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Re: My Foot Procedure is scheduled

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Hi !

Well, it sounds like you've done your homework on this

surgery...we've all learned our lesson now haven't we :) I, too,

have been having terrible foot pain! Mine has not yet progressed to

the heels of my feet, though, they just hurt TREMENDOUSLY around the

toe and ball of my foot areas. Two of my toes are even deciding to

curve and stick together all of the time now....I'm really sort of

worried about permanent damage as I have rheumatoid arthritis (as at

least a few doctors have agreed upon...I seem to not exactly fit a

typical autoimmune disease...hmmmm, go figure ;). My foot pain has

driven me to a disabled parking sticker as well. I can't

workout/walk...I just can't. The rest of my body is in so much pain

that it makes non-necessary moving around seem rediculous. When I

ever do get rid of all of this other pain, I look forward to doing

pilates/yoga again, as you do this type of exercise barefoot with

almost no excess pressure on your feet! As of yet, I have not gone

to see a foot doctor. I've just sort of been fed up with

specialists not being able to help me and have decided to stay out

of the doctor's offices as much as possible. But I'm worried that

eventually I'll have to find another rheumatologist and check on all

of my joints/bones...and then because they truly do not help with

foot concerns...I'm sure I'll be adding a podiatrist to my list of

on-call docs :( But until then, I'm just seeing an osteopathic

specialist who is doing chelation IV treatments on me....and I'll

see if that will rid my body of toxins and silicones.

Best of luck in your upcoming surgery!



> I would like to ask for your prayers and thoughts on Decemeber the

> 8th when I will be undergoing a non invasive procedure on both my

> feet that is supposed to cure chronic plantar fascitis in about


> of patients. My heel pain(for those not familiar with PF it is a

> painful inflammation in the heel) that I have suffered with for


> 4 years now with only occasional remisions, and then relapses over

> and over again. I used to be a big time high heel fan, and always

> wore them, everywhere. HIGH HEELS, big time 6 inch pumps when that

> was the style and then later the platforms etc. I always liked to


> taller than I was at only 5'3 " so the high heels helped allot. I

> never had allot of pain with my feet though until two things


> in my life, first of all I began my quest to lose the 60 pounds I


> put on working as a nurse aid on the graveyard shift for 3 years,


> this included walking 6 miles up steep hills everyday, 7 days a


> I was very determined to lose that weight. THen I moved myself


> running and began to be very obssesed(i am an obsessive addictive

> kind of person) and with running I started to run 6 - 7 miles a


> 5 days a week, an average of 30 miles a week! I lost all the


> needless to say and have kept it off for the lat 6 years or so. I


> about a size 3 and muscular, so I weight allot at 120 but anyhow,


> am pretty tiny now. I am very proud of this, not trying to brag


> we all know how hard this can be to accomplish. As a reward to


> (when I lost my C cups with my fat) i decided to get implants. Now


> was starting to have injuries with my running, my hip, my knees,


> esp shinn splints! OUCH! Anyhow I did not stop running, but I


> to add some other things to cut back on the running. One was tae


> very bad for your joints if your not used to those moves ! Anyhow


> got the implants, and within about 2 weeks I started to work out

> again, and within this time I began to have foot pain. The foot


> was not in my heels then though, it was across the tops of my feet


> first. I also began getting hand pain, it was all very strange,


> of course within 3 months I was sicker than ever with flu like

> symptoms, dizzyiness that was so bad I could hardly stand up(this

> never went away till after explant either) and then the pain all


> my body, but esp in my hands and feet.

> As we all know and have experienced, I was told a million things,


> nothing, ya know what I mean, we don't know, you have mixed

> connective tissue disease, we are not sure which one, you have the

> begining of lupus, bla blh, fibromyalgia etc. I never fit the


> symptoms of any one particular disease, just had symptoms of all


> them. Well to get to the point, I have been explanted for almost 3

> years (ironically it will be 3 years on the 8th of Decemeber) the


> of my foot procedure.

