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Re: New here :-)

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to me if the bowels are consitently loose thats a bacteria problem

and i would look at scd. yeast tests are often not indicative.


forum=elaineschildren & max=100 & skip=0 & orderby=CreatStamp_+DESC

i wouldn't assume aba was the best thing, you focus on 'a good poo'

is right, when you make progress there the need for aba etc will drop


fisrt born children have a tendency to pick up maternal metals burden.


> HI new to this group - but I'm going to jump right in and ask for



> My son is 32 months old and mildly autistic. He is a great kid and

we have

> few problems. He is about to start a full time ABA/preschool

program next

> week and I'm a nervous wreck sending my baby (and only child) out

there in

> the world so young - but I know it's the best thing. He started


> speech therapy when he was 18 months old and soon after we tried

the GFCF

> diet for almost 9 months. Our main reason for wanting to try the

diet beside

> seeing if it made a difference in his behavior, was to see if it

made and

> difference in the consistency of his bowel movements. If you ask me


> what my biggest issue with my son is I'll tell you it's the pursue

of " good

> poo " . For the LIFE of us we can't get but 1-3 solid bowel

movements a

> week - for the most part it has the consistency of peanut butter -


> somewhat better - occasionally what we call " acid poo " that leaves

red. We

> have tested him for yeast, we have tried the GCFC diet, elimating


> supplements, enzymes from Houston, zinc, acidophils, pro-botic,

etc. etc. He

> drinks darifree and water exclusively - nothing else. We have

slacked on the

> gluten free diet, but still remain mostly dairy free. Sometimes we


> were on the right track for a day or two with nice solid movements,

and then

> we go back downhill. I try to keep a journal - but that doesn't

work but a

> few days and I'm not seeing the pattern. It is so frustrating. It's


> to be that time to start toilet training - but without good poo

things will

> be difficult. Not to mention sending him to school without a handle

on the

> problem. Any advice?


> Also looking for ideas on good finger foods that I can send to

school with

> him in a lunchbox,...I'm going to be walking the aisles of the

grocery store

> this weekend racking my brain trying to think of good lunch ideas

to send my

> baby off to school with.


> please email advice at : osufanz@c...


> thank you!

> Amy

> ohio

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My son's bowels have been consistently loose since he started solid

food. He is now 4 years old. He had all kinds of yeast and bacteria

tests done both by stools sample as well as during his colonoscopy.

His GI doctor could not determine the cause. I finally found

unexpectedly that supplementing with zinc gave him solid stools. He

had his first one in over a year the same day I started him on zinc.

Yes, sometimes bacteria can lead to diahrea but there are many other

causes. As for the ABA, having solid stools can lead to better food

absorption which in turn can help with development, but it again is

only one piece of the puzzle. Since my son has been having solid

stools (starting March), he has progressed faster but he still is not

talking. I wish getting a solid stool is all it would take to heal

our kids. Diahrea is not the reason our kids are autistic which is

what your post seems to imply.

Regarding first born children, that is not the case with us. I have

4 children. My older 2 children have no developmental delays,

allergies or health problems. My 3rd child is autistic and my 4th

has celiac disease but ahead developmentally.

> to me if the bowels are consitently loose thats a bacteria problem

> and i would look at scd. yeast tests are often not indicative.


> http://lyris.dundee.net/read/?

> forum=elaineschildren & max=100 & skip=0 & orderby=CreatStamp_+DESC


> i wouldn't assume aba was the best thing, you focus on 'a good poo'

> is right, when you make progress there the need for aba etc will


> away.


> fisrt born children have a tendency to pick up maternal metals






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was that reply to you?

i just felt from that post that was the case.


kids " .................................................................


i'm gonna be polite.............................

zinc is part of the bodies immnue system, anti fungal, antibacterial

'a tendency' mean there are other factors, like the rate at which the

maternal heavy metals load is building, its just that the longer the

gap between children then the more build you get and with todays late

preganacies you also get a declining abililty to excrete metlas as

the mother gets older so its not balck and white..........

sweating and bile are important metlas excretion modes so darkish

brown stools as well as solid are important but i would say they went


cubic is picasso who was a con...............dali, monet, von gough

are more whole and can read posts without making to many assumptions.

> > to me if the bowels are consitently loose thats a bacteria


> > and i would look at scd. yeast tests are often not indicative.

> >

> > http://lyris.dundee.net/read/?

> > forum=elaineschildren & max=100 & skip=0 & orderby=CreatStamp_+DESC

> >

> > i wouldn't assume aba was the best thing, you focus on 'a good


> > is right, when you make progress there the need for aba etc will

> drop

> > away.

