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Re: Re: reacting to oil of oregano?

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Kathy, I totally agree, the oil of oregeno took me a while as I told Diamonds earlier, to move up my dosage. It is potent stuff. Wow you have been on primal Defense for 2 yrs! You go girl!Now do you take a probiotic seperatly, or find that the Primal has enough probiotics ? How are you feeing? And are you still on the same amounts of antibiotcs? Fill me in.

>From: "mikat828"

>Reply- > >Subject: Re: reacting to oil of oregano? >Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 05:03:31 -0000 > >Dear dimonds >those are the exact symptoms I get from taking anything that kills >yeast! The first time I took nystatin I got heart palpatations >within 24 hr. And the muscle spasms and fatigue were terrible. >This happened with olive leaf extract and then again--to a lesser >extent--to oil of oregano. Since nystatin is specific to yeast >only, I am very sure that candida is a big problem of mine. I have >been taking oil of oregano since july and am still only taking 3 >drops a day. i think that your 9 drops is too much to start and you >are having alot of die off. I would cut it out for a few days >andthen restart at no more than 2-3 drops a day. Do that for at >least a week and then add a drop or so at a time very slowly. I >found primal defense to produce the least herx for me than the above >mentioned products. It can kill candida too. I have taken it for 2 >years now. But primal defense is alot more expensive. I get my >primal defense from apple a day and beyond website. You get it for >$31.47 and free shipping for orders over $45. My oil of oregano is >about $20 and seems to last a long time. i personally really like >both products, but if you can't tolerate oil of oregano yet, you may >find starting out with primal defense and then going to the oil >later on may be of help. Hope you get to feeling better soon! >Blessings, kathy > > >

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Kathy, that is great, I am glad to hear you are improving. I know how you feel, it seems to take so long. Like me with losing weight. I feel like it will never happen. I want my metabolim back! It must be very hard (frustrating) being so senstive to things, and needing it in small dosages. But at least your know your body,and arent forcing more dramatic or harsh things upon it. Going slow is probably the best, and most safest way to heal and detox. It took years to do all the damage, and may take all of them to get it back. Keep up the faith, and doing all you are doing. I could not handle the colostrum at all, either. Made me ill - too fast of a herx. And the primal is very easy on you, I agree. Im on the minocin 100 three times per week,and couldnt handle any more of it. And whenever I take hot baths in salts, I could die!

I think its wonderful to see you have come such a long way, and with it gained much knowledge that you will carry for the rest of your life. I know it has also pulled me in closer to God, and I know I have that too now -from all this mess. As it sounds you do also. Blessings to you!

>From: "mikat828"

>Reply- > >Subject: Re: reacting to oil of oregano? >Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 23:03:10 -0000 > > > > > > >Thanks for asking how I'm doing! I am so much better off than >even last year. Some symptoms such as brain fog are completely >gone. The weirdest and worst symptoms are gone. Symptoms from my >fms rotate in and out. I still think I have a firmly entrenched >candida problem with poor ability to eliminate toxins from my body--- >thus the constant herxing. I am still working on going real slow >with several things and I think I am making progress. I am >considering doing a 3 day cleanse with Sonne products as I >researched them when I saw patty posted about some of them. I do >far infrared sauna everyday--I own one. So basically, if I could >get my detoxification pathways working, I think I would make some >tremendous progress. As it is, it is hard to tell how good I could >feel if I wasn't herxing because i am constantly herxing. I can >immediately feel the effects of products I use--like in about 15 >minutes. I have always been super sensitive to meds too. >There are parts of every day when I feel perfectly normal. I can go >from morning until night if I am out running around- most of the >time---but if I am sitting or doing hard physical work, that is when >I notice that my energy is very poor. Since I have had scleroderma >like symptoms, I feel I have to explore every avenue back to >wellness. The scleroderma symptoms have improved dramatically, but >still rotate in and out. Some are completely gone and others come >and go. I am grateful to be where I am when I realize how sick I >could really become should I develop a full blown scleroderma type >disease. I am still at a very low dose of doxycycline--50mg twice a >week and my ap dr. says keep itlow until you can tolerate it. >Again, my inability to tolerate normal doses of ap shows that my >detoxification pathways aren't up to par! But I am working on it >and I believe that with God's help, I will experience healing! >Concerning the Primal Defense, I think it is an excellent product >and one of the first that I could actually tolerate. I did herx to >it, but it was a very standable herx if that makes sense. On the >scale of 1 to 10, it was at most a 5. Some other things like >colostrum or milk thistle or enzymes or olive leaf put me at about >an 8 very quickly. Gooing up on ap dose put me at a 10. It was >unbearable. From what I can tell, I am in the minority when it >comes to my inability to tolerate ap and other things. Somebody has >to be the lucky one! I get frustrated, but I am never going to give >up!!! >Blessings to you, kathy > > > >

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