> I have been completely and totally cured. At least I consider


> to be. I never have any of the weirdness at all anymore, my body


> not hurt anymore(occasional stuff but nothing like before) no


> stuff etc, except that my feet still hurt. I have been seeing a

> specialist in Idaho Falls where I live who is a good friend of my

> husbands, they went to college together at BYU in Utah. He


> them a few times with steroids and the pain did resolve, for

awhile I

> thought I was cured, but then it came back. I did some stupid


> too, of course I thought I could wear heels again, and run again,


> time mistake! At one point 1 year ago it became so bad I had to

get a

> disabled sticker for my car, it was that bad, and the only working

> out I could do was to swim laps and lift wieghts, it was horrible.


> spent most of my time laying around the house when I was not


> thankfully I have a desk job. THen I got some soft orthotics and


> really worked for ahwile and my feet got better. I once again


> I was cured, but was cautios stilll about running and footwear.

> Unfortunatly when we went on a vacation this summer, we went to

> Yosemite and several large amusement parks in California, we


> so much that my feet flared up again, this time it was pretty bad

> again, but I did not want to get injected, so I opted to try the


> orthotics, another $300 !!!! ARG! They helped for awhile, and then


> started taking our new puppy for walks at night, and bam again I


> flaring up. This time I am at the end of my rope. I saw my Dr and


> told me that this time he felt I was a good candidate for the ossa

> tron treatment. It is a machine that sends sound waves, shocks the

> feet, the affected area, and breaks up the scar tissue. It is for


> worse cases of PF and he thinks it will cure me.

> I am doing it, because I found out that while it is just barely

> approved by the FDA for this(it has been used for breaking up


> stones for years) it is a $14,000 dollar procedure, but my ins is

> going to pay and since I am at the end of the year, have met all


> deductables etc, the most out of pocket fees for me will be

> anesthesia, $400, surgeon fee $700 and then the use of the machine

> which is $500 a foot. HOwever I may even get reimbursed for that.



> So sorry this is so long, but as you can see my torment is what if


> don't have normal PF like other people, what if it is somehow


> related to implants ? Even if it is, maybe this will still work?


> symptoms are classic PF, and the fact is that there is


> in there, and with the blood flow being so poor in our heels, it


> very hard to heel inflammation in that area, this machine actually

> causes the tissue to be injured, in such a way that the body


> heels itself, it is very safe and there is no cutting. The only


> method of cure for PF that is chronic is surgery where they


> go in and cut the tendon in your arch, it is very very scary and


> at all succesful and takes up to 12 months of being in a cast and

> crutches or wheelchair! YIKES! I won't do that, since if i wear my

> orthotics I am capable of doing most things that most people do.


> issue really is that I am not most people, I AM A RUNNER A HIKER!


> love those things, I miss them, and I end up doing them anyhow and

> end up needing narcotics and stuff to get through the after


> So this is my hope and dream and right now I feel like the fact


> it is all falling into place and on the same day as my explant


> was so extremely succesful, I feel that it is a sign from god


> that this is going to heal my one last issue!

> Of course I dont' even know if I can say it was or is implants, I

> mean I want to blame them of course, but I cannot say it for sure,


> just don't know. I only know that this is my hope, and I am asking

> you all to please pray for me and think of me that day.

> The good news too is that they do it with a local anesthesia, so


> not knocked out, and that I will be up and around within a day or


> In fact although he told me no work for 5 days, he said it will be

> fine for me to go to my classes. So apparently the pain is not too

> bad.It also gives me a week of no work paid and I can use it to


> for my finals, god is watching out for me I feel!


> Gosh I know this is long, if your still reading this then your a


> caring and loving friend! HEE HEE

> Anyhow I am also wondering if anyone else has this foot thing?


> heel pain?


> I created several polls so when you guys get around to it please

> check them out too!


> Ok then


> I have some things to do but gosh there is another topic I need to

> bring up to you guys, it involves sex! Can you imagine.