> >

> > fisrt born children have a tendency to pick up maternal metals

> burden.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I don't know why you are on the enzymes list. Are you there to act

as an authority and knock down everyone else? From the posts I have

read from you I have not heard any reference to your kids. Do you

have kids you are trying to get answers for or just here so you can

poke holes at whatever someone else says. I am here for 2 reasons.

1 - to find answers for my son.

2 - to possibly help other parents by sharing the knowledge I have


I really don't care what established studies have been done but what

has worked. My youngest son was near death. When the doctors could

not figure out what was wrong I sought for answers myself. When I

told them I felt he had celiac disease they told me it was not

possible because the medical journals say gluten does not pass in the

breastmilk. They were wrong. My son is now very healthy. His

doctor has admitted that my maternal insticts were much more reliable

than the " authorities " on the disease.

I have been posting on autism lists for 2 years now. From time to

time there are different viewpoints. Everyone shares their viewpoint

and the person asking the question can decide for themself who they

want to listen to and what sounds right to them. You accused me

before of giving out information without studies. That is true but

as I said before I make it clear that what I am sharing is my opinion

and based on experience. Every post I have read from you however

comes off as if you are an expert. Not only that, when I had a

differing viewpoint like in the post I responded to, you again want

to attack me. That is not the spirit of these lists.

Since you think you are better than me and an authority, tell me what

makes you such. Are you a doctor? If so, what kind? I feel that

the post you gave made it sound like what you say is fact when that

is not the case. The thing about autism is every child is

different. What works for one may not work for the next. You can

never say " do such and such " and it will work everytime.

Another thing you will find on these lists. A person will ask a

question and someone will answer. Often someone will comment on that

answer. This is how it works. It is like being in a group and

having a conversation. If you don't want anyone else to comment on

your answers, you should post directly, not to the group.

Why you have chosen to attack me I don't know. Why you are here I

don't know. I would ask that you grow up and learn how to act in a

group or get out.

Lastly for your information, Cubic is the company I used to work

for. It has to do with rapid prototyping. To mention cubic as a con

was downright childish.

> > > to me if the bowels are consitently loose thats a bacteria

> problem

> > > and i would look at scd. yeast tests are often not indicative.

> > >

> > > http://lyris.dundee.net/read/?

> > > forum=elaineschildren & max=100 & skip=0 & orderby=CreatStamp_+DESC

> > >

> > > i wouldn't assume aba was the best thing, you focus on 'a good

> poo'

> > > is right, when you make progress there the need for aba etc


> > drop

> > > away.

> > >

> > > fisrt born children have a tendency to pick up maternal metals

> > burden.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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theres no 'spirit of the list' seperate from what the list is.

i am content to be myself

and not an idea of what i should be.

i have had trouble and still do with message boards and chats that

cannot take the abrasion that is me but in fairness to myself if you

are on a grinding wheel why should i be sympathetic to others

complaints of the friction?

> > > > to me if the bowels are consitently loose thats a bacteria

> > problem

> > > > and i would look at scd. yeast tests are often not indicative.

> > > >

> > > > http://lyris.dundee.net/read/?

> > > > forum=elaineschildren & max=100 & skip=0 & orderby=CreatStamp_+DESC

> > > >

> > > > i wouldn't assume aba was the best thing, you focus on 'a


> > poo'

> > > > is right, when you make progress there the need for aba etc

> will

> > > drop

> > > > away.

> > > >

> > > > fisrt born children have a tendency to pick up maternal


> > > burden.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Donna,

Welcome! I personally don't mind that you are here and gathering info in the quest to make a wise decision about getting breast implants. That is one of the reasons we are here. I am sure you will find that our health concerns since implants, being a true life nightmare, will make it clear that implants are a dangerous risk not worth taking. I encourage you to take a look around our website, visit links, look at the photos, check out the poll results, and ask questions. I sure wish I had all this info at my disposal when making my decision to get implants. It would have made a huge difference in how I viewed the whole procedure. Wishing you the best....keep in touch!


----- Original Message -----

From: Donna Wealot

Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 8:55 AM

Subject: New here :-)

Hi, my name is Donna. I just joined your group. For several years I have been contemplating breast implants. I know several women IRL who have them and are thrilled with them.

In my quest for information, I have come across the problems with silicone leaking into women's body. That is what prompted me to join this list.

I'm 32, in very good health (just quit smoking yay!!) and as much as I'd love big boobs (LOL!!!!) I'm not willing to sacrifice my health for it.

So, do ya'all mind if I stick around and gather some info from you?



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Hi Donna,Welcome! I personally don't mind that you are here and gathering info in the quest to make a wise decision about getting breast implants. That is one of the reasons we are here. I am sure you will find that our health concerns since implants, being a true life nightmare, will make it clear that implants are a dangerous risk not worth taking.


Thanks for the welcome :-)


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Hi Donna!

