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Re: Re: re; julie ..oil of oregano

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I think your case may have been different just because you were always so much into working out and that alone will make you move around stuff, sweat out stuff and get rid of alot of toxins, at least alot more than those of us who have never been much into exercise. I really do think that exercise is a necessary part of our healing, but for alot of the women, they don't have enough energy to face the day let alone exercise through it. Exercise will also stir up the toxins into the bloodstream and that can set women back, and I don't know if you ever experienced any of those setbacks, but they can be tough. How long did it take you to really heal though?

In any case, I think there are lots of things we can do to help ourselves, and if we can't get the exercise we need to oxygenate the body and help it fight out the disease, then we need to be doing this other stuff to help it along. It is all about oxygenating, building healthy strong cells, and if there are toxins sitting in the way, the oxygen isn't going to get through very well. That will keep us sick. Anyway, that's my 2 cents, and dimonds, I think you should just cut back on the oil of oregano if you have having a flare, and take it easy, but in my opinion, this is another sign of healing. I went through lots of those! Remember it is usually 3 steps forward, 2 steps back or something along those lines. But overall, healing does take place, and you've seen it. Don't be discouraged!



----- Original Message -----

From: naturalbeauty38

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:54 AM

Subject: Re: re; julie ..oil of oregano

Dimonds girl how are you doing? I never had too much trouble with the oil of oregano but if it is making you feel worse, I would not continue it or at least back it off big time. I mean who wants to feel worse! I don't know, I am not the biggest expert on any of this detox stuff but it seems like you made it so far I would hate to see you get sicker. I know that is what everyone says you have to go through to get better, but I just thought I would share my own two cents, I personally never got sicker to get better. Maybe I am strange, but it just took time and I got better without allot of this stuff. I did take the oil of oregano for awhile but I never felt any different from it one way or another. I guess we are all different. You have to do what feels right for you. If you feel like this is what you need then go for it, but again, if it makes you feel so bad that you canot go on with life and do the things you need to you may want to just stop for a bit and see what happens. I know the hair loss thing sucks big time. I cut about 5 inchest off my hair, man big time chop, and while I miss the legnth, it has helped to slow down the sheddding, well it was already slowing down, but my normal shedding with long hair is about twice as much as with shorter hair. Of course i won't keep it this short lol, but i thought I would tell ya that if your hair is really long, it is much more normal to shed allot. My hair stylist said some people normally shed up to 200 hairs a day and that is normal for them. Also would like to add that as we age our hair does thin. I know your too young for that, but I may not be. My mom told me her hair is def thinner than when she was young. I mean she still has a nice head of hair but not quite thick as it was. It is kind of normal as we age to have that happen. However bald patches would indicate something other than normal hair shedding. Are you counting your hairs everyday? When mine was at its worse it was about 200 a day. Now it is down to maybe 50, much less than when I was hyperthyroid.Anyhow, just wanted to help with some other advice. I know it is so confusing to know what to do. You have come so far girl, it is just a matter of time till you get all the way well, I know you will get there. Hugs

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You know what is so weird is that I never had any pain! I know alot of girls complain about the pain, but I really can't remember any. I think I had a couple of instances with foot pain, right in the middle of the foot and it hurt to walk, but that only lasted a few days and has never really been a problem for me. I don't know...we share so many symptoms, and yet some women never really experience the brain fog, or the pain, or some of the other ones that have really made life miserable for us. I guess it just underscores the fact that we are all unique and individually biologically different and the way we manifest our systemic illness varies slightly from person to person, probably either through genetics or environmental factors.

Anyway, I think we all have to be our own advocates, find out what works for us, be proactive in researching what helps, and share what we can. I really hope we all find true and final healing, so that we don't have to suffer from these things for the rest of our lives. However, I also really believe that we have to change our lifestyles in ways that keep us healthy, because our immune systems have been damaged. In the long run, we are more at risk than if we had never had implants, (that's no revelation to anyone here!) and in that aspect, we will never be the same. But we can sure make life alot better for ourselves if we try!



----- Original Message -----

From: naturalbeauty38

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:19 AM

Subject: Re: re; julie ..oil of oregano

Well the biggest problem I had right after explant, was pain and I was on a lot of narcotic pain meds for about 1 and a half years or so, and that was the biggest flare I had. My brain fog just got steadily better. I had a few set backs, I just don't really recall going back to how I felt in the beginning. I know that I worked really hard on exercise, even when I felt like total crap I did it anyway, and it never made me feel worse, ever, but again, I did have pain issues. I took allot of drugs for the pain, and in some weird way that seemed to help me get over the whole thing, I don't know how to explain it but maybe because it freed up my body from the pain it helped me to work out more and to heal better, but don't get me wrong, it sucked having to get off that stuff too, it was hard. Anyhow, I know that everyone is different, but i still feel that our bodies can do allot all on their own once the implants are out and then we start to take better care of ourselves and work out etc. To me I guess the working out was my method of detox, I just think it is easier to work out than to remember to take all this stuff everyday, but that may not be what works for anyone else. Again I just try to give my own advice and what I went through, if it helps one person then it is worth it. If not, there is always stuff that you can try like all these supplements and detoxing stuff, but the exercise to me, was allot cheaper. I feel strongly that it helped allot for me. I don't know, I just feel blessed that I never really had allot of steps forward and backwards, it just progressed for me. I am not saying I have not had setbacks, just that they never seemed worse than the one before. The pain thing was again, the worse part of this for me, after explant. I remember being in so much pain that I would just cry and cry, but I still worked out, I don't know, I would take my pain pills first thing in the am and then go to the gym and work out all that anger, it worked somehow, but I don't recomend it for everyone that is for sure.HugsC

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