> Hee hee, that post will be long too, and a little personal, so I


> write it soon, I want to add that I have this increased sex drive

> lately, it is insane, I am turnig so sex crazed, ha MY HUBBY IS

> LOVING IT, but is it normal to be so horny all the time? Is this


> happens when you get close to 40 years old? I just turned 39 in

> August and i mean I have always been a sexual person but this is

> crazy, fun but yeah hee hee it is crazy!

> Any feedback on this would be appreciated to. I wonder if my

> hormones are wacked out. If so I guess it is in a good way huh?


> hugs to all


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, I've had weird stuff with my feet too, but no actual

diagnosis of anything. When I get up in the morning or after sitting

for a while, I feel like they're both broken and I have a real hard

time walking. I used to wear high heels too, but not since getting

the implants. The ball of my foot, my arch and my heel all feel

bruised even after just a few minutes of having heels on. I live in

tennis shoes. I was in physical therapy over the summer and they

actually had me fitted for the right shoe. I have been wearing

Reebok classics - size 7 for the last 5 years or more. I never even

try them on, I go to a store, grab a box, pay and go! Turns out I

need a size 8 narrow and the only shoe that truly fits my foot is

Asics. I've been wearing them since September. They don't help

the " broken " feeling in the morning, but if I keep them on all day

long, they help with the fatigue and aching I always have. They're

not as cute as my Reeboks, but my feet love them!

I'll be praying that your procedure goes perfectly and that you'll

get some relief.


> I would like to ask for your prayers and thoughts on Decemeber the

> 8th when I will be undergoing a non invasive procedure on both my

> feet that is supposed to cure chronic plantar fascitis in about 90%

> of patients. My heel pain(for those not familiar with PF it is a

> painful inflammation in the heel) that I have suffered with for


> 4 years now with only occasional remisions, and then relapses over

> and over again. I used to be a big time high heel fan, and always

> wore them, everywhere. HIGH HEELS, big time 6 inch pumps when that

> was the style and then later the platforms etc. I always liked to


> taller than I was at only 5'3 " so the high heels helped allot. I

> never had allot of pain with my feet though until two things


> in my life, first of all I began my quest to lose the 60 pounds I


> put on working as a nurse aid on the graveyard shift for 3 years,


> this included walking 6 miles up steep hills everyday, 7 days a


> I was very determined to lose that weight. THen I moved myself into

> running and began to be very obssesed(i am an obsessive addictive

> kind of person) and with running I started to run 6 - 7 miles a


> 5 days a week, an average of 30 miles a week! I lost all the wieght

> needless to say and have kept it off for the lat 6 years or so. I


> about a size 3 and muscular, so I weight allot at 120 but anyhow, I

> am pretty tiny now. I am very proud of this, not trying to brag but

> we all know how hard this can be to accomplish. As a reward to


> (when I lost my C cups with my fat) i decided to get implants. Now


> was starting to have injuries with my running, my hip, my knees,


> esp shinn splints! OUCH! Anyhow I did not stop running, but I


> to add some other things to cut back on the running. One was tae


> very bad for your joints if your not used to those moves ! Anyhow I

> got the implants, and within about 2 weeks I started to work out

> again, and within this time I began to have foot pain. The foot


> was not in my heels then though, it was across the tops of my feet


> first. I also began getting hand pain, it was all very strange, and

> of course within 3 months I was sicker than ever with flu like

> symptoms, dizzyiness that was so bad I could hardly stand up(this

> never went away till after explant either) and then the pain all


> my body, but esp in my hands and feet.

> As we all know and have experienced, I was told a million things,


> nothing, ya know what I mean, we don't know, you have mixed

> connective tissue disease, we are not sure which one, you have the

> begining of lupus, bla blh, fibromyalgia etc. I never fit the


> symptoms of any one particular disease, just had symptoms of all of

> them. Well to get to the point, I have been explanted for almost 3

> years (ironically it will be 3 years on the 8th of Decemeber) the


> of my foot procedure.

