking around with two absecces in my body for a year, (or

something to

> that effect....I have the report filed away and just can't get it

at the

> moment.) It was enough to have me very concerned. However, he

suggested that

> I seek treatment from a tropical infectious disease specialist, and

I was

> kinda clueless about where to begin with that. I am not one to go

running to

> various doctors, and after my experiences with the rheumatologist,


> internist, and plastic surgeons, I really didn't want to seek out


> services of anyone else. I decided that I would take care of things

my own

> way, and I have done that mostly with natural anti-fungals,


> and the like. I may have delayed my healing by taking that route,

but I am

> not unhappy with the results. I have been feeling great.

> >

> >I am not saying you should follow in my footsteps, but perhaps you

should try

> to find out exactly what kind of fungus you are dealing with, and

then find

> a doctor that is well versed in tackling those kinds of problems.


> will have some ideas, as she had the live blood analysis and

she had

> fungus showing up....I can't recall how she dealt with that.

> >

> >In the meantime, if you feel like trying to give yourself some

kind of edge on

> the whole fungus thing, I would highly recommend getting on a

regimen of raw

> garlic if you can do it. I know that socially it is not feasible

for many of

> us--it does make you stink, and if you are going to be around other


> alot, sometime you just can't. But it is very effective.

> >

> >Antibiotics will not be effective against fungus. Only antifungals

will work.

> As for what the black fungus might be, I do know that PJ Brent

testified at

> the FDA hearings in March 2000 that " aspergillus niger " was found

in hers.

> You can see her testimony here:

> >http://www.cosmeticsupport.com/info/fda3-1.html#BRENT

> >

> >I have not researched what aspergillus niger does in the body. I

wish I could

> tell you that PJ Brent got better when she got explanted, but we

will never

> know about her healing journey, as tragically, she committed

suicide shortly

> after these hearings.

> >

> >But have faith! I got better, and so many of us do. Just take

things one day at

> a time and keep hitting the healing therapies that will help you

body get

> rid of the stuff that doesn't belong there.

> >Hugs,

> >Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: Colleen

> >

> > Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 8:15 PM

> > Subject: repost...fungus

> >

> >

> > I posted this message before, but I'm not sure if it went through

or not,

> > because I got no response. I'd greatly appreciate any insight

into this

> > anyone can give me. Thanks...

> >

> > I was explanted in August and Dr. Shanklin has had my implants

and capsules

> > doing testing on them since then. My mom talked to him briefly

yesterday and

> > although he is still not done with all the tests, he said there

was a layer

> > of black fungus covering one of my implants. Because I didn't get

to talk to

> > him, I didn't get the opportunity to ask him if this was

something I should

> > be treated for.....did any of you have something similar and take

some sort

> > of antibiotics for it?

> >

> > I'm sure I'll learn many more gross things about my implants when


> > Shanklin gives me the low down on the lab work next month. He is


> > photographing everything for me...he truly is a wonderful man. I

just can't

> > help thinking about that black fungus and if I still might have

some of it

> > in my body. I have a doctor's appt Dec 1st and I'd appreciate any

info you

> > all might have on the treatment of the 'black fungus' so I can

discuss it

> > with my doctor.

> >

> > Thanks ladies....

> >





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