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Re: Please say a prayer for me, on my way to Pre-op appt...

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I will be praying for you. I am glad you have confidence in your

ps. It is very important and can give you that added measure of

peace about your decision. When is your surgery scheduled? I want

to put it on my prayer list. Take care and hang in there. It is

almost over!

God's blessings, kathy

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---Hi, my surgery is set for Dec 11th, I will stay positive and pray

alot. My Ps does deny any correlation between the implants and

illnesses, but I knew he would. I will not be getting the capsules

removed though, he said since they are not silicone my body will get

rid of the tissue on its own. He said though, if he sees a problem

once he gets in there, or if it looks bad, he WILL remove the

capsules. He is the best doc for me I know, and he will always look

out for my health first, after the visit he said, " I HAVE

TO SAY these things I said, I hope you understand " my husband said

that he knows these are the problem, but he cant come out and say it.

(liability issues?) oh well, Thanks and God bless, Iggy

In , " mikat828 " <mikat828@y...> wrote:

> Iggy

> I will be praying for you. I am glad you have confidence in your

> ps. It is very important and can give you that added measure of

> peace about your decision. When is your surgery scheduled? I want

> to put it on my prayer list. Take care and hang in there. It is

> almost over!

> God's blessings, kathy

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I am sitting here trying not to be too flipped out over the fact that this doctor has already told you that he will not remove the capsule, and that since they are not silicone your body will get rid of the tissue on its own. Iggy, please, please, please do not go to this doctor. If you are going to go through with this surgery, it is most important that it be done right, and that means removing the capsule. I don't know how many times we have stressed this on this group.

He is just PLAIN WRONG IGGY. He is missing some huge truths about the capsule:

1. It DOES contain silicone particles, which have been shedding from your implant shell, among other nasty things, like bacterial colonies and other pathogens.

2. The body DOES NOT get rid of the tissue on its own. It festers, calcifies, changes in composition and continues to elicit an immune response.

We have posted, many times, the articles written by other doctors about the problems associated with retained capsules. Iggy, this is so important to your recovery, I can't stress it enough! I know women who have had their implants removed, but not the capsules, and they have not recovered, and indeed have grown worse over the years. What I am telling you is that if you don't get the capsules removed upon explant, your chances of getting better at all are greatly reduced, you may get worse, and you will probably have to go through another surgery just to remove the capsules at a later date. It has happened to many women.

Please do some more research, and if you insist on going to this doctor, take the studies about the retained capsules to him, and get in writing that he will definitely take the capsules out, every trace of them. Iggy, I don't mean to burst your bubble, because I want you to be explanted as much as you want to be, but I just can't sit here encouraging you about it when this doctor does not sound like he knows how to do it right, with your health in mind.

Here's the guidelines Dr. Feng uses:

(Thanks very much to Dr. Lu-Feng of Cleveland Ohio for these remarks

regarding capsule removal after saline implants)

A biological capsule will form around any implant. Any saline implant removal

will require a total capsulectomy. Like anything else in life, there are few

exceptions. Here are the few exceptions which would have to be fulfilled

before I would entertain the possibility of not removing the saline capsule.

(1) The capsule has to be tissue paper thin and without contracture.

(2) The patient has to be without any local or systemic symptoms.

(3) The saline implant has to be smooth shelled.

(4) There has to be no previous history of gel filled implant insertion.

All these conditions have to be fulfilled before I would consider not taking

the saline capsule out. As you can see, few patients would fulfill these

criteria. Invariably, I take out the entire capsule around saline implants.


Here's the links to the articles you need to read:

Complications from retained scar capsules Discussion of the long term risk factors by Dr. Pierre Blais http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/8689/Caps/cap03.html

Complications related to retained breast implant scar capsules The importance of having a total capsulectomy http://www.info-implants.com/Kay/05.html

Also, please look over all of the information we have posted in our links section for explant:



----- Original Message -----

From: iggyangel7

Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 12:33 AM

Subject: Re: Please say a prayer for me, on my way to Pre-op appt...

---Hi, my surgery is set for Dec 11th, I will stay positive and pray alot. My Ps does deny any correlation between the implants and illnesses, but I knew he would. I will not be getting the capsules removed though, he said since they are not silicone my body will get rid of the tissue on its own. He said though, if he sees a problem once he gets in there, or if it looks bad, he WILL remove the capsules. He is the best doc for me I know, and he will always look out for my health first, after the visit he said, " I HAVE TO SAY these things I said, I hope you understand" my husband said that he knows these are the problem, but he cant come out and say it.(liability issues?) oh well, Thanks and God bless, Iggy

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