> I have been completely and totally cured. At least I consider


> to be. I never have any of the weirdness at all anymore, my body


> not hurt anymore(occasional stuff but nothing like before) no dizzy

> stuff etc, except that my feet still hurt. I have been seeing a

> specialist in Idaho Falls where I live who is a good friend of my

> husbands, they went to college together at BYU in Utah. He injected

> them a few times with steroids and the pain did resolve, for awhile


> thought I was cured, but then it came back. I did some stupid


> too, of course I thought I could wear heels again, and run again,


> time mistake! At one point 1 year ago it became so bad I had to get


> disabled sticker for my car, it was that bad, and the only working

> out I could do was to swim laps and lift wieghts, it was horrible.


> spent most of my time laying around the house when I was not


> thankfully I have a desk job. THen I got some soft orthotics and


> really worked for ahwile and my feet got better. I once again


> I was cured, but was cautios stilll about running and footwear.

> Unfortunatly when we went on a vacation this summer, we went to

> Yosemite and several large amusement parks in California, we walked

> so much that my feet flared up again, this time it was pretty bad

> again, but I did not want to get injected, so I opted to try the


> orthotics, another $300 !!!! ARG! They helped for awhile, and then


> started taking our new puppy for walks at night, and bam again I am

> flaring up. This time I am at the end of my rope. I saw my Dr and


> told me that this time he felt I was a good candidate for the ossa

> tron treatment. It is a machine that sends sound waves, shocks the

> feet, the affected area, and breaks up the scar tissue. It is for


> worse cases of PF and he thinks it will cure me.

> I am doing it, because I found out that while it is just barely

> approved by the FDA for this(it has been used for breaking up


> stones for years) it is a $14,000 dollar procedure, but my ins is

> going to pay and since I am at the end of the year, have met all my

> deductables etc, the most out of pocket fees for me will be

> anesthesia, $400, surgeon fee $700 and then the use of the machine

> which is $500 a foot. HOwever I may even get reimbursed for that.



> So sorry this is so long, but as you can see my torment is what if


> don't have normal PF like other people, what if it is somehow still

> related to implants ? Even if it is, maybe this will still work? My

> symptoms are classic PF, and the fact is that there is inflammation

> in there, and with the blood flow being so poor in our heels, it is

> very hard to heel inflammation in that area, this machine actually

> causes the tissue to be injured, in such a way that the body


> heels itself, it is very safe and there is no cutting. The only


> method of cure for PF that is chronic is surgery where they


> go in and cut the tendon in your arch, it is very very scary and


> at all succesful and takes up to 12 months of being in a cast and

> crutches or wheelchair! YIKES! I won't do that, since if i wear my

> orthotics I am capable of doing most things that most people do. My

> issue really is that I am not most people, I AM A RUNNER A HIKER! I

> love those things, I miss them, and I end up doing them anyhow and

> end up needing narcotics and stuff to get through the after


> So this is my hope and dream and right now I feel like the fact


> it is all falling into place and on the same day as my explant that

> was so extremely succesful, I feel that it is a sign from god above

> that this is going to heal my one last issue!

> Of course I dont' even know if I can say it was or is implants, I

> mean I want to blame them of course, but I cannot say it for sure,


> just don't know. I only know that this is my hope, and I am asking

> you all to please pray for me and think of me that day.

> The good news too is that they do it with a local anesthesia, so


> not knocked out, and that I will be up and around within a day or


> In fact although he told me no work for 5 days, he said it will be

> fine for me to go to my classes. So apparently the pain is not too

> bad.It also gives me a week of no work paid and I can use it to


> for my finals, god is watching out for me I feel!


> Gosh I know this is long, if your still reading this then your a


> caring and loving friend! HEE HEE

> Anyhow I am also wondering if anyone else has this foot thing? The

> heel pain?


> I created several polls so when you guys get around to it please

> check them out too!


