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Re: Kacey, Discharge from eyes???

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Kacey, the eye dr. said that I didn't have iritis. They checked

specifically for that because I have all the other signs of

rheumatoid arthritis except for the positive blood tests. He did the

tear test for Sjogren's and I do have really dry eyes especially

compared to the test they did before my Lasik surgery in 1998. He

saw the goopy stuff, but said they didn't appear to be infected. It

was weird. I guess I'm going to go back to them this week and ask

them to take a sample to check for silicone. Wouldn't that be



> > Hi Pam,

> > Aahh, Sjogren's. A frequent uninvited visitor to many implanted

> women. I believe Kim in New Jersey wrote most of all about her

> terrible eye problems, constantly red and inflamed. (Kim, did you

> leave us?) She was still implanted as well. Rogene knows all


> this one too. I never had the dry eyes, although my eyes stung for

> a little bit once in awhile and felt tired. I am praying that this

> will all go away for you.

> >

> > It will be interesting to find out what condition your capsules

> are in. I know my breast implants felt hot and fevered at one


> and made strange squeaky noises (like rubbing a balloon! That

> squeaky noise!) I believe there was infection present. One of the

> girls here in Vegas said when she was opened up, her implants were

> sitting in a sea of green ooze. Not a pretty picture. I think

> 's implants were also a goopy mess. It could be that you have

> some infection in there? Hopefully if that is the case, once you

> are explanted, you can attack that problem (which I would recommend

> anyway, just to be on the safe side. I think we should all assume

> we are fighting bacteria, fungus or viruses of some sort) and your

> healing will come.

> >

> > Hugs,

> > Patty

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: Pam

> >

> > Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 6:50 AM

> > Subject: Discharge from eyes???

> >

> >

> > It's just me again...another weird thing I've had over the last

> > several years is what seems to be recurring eye infections.

> Mostly

> > in my right eye. I remember now that it started shortly after

> > getting the implants. I thought I had an eye infection and

> already

> > had drops so I used them and it seemed to go away. Then it


> back

> > again and again. I had Lasik eye surgery in 1998 (the year

> before

> > the implants) so I blamed it on that. Lately the " infections "

> come

> > more and more regularly and whether I use medicine or not, it

> goes

> > away. I've changed make-up, gone without make-up, I've tried

> > everything. I constantly feel like I have goop in my right

> eye. Has

> > anyone else had that happen? I've also been diagnosed with

> Sjogren's

> > due to dry eyes and dry mouth which I did not have before the

> Lasik

> > otherwise they would not have done the surgery.

> >

> > I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

> >

> > Pam

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