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Faulty valve

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I just got a letter from Dr. Blais and it said my McGhan implants had

a faulty valved that leaked fluid from the outset. Also, it said it

showed severe colonization of at least 2 viable micro-organisms and

my capsules showed stagnant fluid pockets. I am still waiting for

the whole report but did anyone else have this faulty valve,severe

colonization,etc? Any info or advice please



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Yes, it is good we have a great Dr. over here in the east coast. At times I think I am healing and other times I feel lousy. A big problem I have is I lost too much weight and can't gain it back . I haven't done any major detoxing yet , but I do take lots of supplements. I have improved a little in the past month , I hope I continue to improve. I do have to start a light excercise program soon.


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My personal opinion is that I was sick from the implants themselves,

just an allergic reaction. I don't know this for sure, it is just my

gut feeling, my inner voice, or intuition or whatever, and usually

that inner voice is right on. For me I think I would have reacted to

anything, I just feel my body does not want foreign things in it. I

have no idea why I never reacted to my belly ring though, it is made

of titanium!I just feel that if it was more bacterial or micos that I

would not have gotten well as much as I have, it would have taken

more treatment with antibiotics. Of course I could be wrong, Barby

your situation may be totally different, but you also seem to be

healing quickly right? Anyhow, who knows, I just know I am better

that is the best thing!

GOsh girl your doing great, I am extremely proud of you, and also

think it is so awesome to know we have another great Doc for girls on

the east coast! WOO HOO

In , " barbsul2002 " <BARBY4271@A...>


> Patty,

> I was wondering what exactly I got ill from, was it the colonies of

> bacteria in the implant leaking through the valve or the silicone


> the shell or both? Also, how do I get rid of the staphlococcus

> dermatitis bacteria and all the others I have? I spoke to Dr. Blais

> and he seems to think my body will get rid of it on its own.


> Barbara








> > Barbara,

> > Yes, I had faulty valves on my McGhan implants as well. I also


> the pathogenic colonization of my implants. It appears that many

> McGhan styles had a faulty valve, and Dr. Blais testified about


> to the FDA in March of 2000.

> >

> > Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: barbsul2002

> >

> > Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:20 PM

> > Subject: Faulty valve

> >

> >

> > I just got a letter from Dr. Blais and it said my McGhan


> had

> > a faulty valved that leaked fluid from the outset. Also, it


> it

> > showed severe colonization of at least 2 viable micro-organisms

> and

> > my capsules showed stagnant fluid pockets. I am still waiting

> for

> > the whole report but did anyone else have this faulty

> valve,severe

> > colonization,etc? Any info or advice please

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Barbara

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I agree with your post here totally Patty, we have to assume it is

the combination effect. But like I said, that inner voice tells us

allot, I always think that we, as women esp have a sixth sense,

female intuition, sounds corny but I truly believe we have it.


In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...> wrote:

> I don't think anyone really knows what we are all sick from. It

may be one or the other or both. (pathogens or silicone) Everything

has had implications, although there are those with vested interests

who will insist that silicone is inert. (It is not.)


> I think we just have to take the stance that the silicone has got

to go, and the body needs to be detoxed and pathogens dealt with.

This will give us the best opportunity to find complete healing.


> I think our bodies will try to heal on their own, but there are

just so many things we can do to help them along the way, and

strengthen the immune system. I've listed alot of natural healing

methods in our archives, so be sure to check them out. Garlic is my

number one favorite to recommend, as you all know by now! Then there

is oregano oil, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, and

coconut oil. I am sure there are others, but these can get you

started. Do an internet search, and you will find scads of

information to help you out.

> Wishing you the best in healing,

> Hugs,

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: barbsul2002


> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 10:33 AM

> Subject: Re: Faulty valve



> Patty,

> I was wondering what exactly I got ill from, was it the colonies


> bacteria in the implant leaking through the valve or the silicone


> the shell or both? Also, how do I get rid of the staphlococcus

> dermatitis bacteria and all the others I have? I spoke to Dr.


> and he seems to think my body will get rid of it on its own.


> Barbara

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I too, feel that my body just doesn't like foreign objects. I

should have taken a hint when I found out that I have to keep my

earings (must be sterling silver or gold) in 24/7 to keep the hole

from closing up! Yep, within just a few hours, my body starts to

seal those two small holes. It would be nice if P/S would ask

something like, " Can you wear fake earings? " , or " How does your body

handle your piercings? " Something, anything, to help deter people

who's bodies might be more inclined to reject implants. But of

course...saline breast implants are " perfectly safe, " as your body

is made up of salt water....blah, blah, blah.

Take care,


> > Patty,

> > I was wondering what exactly I got ill from, was it the colonies


> > bacteria in the implant leaking through the valve or the


> in

> > the shell or both? Also, how do I get rid of the staphlococcus

> > dermatitis bacteria and all the others I have? I spoke to Dr.


> > and he seems to think my body will get rid of it on its own.

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...>


> > > Barbara,

> > > Yes, I had faulty valves on my McGhan implants as well. I also

> had

> > the pathogenic colonization of my implants. It appears that


> > McGhan styles had a faulty valve, and Dr. Blais testified about

> this

> > to the FDA in March of 2000.

> > >

> > > Patty

> > > ----- Original Message -----

> > > From: barbsul2002

> > >

> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:20 PM

> > > Subject: Faulty valve

> > >

> > >

> > > I just got a letter from Dr. Blais and it said my McGhan

> implants

> > had

> > > a faulty valved that leaked fluid from the outset. Also, it

> said

> > it

> > > showed severe colonization of at least 2 viable micro-


> > and

> > > my capsules showed stagnant fluid pockets. I am still


> > for

> > > the whole report but did anyone else have this faulty

> > valve,severe

> > > colonization,etc? Any info or advice please

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Barbara

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