> Ok then


> I have some things to do but gosh there is another topic I need to

> bring up to you guys, it involves sex! Can you imagine.


> Hee hee, that post will be long too, and a little personal, so I


> write it soon, I want to add that I have this increased sex drive

> lately, it is insane, I am turnig so sex crazed, ha MY HUBBY IS

> LOVING IT, but is it normal to be so horny all the time? Is this


> happens when you get close to 40 years old? I just turned 39 in

> August and i mean I have always been a sexual person but this is

> crazy, fun but yeah hee hee it is crazy!

> Any feedback on this would be appreciated to. I wonder if my

> hormones are wacked out. If so I guess it is in a good way huh?


> hugs to all


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Dear carrie

i just wanted you to know that you will be in my prayers on dec. 8

for a very successful procedure! I really hope that this is the

answer you are seeking. God bless


In , " naturalbeauty38 "

<naturalbeauty38@y...> wrote:

> I would like to ask for your prayers and thoughts on Decemeber the

> 8th when I will be undergoing a non invasive procedure on both my

> feet that is supposed to cure chronic plantar fascitis in about


> of patients. My heel pain(for those not familiar with PF it is a

> painful inflammation in the heel) that I have suffered with for


> 4 years now with only occasional remisions, and then relapses over

> and over again. I used to be a big time high heel fan, and always

> wore them, everywhere. HIGH HEELS, big time 6 inch pumps when that

> was the style and then later the platforms etc. I always liked to


> taller than I was at only 5'3 " so the high heels helped allot. I

> never had allot of pain with my feet though until two things


> in my life, first of all I began my quest to lose the 60 pounds I


> put on working as a nurse aid on the graveyard shift for 3 years,


> this included walking 6 miles up steep hills everyday, 7 days a


> I was very determined to lose that weight. THen I moved myself


> running and began to be very obssesed(i am an obsessive addictive

> kind of person) and with running I started to run 6 - 7 miles a


> 5 days a week, an average of 30 miles a week! I lost all the


> needless to say and have kept it off for the lat 6 years or so. I


> about a size 3 and muscular, so I weight allot at 120 but anyhow,


> am pretty tiny now. I am very proud of this, not trying to brag


> we all know how hard this can be to accomplish. As a reward to


> (when I lost my C cups with my fat) i decided to get implants. Now


> was starting to have injuries with my running, my hip, my knees,


> esp shinn splints! OUCH! Anyhow I did not stop running, but I


> to add some other things to cut back on the running. One was tae


> very bad for your joints if your not used to those moves ! Anyhow


> got the implants, and within about 2 weeks I started to work out

> again, and within this time I began to have foot pain. The foot


> was not in my heels then though, it was across the tops of my feet


> first. I also began getting hand pain, it was all very strange,


> of course within 3 months I was sicker than ever with flu like

> symptoms, dizzyiness that was so bad I could hardly stand up(this

> never went away till after explant either) and then the pain all


> my body, but esp in my hands and feet.

> As we all know and have experienced, I was told a million things,


> nothing, ya know what I mean, we don't know, you have mixed

> connective tissue disease, we are not sure which one, you have the

> begining of lupus, bla blh, fibromyalgia etc. I never fit the


> symptoms of any one particular disease, just had symptoms of all


> them. Well to get to the point, I have been explanted for almost 3

> years (ironically it will be 3 years on the 8th of Decemeber) the


> of my foot procedure.

> I have been completely and totally cured. At least I consider


> to be. I never have any of the weirdness at all anymore, my body


> not hurt anymore(occasional stuff but nothing like before) no


> stuff etc, except that my feet still hurt. I have been seeing a

> specialist in Idaho Falls where I live who is a good friend of my

> husbands, they went to college together at BYU in Utah. He


> them a few times with steroids and the pain did resolve, for

awhile I

> thought I was cured, but then it came back. I did some stupid


> too, of course I thought I could wear heels again, and run again,


> time mistake! At one point 1 year ago it became so bad I had to

get a

> disabled sticker for my car, it was that bad, and the only working

> out I could do was to swim laps and lift wieghts, it was horrible.


