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Re: weird symptom

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Barbara, I get that weird thing too. I think it's some sort of nerve

reaction?? I get it across my forehead sometimes and other parts of

my body. I have no clue what it is!


--- In , " barbsul2002 " <BARBY4271@A...>


> I have been experiencing a weird symptom that I never had prior to

> explant. It feels like a wind is blowing on one side of my face


> eye. Its like a tingling pain and it affects my eye and cheek. Did

> anyone have this or know what it could be?


> THanks

> Barbara

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Barbara, and Pam, I also had that symptom primarly in the face. I believe it could be a viral issue due to a supressed immunity. Do you notice earaches or headaches with it? I had a lot of problems with that, and then one day after very (a lot) weird and numb face tingling, I had a bells palsy attack, after having an ear infection that week. My neuro doc said usually viral infections will cause nerve issues, esp in the face, and has been greatly linked with bells palsy, ms symptoms or straight up ms. I no longer have this problem since explant. thank the Lord

----- Original Message -----

From: Pam

Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 5:58 PM

Subject: Re: weird symptom

Barbara, I get that weird thing too. I think it's some sort of nerve reaction?? I get it across my forehead sometimes and other parts of my body. I have no clue what it is!Pam> I have been experiencing a weird symptom that I never had prior to > explant. It feels like a wind is blowing on one side of my face and > eye. Its like a tingling pain and it affects my eye and cheek. Did > anyone have this or know what it could be?> > THanks> Barbara

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That totally sounds like what I experienced before bells palsy, which has been linked with viral infections. The surgery could have even temporarly lowered your immunity a bit, or just having the implants themselves. I had a lot of nerve problems of my feet, like numbness after explant and was recommended by my ps to take sublingual b12, and coconut oil to calm it down.That is what I would do if I were you totally. But my facial issues resolved themselves after explant completely. However with nerve issues, and viral infection, it all depends on where it chooses to land. If it is had landed on your facial nerve, it will compress your nerves, and cause symptoms such as these Also, that is how bells palsy happens, and infection (viral) landing on one wrong nerve, that causes one whole side of your face to almost have a stroke like condition. Scary, let me tell you. But I had these symptoms , such as you preceding it. Viral infections cant be rid off, but can be controlled through anti viral alternatives such as the coconut oil, vitamin B, garlic, and vitamin e. I would also call your doc on this, Let him know-he may prescribe some anti viral meds like valtrex even over the phone to stop a bells palsy like condition from happening, as they did for me. (They also do that for shingles, of which I went through as well) It was a very scary time for me, I couldn’t drink without spilling all over myself, and smiled really crooked for about 3 months. Thank God I fully recovered all facial functioning, some are not that lucky. Love ----- Original Message -----

From: barbsul2002

Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 5:55 PM

Subject: weird symptom

I have been experiencing a weird symptom that I never had prior to explant. It feels like a wind is blowing on one side of my face and eye. Its like a tingling pain and it affects my eye and cheek. Did anyone have this or know what it could be?THanksBarbara

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Thanks for the advice. I have been taking sublinguals b12 1000mcg. and 4 kyolic garlic pills a day. I have to still add cocunut oil and vit e. Maybe I need more b12. ? It just started about a week ago and its really concerning me. I am going to mention it to my Dr. I get nervous because my mom has ms.

thanks again


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Ugh, the side effects of breast implants. I have experienced it as

well. Numbness and tingling in my lower left jaw, neck as well as

arm and lower leg, jeez, just basically the left side of my body!

I have not explanted yet, am searching for funds, etc so that will

take me into next Spring. I am starting Cipro and Dyflucan,

hopefully that will give some relief. I'll let you know.

Best of luck,


> ,

> Thanks for the advice. I have been taking sublinguals b12

1000mcg. and 4

> kyolic garlic pills a day. I have to still add cocunut oil and

vit e. Maybe I

> need more b12. ? It just started about a week ago and its really

concerning me.

> I am going to mention it to my Dr. I get nervous because my mom

has ms.

> thanks again

> Barbara

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Barbara, Don’t be nervous about the ms, I know how you feel, I was tested twice. (ill pass on some strength for you, as Patty and Crystal did for me while I was terrified ) Try to focus on what we are sure of. The thing we do know is that you are showing symptoms of silicone adjuvent disease , a mixture of many auto immune symptoms wrapped up into one whole array of problems. Including MS like symptoms. The symptoms you are experiencing are very typical and very common amoungst many of us. Esp if you had them longer. That is what I was told. I would up the b12, I take a sublingual that contains 3,000 or 4,000, that I take every other day now. It has helped a lot, I will send you the link. Do the vitamin e, and talk to your doc about possible viral infection. Def try coconut oil, no matter how gross, it has potent viral fighters! More that any other thing out there from what I have read anyhow.. Are you taking alpha lipotic acid? Dr mercola has all his Ms patients take it (as well as b12) for its ability to break down dangerous toxins, it’s a good antioxidant. ..Love,

----- Original Message -----

From: BARBY4271@...

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 9:08 AM

Subject: Re: weird symptom


Thanks for the advice. I have been taking sublinguals b12 1000mcg. and 4 kyolic garlic pills a day. I have to still add cocunut oil and vit e. Maybe I need more b12. ? It just started about a week ago and its really concerning me. I am going to mention it to my Dr. I get nervous because my mom has ms.

thanks again


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Barbara, go to : http://www.iherb.com/alphasustain.html it is ALpha lipoic 300 mg ,contains 60 tablets. Runs like around $10.00 for two months usage if you take one per day (that is all I take, as these things get all so expensivem, and is a very good amount ) The brand is known as one of the best, and the price is great for the amount. Dr Mercola doesnt usually recommend supplements,goes by diet mostly, except for b12 and alpha lipotic. Good luck

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