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Re: Re: Kacey, chelation

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Hi Kacey,

I had asked just to make sure you were on the minerals, because the chelation therapy takes out good ones as well as bad ones, so it looks like you are covered. That's good! Minerals are just so important, maybe even more important than the vitamins.

The only other thing you might want to look into as far as your supplements are concerned is your essential fatty acids, like fish oil, evening primrose oil, flax oil, borage oil, and the like. The essential fatty acids work to fight inflammation in our body, and with autoimmune conditions, are really quite necessary.

I found that out after slacking on my evening primrose oil and fish oil caps this summer. I used to take those religiously, and then started skimping on my supplements with our active lifestyle. That was a mistake, and I think neglecting those oils definitely played a part in my downfall this summer.

Take care!


----- Original Message -----

From: kaceybu02

Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:55 PM

Subject: Re: Kacey, chelation

Hi Patty,I just had my third chelation treatment, so I'm still pretty new at the detox process. I will be doing chelation twice a month for a few months. In addition to chelation, I also take Minerals, Calcium/Magnesium (I found out I have osteopenia due to all the months of steriods), Vitamin C, Pro-biotic pills, DHEA (for energey b/c my levels were VERY low)and Barley green on a daily basis.Do you have any other suggestions? Anything would help, I'm just wondering if I'm on the right track. Thanks for asking!Kacey

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