> spent most of my time laying around the house when I was not


> thankfully I have a desk job. THen I got some soft orthotics and


> really worked for ahwile and my feet got better. I once again


> I was cured, but was cautios stilll about running and footwear.

> Unfortunatly when we went on a vacation this summer, we went to

> Yosemite and several large amusement parks in California, we


> so much that my feet flared up again, this time it was pretty bad

> again, but I did not want to get injected, so I opted to try the


> orthotics, another $300 !!!! ARG! They helped for awhile, and then


> started taking our new puppy for walks at night, and bam again I


> flaring up. This time I am at the end of my rope. I saw my Dr and


> told me that this time he felt I was a good candidate for the ossa

> tron treatment. It is a machine that sends sound waves, shocks the

> feet, the affected area, and breaks up the scar tissue. It is for


> worse cases of PF and he thinks it will cure me.

> I am doing it, because I found out that while it is just barely

> approved by the FDA for this(it has been used for breaking up


> stones for years) it is a $14,000 dollar procedure, but my ins is

> going to pay and since I am at the end of the year, have met all


> deductables etc, the most out of pocket fees for me will be

> anesthesia, $400, surgeon fee $700 and then the use of the machine

> which is $500 a foot. HOwever I may even get reimbursed for that.



> So sorry this is so long, but as you can see my torment is what if


> don't have normal PF like other people, what if it is somehow


> related to implants ? Even if it is, maybe this will still work?


> symptoms are classic PF, and the fact is that there is


> in there, and with the blood flow being so poor in our heels, it


> very hard to heel inflammation in that area, this machine actually

> causes the tissue to be injured, in such a way that the body


> heels itself, it is very safe and there is no cutting. The only


> method of cure for PF that is chronic is surgery where they


> go in and cut the tendon in your arch, it is very very scary and


> at all succesful and takes up to 12 months of being in a cast and

> crutches or wheelchair! YIKES! I won't do that, since if i wear my

> orthotics I am capable of doing most things that most people do.


> issue really is that I am not most people, I AM A RUNNER A HIKER!


> love those things, I miss them, and I end up doing them anyhow and

> end up needing narcotics and stuff to get through the after


> So this is my hope and dream and right now I feel like the fact


> it is all falling into place and on the same day as my explant


> was so extremely succesful, I feel that it is a sign from god


> that this is going to heal my one last issue!

> Of course I dont' even know if I can say it was or is implants, I

> mean I want to blame them of course, but I cannot say it for sure,


> just don't know. I only know that this is my hope, and I am asking

> you all to please pray for me and think of me that day.

> The good news too is that they do it with a local anesthesia, so


> not knocked out, and that I will be up and around within a day or


> In fact although he told me no work for 5 days, he said it will be

> fine for me to go to my classes. So apparently the pain is not too

> bad.It also gives me a week of no work paid and I can use it to


> for my finals, god is watching out for me I feel!


> Gosh I know this is long, if your still reading this then your a


> caring and loving friend! HEE HEE

> Anyhow I am also wondering if anyone else has this foot thing?


> heel pain?


> I created several polls so when you guys get around to it please

> check them out too!


> Ok then


> I have some things to do but gosh there is another topic I need to

> bring up to you guys, it involves sex! Can you imagine.


> Hee hee, that post will be long too, and a little personal, so I


> write it soon, I want to add that I have this increased sex drive

> lately, it is insane, I am turnig so sex crazed, ha MY HUBBY IS

> LOVING IT, but is it normal to be so horny all the time? Is this


> happens when you get close to 40 years old? I just turned 39 in

> August and i mean I have always been a sexual person but this is

> crazy, fun but yeah hee hee it is crazy!

> Any feedback on this would be appreciated to. I wonder if my

> hormones are wacked out. If so I guess it is in a good way huh?


> hugs to all


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