I'm so excited that you found our website! You are on your way to

making an informed decision (I wish I would have known all of the

facts before I put in my saline implants). I am 21 and had my

breast implants put in two years ago (I had them out in September of

2003). Immediately I began having shooting arm pains and chronic

fatigue, followed by excrutiating joint/bone/muscle pain all over.

I had hair loss, burning in my breasts and my ribs, brain fog (had

trouble remembering and concentrating)and hair loss (the texture

also felt weird). Soon after being implanted, I was diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis (which is an autoimmune disease that causes

pain in all of your muscles).

I use to play every sport imaginable and was the epitome of a

healthy 19 year-old (I was fairly capable too...I graduated with a

bachelor's degree only 2.5 years after high school). Now I have a

disabled parking sticker and I'm filing for disability (I was turned

down twice, and now I have a lawyer to help me). I was on my way to

a career and complete independence, and now I am back at home with

my parents. My saline breast implants gave me rheumatoid arthritis

as well as other autoimmune symptoms (doctors have a hard time just

picking one disease to diagnose us breast implant women).

What I found out is that the silicone shell that surrounds every

saline breast implants IS enough to cause autoimmune diseases. I

honestly feel like I would have died if I would have left my breast

implants in my body. Saline breast implants also serve as a

breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and fungus...which can also make

the body sick and toxic.

Like everyone here on the website, I too just want to help other

women make an informed decision in regards to breast implants.

There is so much that the medical field will not tell you...many of

them do not admit it to themselves. In February of 2004 a " True

Life " MTV documentary will air and show some of the negative aspects

of plastic surgery. MTV filmed my entire explant (the name of the

surgery that means " to take implants out " ) experience.....from

before, during, and after the operating room. I only hope that more

women like you will see the show and decide to research the topic

like you are doing!

Take care and feel free to ask any and every question,


--- In , " Donna Wealot " <dwealot@k...>


> Hi Donna,Welcome! I personally don't mind that you are here and

gathering info in the quest to make a wise decision about getting

breast implants. That is one of the reasons we are here. I am sure

you will find that our health concerns since implants, being a true

life nightmare, will make it clear that implants are a dangerous

risk not worth taking.


> >>>>>>>>>>>>


> Thanks for the welcome :-)


> Donna

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You've already been turned down twice for disability? How long did it take to get a response. It seems like forever ago that I filed and still haven't heard from them.



From: " kaceybu02 " <kaceyalong@...>


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 06:52:52 -0000

Subject: Re: New here :-)

Hi Donna!

I'm so excited that you found our website! You are on your way to

making an informed decision (I wish I would have known all of the

facts before I put in my saline implants). I am 21 and had my

breast implants put in two years ago (I had them out in September of

2003). Immediately I began having shooting arm pains and chronic

fatigue, followed by excrutiating joint/bone/muscle pain all over.

I had hair loss, burning in my breasts and my ribs, brain fog (had

trouble remembering and concentrating)and hair loss (the texture

also felt weird). Soon after being implanted, I was diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis (which is an autoimmune disease that causes

pain in all of your muscles).

I use to play every sport imaginable and was the epitome of a

healthy 19 year-old (I was fairly capable too...I graduated with a

bachelor's degree only 2.5 years after high school). Now I have a

disabled parking sticker and I'm filing for disability (I was turned

down twice, and now I have a lawyer to help me). I was on my way to

a career and complete independence, and now I am back at home with

my parents. My saline breast implants gave me rheumatoid arthritis

as well as other autoimmune symptoms (doctors have a hard time just

picking one disease to diagnose us breast implant women).

What I found out is that the silicone shell that surrounds every

saline breast implants IS enough to cause autoimmune diseases. I

honestly feel like I would have died if I would have left my breast

implants in my body. Saline breast implants also serve as a

breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and fungus...which can also make

the body sick and toxic.

Like everyone here on the website, I too just want to help other

women make an informed decision in regards to breast implants.

There is so much that the medical field will not tell you...many of

them do not admit it to themselves. In February of 2004 a " True

Life " MTV documentary will air and show some of the negative aspects

of plastic surgery. MTV filmed my entire explant (the name of the

surgery that means " to take implants out " ) experience.....from

before, during, and after the operating room. I only hope that more

women like you will see the show and decide to research the topic

like you are doing!

Take care and feel free to ask any and every question,


--- In , " Donna Wealot " <dwealot@k...>


> Hi Donna,Welcome! I personally don't mind that you are here and

gathering info in the quest to make a wise decision about getting

breast implants. That is one of the reasons we are here. I am sure

you will find that our health concerns since implants, being a true

life nightmare, will make it clear that implants are a dangerous

risk not worth taking.


> >>>>>>>>>>>>


> Thanks for the welcome :-)


> Donna

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